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  1. Valcazar

    Rapid tests for a client/SP meeting: realistic or not?

    Yes, and? The question is at what rate and what that means. The Binex ones they are handing out are upwards of 90% sensitive and close to 100% specific. If you test positive, you are almost certainly positive. If you test negative, it might not be true. So it works as harm reduction, not...
  2. Valcazar

    Rapid tests for a client/SP meeting: realistic or not?

    That's silly. No test is 100% accurate (and I'm not even sure what you mean by "accurate" here).
  3. Valcazar


    That is is both milder (for some variable of) and seems to block out others would be an amazing stroke of luck. Milder but vastly more contagious will still fuck up hospital capacity, but if boosters do drop transmission again and vaccination keeps the hospitalizations down even more, we could...
  4. Valcazar


    I've been very careful about all the "It isn't as bad!" news because I want that to be true and clearly so do many of the people reporting on it. That creates a really strong incentive to read the data in a biased manner subconsciously and over project. But as it has gone on for a while and...
  5. Valcazar


    Here in Montreal? I am guessing this isn't about the popular ones downtown.
  6. Valcazar


    had no idea karaoke lounges were fronts. Serves me right for not being musical.
  7. Valcazar

    Joe Biden a good President

    Think about how consistently racist in actual effect the GOP has to be that Biden has such support despite all the things you are claiming here. That's the thing about a two party system - you always have to compare what's happening with what the other side is offering.
  8. Valcazar

    Joe Biden a good President

    There are definitely reasons it ended up this way, but just overall "testing" in North America has always been focused on clinic testing because it is "more accurate" and that was a mistake. Testing as diagnosis is important, sure, but testing as intervention (people deciding to stay home...
  9. Valcazar

    Joe Biden a good President

    The rapid test thing has been a failure in both the US and Canada. They should have been a major tool and subsidized heavily and both countries dropped the ball on it. Playing catch up now is going to be a logistical shit show and Biden, Trudeau, LeGault, all of them, deserve getting flack over...
  10. Valcazar

    Joe Biden a good President

    It's incredibly rare. Usually there are no serious runs (you can always find a vanity run in the corner somewhere). But since a strong run is usually considered a sign of weakness, most parties hate it when someone tries. There was a reason the GOP changed the rules about running and even...
  11. Valcazar

    DC Capital Riots Fallout

    That Shaman guy wasn't leading anything. Oh, so you don't want to admit to the failed coup, but you are all on board for a successful one?
  12. Valcazar

    Biden Parody and Comedy Thread

    No. Trump is both thin-skinned and addle brained.
  13. Valcazar

    DC Capital Riots Fallout

    At least you are admitting it was a coup attempt.
  14. Valcazar

    Joe Biden a good President

    If his poll numbers stay low, he might get a challenge, yes. Manchin won't be it as he would be crushed in a primary since most Democrats don't like him.
  15. Valcazar

    Joe Biden a good President

    Almost none. The US system was designed assuming there would be no parties. (Remember, they were making up a lot of this as they went along so it is a mix of idealism, practical deals, and guesses about what would work.) They quickly realized they were wrong, but the "Era of Good Feelings" made...
  16. Valcazar

    Biden Parody and Comedy Thread

    They all think Biden is thin-skinned like Trump and it pisses them off that he just doesn't care about their trolling.
  17. Valcazar

    Towards the presidential run of 2024

    You have to win the primary, so you would think being a corrupt racist is mandatory. I don't think that's true, though. I think corrupt, racist, and sexist are the key elements - as long as you have two of those, you are a contender.
  18. Valcazar

    Brazil, Bolsonaro

    Brazil will catch up per capita shortly, and may even catch up total.
  19. Valcazar

    Derek Chauvin trial

    PBS is streaming it. I think a bunch of places are since they decided they would let it be streamed publically. I would go with local coverage, though. They don't have...
  20. Valcazar

    The Trump Crime Family

    That you will need to show evidence of that. The protests were encouraged, the riots condemned. "The Left" - if you are talking about the further left extremist side of US politics - hates the Democrats. Were there Democrats saying that riots should be used to overthrow legitimate government and...
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