Montreal Escorts

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  1. D

    Vos avez pas peur ???

    CBJ is just as nice when done well and demarcates the ones with superior technique. It also eliminates the logistical step of putting on protection in the middle of the action.
  2. D

    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    I think the Cons had this with a landslide (including Quebec) if they had chosen to eject the nuttery. Ah, well, it’ll be “interesting to watch”, as they say. The political pendulum in action, swinging towards the other way…
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    SILLY POILIÈVRE and the Canadian Conservative Party

    I never liked Trudeau. But I also do not like the Conservative alternative: like Trudeau, Poilievre never had a real job. He is just as arrogant as Trudeau and is a demagogue appealing to the right-wing nutbars whom I certainly do not want to see in charge. Trudeau has done his time, but...
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    Does Montréal have the best SP scene in all of Canada?

    Fully concur with what many have mentioned: lack of diversity in Montreal. All White chicks. Booooooring. Where are the Black, Brown, Asian, Latino and Mixed ladies ???
  5. D

    Anthony Bourdain RIP

    Great guy. Was not a regular of the show, but every time I started watching I became riveted to my couch. Very sad.
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    French Canadian !

    Since by your own admission the majority of French Quebecers are open, why do you waste time inflating and distorting what the most extreme bring to the debate? Why do you torture yourself by exaggerating their influence and priming yourself up with that? You're hurting yourself. Loosen up...
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    French Canadian !

    Funny. Because you are so logic and you're thoughts are so clearly expressed, right? You are a model of intellect, rationality, and discourse. Roll over Aristotle... I must confess to how inferior I feel to you, and so emotional (you know, like vaguely womanly or gay?). You're right, don't...
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    French Canadian !

    Stop constantly generalizing personal frustrations into interpretation of political phenomena, to the scale of a whole society. Like I've mentioned in a previous post, all workplaces have been at involve French speakers systematically switching to English as soon as there's an English speaker...
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    French Canadian !

    Reality distorsion You are perceiving reality in a completely distorted way. I've spent the largest part of my life living in Quebec and have never felt English was on the retreat, on the contrary. Full access to it on TV, Radio; pretty prevalent in Montreal, where one can easily live in...
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    French Canadian !

    Invalid argument If you have a lethal disease for which your doctor tells you there is a cure, will you forego treatment simply because death is an inevitable faith anyway? This demonstrates the invalidity of your argument: mankind is better equipped than ever before to preserve knowledge...
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    French Canadian !

    What if these allophones come from war-torn Syria, have daughters that would have become Isis wives? You think they give a fuck about their kids having to learn French up until high school, and then see them go to university in English? You think they mind having polyglot educated daughters...
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    French Canadian !

    And you think you can pass judgement on Quebec's society? You should rather worry about a president that labels a whole class of immigrants as rapists, about predominantly white Republican states' attempts at redistricting to suppress the votes of non-white, mostly afro-american and poor members...
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    French Canadian !

    Je pensais plus qu'il allait l'engloutir sous une giclee de sperme et faire passer ca sur le dos du rechauffement climatique. Ah mais c'est qu'il en est capable, il ne faut pas le sous-estimer!
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    French Canadian !

    Minutemenx: O my God you are such a literate worldly Renaissance man. An international economics expert, versed in monetary policy, with a deep understanding of what shapes future world events. You are all unto yourself a trend setter, a thought leader, and a love guru, the Oracle of orgasms...
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    French Canadian !

    Julia, je t' aime.
  16. D

    French Canadian !

    Gimme a break Give me a break with that natural selection bullshit. Laws of nature do not have to be applied to cultural phenomena. We can use our good judgement and alter the course of events for the common good. There is no attack or persecution of anglophones in Quebec. I used to work in an...
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