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    New Montreal Restaurant Thread

    Their site need more info. You can't figure out when they had their meal. last night or 10 years ago. When In town I rely on chowhound, trip advisor and restomontreal. Of course sometimes you have to read between the line and like merb you recognise the chills reviews.
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    Rim job

    Is this what they call XXXtreme rim job?
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    Documentary on prostitution aired on monday,in french

    I don't know what planet you live on but it must be one happy horny one ;) Forcing someone is not only physical. I would be curious to know how many would quit this field if they had enough cash to make a decent living. My guess is that the one left would be the emotionally manipulated...
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    The Official Merb Recipes thread

    pizza delevery and I add my special extra spicy EVOH
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    Montreal Buffets

    I think you should refresh you info. You can bring beer to a BYOB restaurant now but not hard liquor or cooler drinks.
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    Airbus Are Falling From The Sky, Like Flies

    Wasn't really paying attention but I was listening to a newscast where an african man, who said he got off the plane, was mentioning that the plane was packed with people everywhere. now if the plane looked something like this, no wonder it crashed...
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    New Montreal Restaurant Thread

    Thanks Pro, Daou is in another league indeed but they are not a fast food place and they are not downtown. I wonder why? I've been to both location. The one in St-Laurent is more upscale like la sirene restaurant on acadie and the one on, I think, fallon is more family style. I wonder if the...
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    New Montreal Restaurant Thread

    My worst experiences with lebanese food was in Ottawa. Unfortunately most places now cut on quality of the products to save $$$. can you blame them? Otherwise they would close down. When you go in a place that is busy chances are that you will get FRESHly cooked food but the ingredients...
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    Opinions Sought: Dating & the Industry

    You don't choose who you fall for. One has to make sur eit os not lust !
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    New Montreal Restaurant Thread

    How dare you call yourself a doctor with no expertise on the matter ;) Have you tried MAIN steak house version of smoke meat? There's so many twist on the smoke meat sandwich that taste is different from place to place. Is it Old Style (old fashioned) is it commercial? You don't want...
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    Booking Problems and what to do about it...

    I'm always amazed that people expect ISO 20000 quality in this hobby. Never forget that most girls are young and like to party. They also get hangovers.
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    Separatist party wants Habs to be locally owned

    fun with words Partis Québecois ( separatist party) wants Les Canadians to stay in Québec.:D
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    Chances of HIV transmission from woman to man

    Some people do win the loto 6-49 One should NEVER wait 2 months if he thinks he got in contact with a possible HIV infected partner. I would get my ass ASAP to a clinic and get all the info and the IMMEDIATE PREVENTION treatment available (PEP) if doctor decides he should have it. You...
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    Disturbing Event At Cleopatra

    Bravo Lilly. The days of cops going out just for fun and frisking all black men in a club isn't their saturday night fever anymore. You guys should ask the owner next time. Here's my guess, a crime or a beating happened and someone maybe saw a 2-3 black people enter cleopatra but couldn't be...
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    Final Word

    Fuck You but you think you'll be back in 10-20 years. WOW! you are damaged big time and if you keep this attitude you'll never be a happy person. Help is available unless your ego is making you proud. Wishing you well and see ya in 10-20 years. Hope I'll be able to, well ya know, in ten years!
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    Loose Change Movie (MUST WATCH!!!!!) can be seen online free.

    No it is known that steel melts thus causing a collapse. There is also another technique in building construction that is coming back where they using WOOD BEAMS instead of steel. Wood burns but won't collapse as fast.
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    Loose Change Movie (MUST WATCH!!!!!) can be seen online free.

    Here's a report from the magazine called popular mechanics who debunked 911 conspiracies Like everything you read or see on the news. Find out who owns the paper or the tv station. Lots of anomalies in 911. Will we...
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    combattre le rhume...quelqu'una d'autre idée???

    Thanks for the info on flavonoids. My daily shock treatment is a few quart of Orange juice and lots of vitamin C. Always did the job makes me feel symptoms free.
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    Reviews en echange de services gratuits = SHILL OU NON?

    my 2 cents, this conversation should have been with you sisters not members on the forum. Vero you should be up for sainthood for refusing! please cut the crap and be honest. You think by saying that you're honest you'll get more business? What difference does it make that you give a...
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    Any advice on free anti-virus software

    Merry Virus free Xmass everyone. Here's my favorite anti-virus from a german company it's called antivir Why I like it? Because it's the only one that found infected files that avg, kaspersky, avast, et co couldn't find. So it's all a question of taste for me.
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