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Montreal Escorts

Recent content by Kazunori

  1. K

    Why are prices dropping?? $140 is back!

    It's funny all this distress over 10-30 dollars /hr more. I've been on the Montreal scene since 97 and much like yourselves have witnessed the shifting of prices back and forth. Back in the day when Scent of a Woman was charging 120/hr... Douce Folie was charging 100/hr BUT these weren't...
  2. K

    Regarding: Current Reviewing System and my thoughts on it

    Hello again everyone. Ok an update for everyone... I will be back in Montreal on the 25th of this month (May) and I have intentions of 3-4 girls and I will use the system I proposed and then you all can give feedback and we'll see how the discussion goes from there. Best Regards, Kazunori
  3. K

    Regarding: Current Reviewing System and my thoughts on it

    Excellent, this is exactly the type of discussion I was hoping would happen. Spin to answer your question, while I am neither govt. nor civil servant, I do own a very reputable consulting firm in the US that specializes in customer satisfaction survey results analysis. Hence why my suggested...
  4. K

    Regarding: Current Reviewing System and my thoughts on it

    Hello Everyone: I wanted to place a thought out there and open it up for some intelligent discussion and possibly implement a voluntary change to how we score sessions with escorts. I want to put forward the following statement: The current scoring system and categories used are outdated...
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