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Recent content by The blondeguy

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    Montreal Massage Practioners Official Best of year 2023 Massage Practioners MP votes! (No MP vote please!)

    Okay sorry. Is there somewhere I can vote for her as MP of the year?
  2. T

    Review Forum for Sugar Babies?

    Thank you, yes I was seeing one who had a boyfriend and he actually thought we just had dinner together. He was too naive or stupid to realize sd/sb is a sexual relationship.
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    Review Forum for Sugar Babies?

    Hi Has anyone seen sugar babies that they would recommend, or once you have one , you keep them to yourself? I would assume these SB have more than one SD?
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    Sad news, long-time member passes away

    Very sorry to hear of his passing, did not know him, but read many reviews. Sympathy to his family and to the Merb members.
  5. T

    GF used to be an SP

    Robert, go for it. You have one life, live it. I know an ex SP who settled down and she is happy. Best of luck to you, all the best.
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