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    Long term arrangements

    Thanks for your contributions, Maria. You are a wise and wonderful person.
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    Long term arrangements

    Thanks, Patron, for the advice. I'm thinking about how to make my hobby workable as well, and your suggestions seem really smart.
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    Where to get a well tailored suit?

    I like Dagenais at Phillip's Square downtown. Made-to measure for well under a grand. I have had a couple, which I wear a lot.
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    Restaurant thread....the best place to eat...Where!!!

    My two best meals in the city: Maison Boulud Les Deux Singes de Montarvie Both are mind-blowing.
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    How often do you see SPs ?

    at least once a week. Tooooo much...
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    Does anyone on here believe in god and the bible?

    You got that right, Cloudsurf!
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    Does anyone on here believe in god and the bible?

    I like the view of God that Montaigne has, (read his "Apology for Raymond Sebond") which is one that is so far above us in intelligence and everything else, it is impossible for us to relate to him. That is the only kind of God I can believe in. The Old testament God is a sick joke. The New...
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    Does anyone on here believe in god and the bible?

    To answer the question: Hahahahahahahahaha!
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    Indycompanion Soirée: a night of spooky, sexy fun!

    Like I said I can't make it, but I consoling myself with a duo the night before... Have fun everyone!!
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    Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?

    Absolutely- they will pay an obvious price for losing control and getting angry... The guys who make irresponsible and even weird arguments will not, being able to remain safely anonymous.
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    Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?

    Verbal sparring, where you deliberately misquote the person you are arguing with may be fun for you, but it is a waste of everyone's time. I clearly stated that there was irrationality on both sides. If you want to be rational, be rational. SPs are, I assume more knowledgeable because they...
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    Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?

    When I delete a post, it's because I regret having said it. That was probably the case. It takes courage to admit you were wrong. I understand you guys getting angry at getting called names, but this whole-sale ganging up on the two (or three) women who were emotional and called you names...
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    Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?

    I only pointed out that the name calling came AFTER all the hysterical reaction. Name-calling is ALWAYS wrong. It weakens your argument and shows a lack of emotional control. So does stereotyping by gender, as many of you have done, and so does homophobia, which many of you obviously exhibit...
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    Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?

    Funny you say that. In this thread-gone-wrong I find: - a majority agreeing that a post-op trans person should reveal their status before the encounter. Discussion should be over, but then we get: -a discussion of the whole trans-issue which devolved into quite a few men who reacted...
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    Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?

    You're absolutely right. However, there is such a strong chauvinistic, paternalistic turn to this thread, and I am sorry to say that my brothers in this hobby are not even accepting of even IMPLIED criticism. It's shameful to watch on both sides, but I find the men to be far more vicious, hence...
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    Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?

    Now I get it, guys: according to many of you, women aren't allowed to have an opinion.
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    Indycompanion Soirée: a night of spooky, sexy fun!

    This is that "touch of Weltschmerz" I was talking about, my dear... :-)
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    Indycompanion Soirée: a night of spooky, sexy fun!

    Because of unfortunate circumstances, I can no longer make it, but I am looking forward to seeing Amber again this week! I want to state that I looooooove the variety of shapes and sizes of the girls I meet from Indy Companion. That, and their intelligence, sensuality and commitment to making...
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    Transgender who advertise as female escorts... right or wrong?

    You are missing the point... why not read the OP?! This thread about post-op transgendered persons.
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