Montreal Escorts

Quebec politician again in the news. Stray cat killer.


Lily from Montreal

He's a idiot, he is always trying to provoke to get the medias attention...during the student strike he made a huge scene because he got held in traffic caused by the manifestation, as if it was worse for him to be inconvenienced then for the rest of us...He used to have a radio show where he would say the most outrageous things...

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
He is a controversial personage.

That's years is playing the pseudo-moralistic guy,
and I just think he is totally not mentally healthy.

That's very popular people who are acting strangely,
they are getting famous because of that.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
But he is an elected mayor of a town, people actually voted for him.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Yes, I know he has been elected.

What can I say?

Maybe he is having this kind of "sex-appel" that people will prefer to vote on VS his concurrents.

There's a lots of strange things happening each days around the world.

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Ferral cats have infested many European cities. They are often the targets of motorists.
These cats kill song birds, tear up gardens, root thru garbage and spread disease.
The parks here are overun with squirrels. In Europe parks and monuments are overun by cats.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Feral dogs and cats are a problem in some Caribbean countries. I recall travelling to Turks and Caicos back in the 1990s and seeing packs of feral dogs while driving to the resort from the airport. I also saw feral cats on the beach. One of the locals, in response to my inquiries about the situation, told me the government had hired "bounty hunters" to kill the dogs in particular, because they were harassing the tourists. I assume they were paid per diem based on the head count of animals killed. An Island like that can only have an economy based on tourism, so it is a dirty job they have to do to keep the tourists comfortable and coming back every year. Turks and Caicos also had a shark problem which they solved by dumping garbage on the coast of a remote area of the Island where there is no development. This attracted sharks away from beach areas where there are many swimmers who could become shark food. The T&C are the #3 scuba diving destination in the world, because of the shark population and abundance of marine life.
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