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Montreal Escorts

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  1. M

    Looking for travel agents!!

    i m planning a trip to australia in december...wondering if someone knows a travel agent or a wholesaler with good contacts that deals alot with australia for good rates on flights ...please pm me or post your info thanks in advance mr.magoo
  2. M

    this is scary!! what s the world coming to

  3. M

    Thought of the day

    " the big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less" :D
  4. M

    what do women want??
  5. M

    I need help with a song

    its plays in melanies profile in montreal xxtase website not for publicity or anything the song is stuck in my head ....who sings it ?? lyrics only you could make me feel ..something along those lines thanks in advance mr.magoo
  6. M

    whack your boss
  7. M

    who needs sp s anyways

    when i got my car!!
  8. M


    robery gone wrong :eek:
  9. M

    Is this for real??

    check this out!!
  10. M

    has this ever happened to you??

    may contain adult subject matter!!!
  11. M

    this is hilarious !!! enjoy!!
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