Massage Adagio
Montreal Escorts

Ladies, gentlemen and open-minded couples, welcome and thank you for taking the time to stop in.
Your timing is impeccable as I have an interesting proposition for you.

First, a brief overture...
My name is Gabriella Laurence. I am an established mature independent companion, born and raised in Montreal. Time and time again, the distinguished patrons I accept to spend time with have commented very positively on the fact that they very much appreciate my gentle nature, engaging personality, sharp wit, genuineness, seductive aura and that my zest for life is unmistakable.

Professional career aside, I enjoy experiencing as many dimensions of life as possible, and being a part-time companion allows me the opportunity to explore the erotic extension of my personal self; it is a special privilege to do so with a very few select suitors on a monthly basis. I specialize in
all-inclusive and exclusive extended encounters (two hours or longer), GFE dinner dates, overnights and weekend getaways.

I am a natural chameleon and equally comfortable in a beautiful cocktail dress while enjoying a night out on the town in your company or in my favorite pair of jeans cuddled up next to you for a quiet evening in that includes stimulating conversation and comforting intimacy.

Please note that though I retain a slight (and very sexy) French accent, I am fluent in both French and English therefore articulate
communication will never be an issue when we meet or when we correspond via email.
You can find links to my reviews and recommendations on the main page.

The overture-suite: music to your ears!
I will be doing some restructuring of my various Montreal packages within the next few weeks and once my new seductive website is ready,
my newly increased consideration(s) will take effect. In the mean time, I have a very advantageous offer for you.

Between Tuesday, July 1st and Thursday, July 31st, 2014, a distinctive donation will be made available to you.
The second exciting perk is that if we do spend time together between the dates previously mentioned, you will have the
exquisite privilege of enjoying this special donation for an entire year.
*Terms and conditions are non-negotiable*

An Exciting Social Introduction
3 to 4 hours in a public setting $550
Intimate Tête-à-tête
2 hours $550
Uninhibited Moments
3 hours $800
A Sensuous Exploration of the Senses: Lunch Date and Sweet Dessert in Private
4 hours (about half & half) $900
An Unrushed Affair Filled with Pure Delight: Exquisite Supper Date and Private Night Cap
5 hours (about half & half) $1100
Additional Hour $200
Connect with Unrushed Eroticism ~ Sensual Overnight Tryst
12 to 15 hours $2000
Explore, Discover and Immerse Yourself into Lingering Pleasure
24 hours $2500
Incredible Weekend Getaway for Two
Additional day $1500
Epicurean Delights: A Week Long Escapade
$7 000

Dear couples, please add $200 total to the package of your choice.

Substantial Galanteries
To engage in an unrushed sensual experience filled with laughter, conversation, cuddles, passionate fiery intimacy and delightful sexiness,
please contact me via email to arrange our erotic tryst:

[email protected]
Subject: An exclusive date with Gabriella in Montreal

If we haven't already had the pleasure of meeting, please include the following in your email introduction:
A little bit about yourself
Your name and phone number
Day, time and duration for our rendez-vous
Outcall location—I do not accept requests at motels
A reference from another independent companion (with name, email address and website link)
*If you do not have a reference, please inform me and I will gladly offer you alternatives**

Gentlemen, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Your sweet, bubbly and fiery redhead lover,

Gabriella xox

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New pictures on the way!

Ladies, gentlemen and sexy open-minded couples,

I hope you all had a fantastic week! Mine was amazing and was filled with all sorts of excitement! The highlight was definitely the professional photoshoot
I did yesterday. Even though I highly dislike being in front of a camera (I suffer from a serious case of "dear caught in headlights" syndrome lol), I still had a good time :)

I had a quick sneak peek of my pictures today and
once I release my new photographs, I'm hoping you'll be as happy as I am with the results. I will be making my selection over the next 4-5 days (I have LOTS of pictures to look at lol) and once I'm ready, I will get my photographer to do some minor edits to them (blurring) in order to protect my privacy. This will of course cause a small delay but it is something that needs to be done.

In the mean time, please enjoy my new website:

Until July 31st, I am offering you a special donation and an exclusive opportunity. Please see my post above for more details.

I would also like to remind you that my availability as a part-time companion is limited and if you wish for the two (or three ) of us to spend time together,
I do need a reasonable notice of at least 48 hours. I understand it might not be always convenient for you but it is the only way I can arrange a sassy get together with you.

Have a great weekend! :)

Gabriella xox
Toronto Escorts