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  1. E

    Stop putting yourself in dangerous situation

    I think your lawyer buddy is a bottom feeder. He is no Robin Hood, he takes all claims legitimate or fraud. Do you truly believe that he is there to help the underdog and hurts no one while sticking it to big faceless corporations? If an insurance company has to pay out high claims they will...
  2. E

    DANGER: Proche de Rue Bélanger/Pie-IX à Rosemont,-73.5867969,3a,75y,358.5h,76.55t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sk3tk-o8nn9cUti_R8UsF3w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en-GB I pass by there recently and noticed a Islamic community center just across the street. there was also the ruminants of a massage place next door. I...
  3. E

    Would you participate in a gangbang?

    At a gang bang you run the risk of getting hit with friendly fire or dunking your little friend into the sloppy seconds pot of sperm stew.
  4. E

    Death threat texts

    Be it Police or an employee of the SAAQ, if they do access the info, it will be on record. Not much chance lowlife scum will have access to government computers.
  5. E

    Stop putting yourself in dangerous situation

    Small or big man, are you going to get killed or injured for a few bucks. Hobby on the advice of MERB and you will be better off. Like the old joke goes, What do you call a midget with a gun ( or knife ) Answer - Sir! The whole world is a dangerous place where huge organized gangs walk into a...
  6. E

    Do some SPs get attracted to their clients?

    I believe sometimes they are attracted to clients. just as in real life they may be attracted to looks, intelligence and sympathy.
  7. E

    Do SP's give better services to better looking clients ?

    They may, but I would think that they give better service to good paying and regular clients.
  8. E

    Death threat texts

    They can not get any other info with just a plate number, even if they were in a position to do so the computer system would know who accessed your info. After going through hard times in the last two years. The criminals seem to be going through hard times as well. They are resorting to...
  9. E

    DANGER: Proche de Rue Bélanger/Pie-IX à Rosemont

    E-Z Just send a not to all the residents near by and to the address of the scammers, they can not continue to use the same address if they know all eyes are on them.
  10. E

    Are we about to enter into a hobbying ice age? Are we dinosaurs?

    Hey, we all know Trump is fake news. You must have learned from the Shiessmaster himself. The topic is : Are we about to enter into a hobbying ice age.
  11. E

    Are we about to enter into a hobbying ice age? Are we dinosaurs?

    I said : fake news/politically correct world. ( take a side not because you believe in it but because it pays a political dividend ) better get something to smoke for that glaucoma you have.
  12. E

    Are we about to enter into a hobbying ice age? Are we dinosaurs?

    With Trump pushing his fake news/ politically correct world, With the me too movement and the Scandinavian model mentality towards hobbying these days. Are we about to enter into a hobbying ice age? All things go in waves. In 1900 women wore their skirts down to their ankles and by the 1920s the...
  13. E

    Lawyer or SP ?

    So......................the old geezer fucked a lawyer? An 15 year old girl comes home from school. "Mum," she asks tentatively, "can you get pregnant from anal sex?" "Don't be silly of course you can," replies her mother, "Where do you think lawyers come from?"
  14. E

    Lack of Professionalism... Not good at all

    I think the agencies book without any girls hoping they will get one to take the booking. Sometimes they have too many, sometimes they have none.
  15. E

    Most famous ever Quebecer worldwide?

    Even though he was a flash in the pan, Luca Magnotta was famous world wide when he was on the run accused of murder.
  16. E

    Is this an SP training camp?

    Could it be a training course for girls that want to do erotic movies.
  17. E

    Things You Like That You Can't Get Anymore

    10 cent chocolate bar. Getting a hard on because you could see up the teachers skirt.
  18. E

    What would you do if....

    I have been to some countries where massages are not as "complete" as they are in Montreal. In the UK some ladies will ask you if you want relief, if the client is a cop they can explain that offer as an offer to use the bathroom. Many ladies will be ambiguous over the phone and not intend to...
  19. E

    Bixi Bikes

    I heard on the radio that the bikes cost $900 each because they are made in Quebec. I will bet they can have them made in Chine on spec for under $200.
  20. E

    Snow tire suggestions, what brand to buy.

    The Canadian Tire Nordics were OK for me last winter.
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