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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well for me merb is 99% of the hobby ;) The remaining 1% is twitter. I see no point in going on low end classified site when i can call Sam or James and have a great time for 220(mostly :p) Im guessing those classified site are good for guys who saw everybody in every agencies or merb indies and are kinda bored, but then if they have that much money then they should avoid the low end side entirely... :/

Ok ok i know different strokes for different folks, i don't presume to know why you hobby the way you do, surely you have your reasons to hobby outside of merb. Personally its a risk i am not willing to take.

I got kind of amused a few weeks ago in another thread where a regular poster didn’t seem to like my comment that the thorough screening process that is part of the upper-end U.S. escort scene likely provides a greater relative safety for U.S. escorts than many of their Canadian sisters.

Think this was me. Well like i said many times i don't have a problem to be verified by my online identity or by a reference (tough i see indies so rarely it wouldn't be in the "last 6 months" lol) but i am against going "too personal" with full name and especially job place and other very personal stuff. I even saw some peoples mentioning a photocopy of the passport or driving liscence... yes suuuuuure, what else, my bank account number? lol
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