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Recent content by RYANvsEVERYBODY

  1. R

    Ask us anything part 2

    That's insane. Even at $600 an hour, you can't filter out all the problematic customers. I guess it keeps the cheapskates at bay, but you're still left dealing with the rich jerks who show up drunk or high and act like complete pieces of shit. I would've thought that at a certain price point...
  2. R

    Ask us anything part 2

    Sorry, I didn't realize things got that grim. I come from a completely different world and had no idea some experiences with clients were so traumatic. I was expecting stories about bad mishaps, like a client missing the toilet or something along those lines.
  3. R

    Ask us anything part 2

    Give me a rundown of your worst encounter and what exactly made it a disaster.
  4. R

    What do you think paying for sex or companionship will be like 30 years from?

    It's called Nyotaimori—eating sushi off a naked woman's body. Because why use a plate when you can use a person?
  5. R

    What do you think paying for sex or companionship will be like 30 years from?

    Change could be a good thing. For all you know, it might even mean regulations that legalize prostitution.
  6. R

    What do you think paying for sex or companionship will be like 30 years from?

    Paying for sex will inevitably morph. Younger generations aren't having as much sex, which could very well spike the market. Less sex could mean more business for paid services, or perhaps a surge in paying just for company. Change is a given, nothing that mixes pleasure and cash stays the same...
  7. R

    Fingering: The basics

    Do you hand out maps to the G-spot when people meet you in person? How exactly do we locate it?
  8. R

    How important is her “O”

    Not sure if you're directing this at me, but I’ll bite. I work 16-18 hours a day in a high-stress environment managing, frankly, a bunch of idiots across various locations, with significant financial stakes involved at any moment. And I’m only 24, so enduring stamina and rapid recovery are just...
  9. R

    Do providers prefer younger or older men?

    I've given @April Dyson Eau de Coque before, but I think mine is a bit different from the one you're talking about.
  10. R

    Do providers prefer younger or older men?

    I notice only clients are responding to this. But this question is aimed at providers. Any providers care to weigh in?
  11. R

    How important is her “O”

    What kind of question is that, really? Who's paying whom here? If she's the one having an orgasm, technically, she should be paying for the pleasure, not the other way around. Always keep the transactional nature of this arrangement in mind. Now, before I piss off too many people, let me be...
  12. R

    Incall Appointment Etiquette

    After your shower, come out completely naked and sprawl out on the bed to dry off.
  13. R

    Hot stocks to buy? suggestions, recommendations

    That's funny, you clearly haven’t understood what I said. Since you read my explanation and still confuse investing with gambling, let’s simplify it: the stock market and a casino are nearly identical in mechanics. The fundamental distinction between gambling and investing is the edge—the...
  14. R

    Hot stocks to buy? suggestions, recommendations

    This forum is called 'hot stocks to buy?,' a rather vague title, so I’ll provide a few interpretations. If you mean 'hot' as in sexy, consider RICK, a company that owns several strip clubs. If 'hot' implies spicy, look at CMG, which represents Chipotle, a mexican fast food chain. And if you’re...
  15. R

    Hot stocks to buy? suggestions, recommendations

    You joke about sports betting compared to traditional investing. But the essence of investing is having an edge—whether that's using time and inflation to boost a decent company's bottom line or spotting an undervalued prospect. There's an argument that sports betting, when approached with a...
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