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Montreal Escorts

A VIP Invitation to Distinctive Exclusivity, Unhurried Moments & Candid Sensuality


Ladies, gentlemen and open-minded couples,

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gabriella Laurence. I am an established mature independent courtesan and exclusive travel companion from Montreal. The captivating companionship adventures and the invigorating ongoing journeys I engage in with my select patrons are, just like you, a sweet escape from my busy professional and personal everyday life. I am always ecstatic about experiencing wonderful moments in the presence of like-minded accomplices while completely leaving behind the weighted attachments of a traditional relationship. It is truly refreshing, vitalizing and liberating.

I am 5'8 and possess a beautiful, well-proportioned, curvaceous silhouette, luscious long legs, silky red hair, seductive but mischievous green eyes, a gorgeous smile and a contagious laugh. Time and time again, my patrons have told me they always appreciate my sincere demeanor, gentle nature, sharp wit, engaging personality and seductive aura; that my zest for life is truly unmistakable. Although I retain a slight but very sexy French accent, I am fluent in both English and French. Articulate communication will never be an issue when we meet or correspond via email.

Whether you would like to get together for a romantic dinner date, a stimulating overnight escapade, a relaxing weekend getaway or if you are simply looking for a fun and engaging companion to spice up your business trip, whatever the occasion is, it will be my pleasure to meet with you at your upscale hotel or private residence for an exclusive 2 hour engagement or longer. I do require a minimum of 24 to 48 hours notice so I am kindly inviting you to take the former into consideration when contacting me. Thank you.

If we haven’t had the opportunity to meet yet or if you are planning to travel to Montreal on business, rest assured that it is never too early to contact me. I actually prefer it this way as it gives us a chance to communicate, get to know one another and establish a good comfort level before meeting. Being a sapiosexual at heart, intellectual foreplay prior to our date is an excellent way to create anticipation and excitement!

When contemplating a special rendez-vous or a new experience that will delight and excite all your senses, do not hesitate to throw your inhibitions to the wind and allow me to whisk you away to my world of physical and intellectual passion! Let's get to know each other and let's see what type of adventure we can explore together!

Always been and always will be your little sultry secret,

Gabriella xox
Welcome to Exclusivity, Refinement & Classic Elegance!


Sweeping you away to exclusive moments of passion...

Dear ladies, gentlemen and open-minded couples,

I hope this finds you well and enjoying taking part in all your special Christmas preparations!

I know my schedule can be a little difficult to deal with at times but the good news is that my office will be closing down for 2 weeks over the holiday period and this means I will be on vacation for all that time! As a result, I will be able, more freely, to indulge in some well-deserved, sweet moments in your delightful company.

Since I am and always been a firm believer in exclusivity and take great pleasure in raveling you with my undivided attention, as per usual, I will not be accepting more than one request per day when I am available over the holidays. I will still need a reasonable minimum notice of 24-48 hours in order to coordinate my availability with yours.

If you would like to take advantage of my distinctive holiday opportunity, please
click here

I am looking forward to spending exciting moments in your exquisite company!

Happy Holidays,

Gabriella xox
Welcome to Distinctive Exclusivity, Exquisite Refinement & Classic Elegance


Happy Holidays And A...


Merry Christmas!!

Wishing you all the best for this holiday season and for 2015!

Ladies, Gentlemen and open-minded couples,

When was the last time you took the opportunity to truly spoil yourself, disconnect and withdraw from your fast-paced lifestyle by immersing yourself in sultry company where sensuality, wit, charm and beauty go hand-in-hand?

Authentic in demeanor and attitude, always warm, friendly and engaging, I am inviting you to explore my intoxicating charisma, the perfume of my alluring curves, and my sensuous feisty energy; it is time to let go and be swept away to profound moments of passion!

Unhurried Quality Time
A Carefree Ambience
Intimate Conversation
Flirtatious Gazes
Exciting Contemplation
Building Urgency

Implicit Desires
Soft Caresses
Intense Kisses
Erotic Embraces
Sensual Exploration
Passionate Discovery
Sweet Pampering

Mutual Pleasure
Affectionate Cuddles
Soothing Relaxation
Pure Delight
Lasting Memories

Welcome to Distinctive Exclusivity, Exquisite Refinement & Classic Elegance!


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