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STD from Handjob?


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
yes. they are not the exact same virus.

ie. if you already have the herpese simplex virus presenting as a cold sore you can also get the genital herpes simplex virus. when some one who has herpes presently has an outbreak and then touches the open sores with their hands they can pass the virus but it may not present as genital herpes. I you are pregnant and have a baby the doctors will preform a c-section because the infant can catch the virus and it will present in their eye area.... there is lots of information on google for this stuff. There is not really anyway to protect yourself from the herpes simplex virus except through abstinence. even condoms will not protect you.
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Virgin User
May 17, 2006
IGotGame said:
what happens if you already have cold sores? can you still get the virus somewhere else?

Yes. If you google for the condition I mentioned above, you'll see that you can even infect yourself! eg: you have it on your lips - you pick at the scab - you get it on your fingers - you put on your contact lenses without washing your hands - get you it in your eyes.

You can also transmit other bugs from manual genital activity: (see the middle question:)


New Member
May 23, 2005
What Kepler says is true, but if you are going to worry about herpes from a handjob, I suggest you find another hobby.

And if you do get it from a handjob, my guess is that you'll be able to find a support group. Approximately four billion people have it. (not a joke...actual statistic)

So watch whom you shake hands with, and be especially carefully of who makes your sandwiches.
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New Member
Nov 1, 2007
Yes i got male yeast infection, extreamly contagious same fungas as female yeast, you can also get if fron the lubricated condoms. A hell of a thing to get rid of. Mix lamisel with vineger the u get phorieses and dont know weather to use more lamesil or cortisone cream. take about 3 monts to get rid of it.
Wash wash wash under the penile gland steam bath helps i think
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