Montreal Escorts

Losing patience with GIRLFRIEND (formerly Sexy Indies)

marky mark

Active Member
Aug 30, 2014
Early last week I attempted to make a booking by email with Girlfriend for the following week.
Received a reply -allegedly from the girl- saying she would get back to me at the end of week on her availability Monday and Tuesday.
I am under no illusion that the girls themselves are replying to booking requests and resent Girlfriend's misrepresentation.
The end of the week came and went, and Monday or Tuesday came and went. Nothing. No reply.
I have no problem if they are unable to make a booking. But for heaven's sake at least have the courtesy to let me know.
They are very proud of their email only booking, claiming on their blog it enables them to serve their clients better.
Well, I've been a repeat client since the spring and all my emails and complaints on this fiasco have gone unanswered.
Girlfriend has several terrific girls who I would like to see again but their antiquated email booking, filthy and cramped incall location and utter indifference to my complaints on their booking failures makes this impossible.
Has anyone else has similar problems with them?
I've only had the best experiences with the girls so I know that's not why I'm getting jerked around.
What gives with these guys?


Active Member
Dec 30, 2013
Good question. With their roster and high quality web-site they could be a real decent agency.

But they also have a lot of short-comings they need to improve on:

1. They should post their daily line-ups including start times.

2. They need to post their phone number and answer the phoneTheir girls might like texting...but most clients are older guys who prefer to talk...and who dont want a written record of their sex lives lying around in someone else's cellphone and server....

3. As for their incall location...I like it. Sure it is a dump...but it is easy to get to and parking is simple...

G I R L F R I E N D : Come on guys get your act together...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Never did business with them, but its indeed weird if an agency has top quality girls but suffers from a lack of booking and services. Maybe they could hire a better booker?

You say there website mention the girls answer themselves, maybe they want to keep that illusion or something, i dunno. If you look at Indy Compagnion the girls answer themselves and are reliable from what i know. This concept can work, but from what you mention it looks like Girlfriends is an agency that want to give the illusion its a coop of indies...

In any case, some girls can be top provider once there with you, but also have tremendous troubles at keeping a schedule and reliability, so this is 2 different things completely. Maybe the booker try his best and is limited by the girls themselves reliability.

In any case i dunno, but if an agency offer great girls, great meetings and all, its a shame there weak link is the booking...

pyjama guy

Jun 22, 2006
for me it's rather simple---no phone # = no client. I will not conduct these activities by text or e-mail.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Early last week I attempted to make a booking by email with Girlfriend for the following week.

The end of the week came and went, and Monday or Tuesday came and went. Nothing. No reply.

I had a similar problem of failure to reply a couple of years ago with a very, VERY popular lady I had already made an appointment with. It was the height of summer and the hotel reservation from a system I had not used before was not guaranteed. On short notice the e only rooms available were very expensive. I had to take a place far from downtown and I notified the lady who had previously been very responsive. She had my home phone number, my cell number, and email. Once I got to the hotel she had that number too. I notified her several times. Her former responsiveness turned to failure to respond at all. I could have understood a significant change of location was a problem, but failing to respond at all is extremely bad business.

The funny part was all the white knights who wanted her favor attacked me for reporting the episode, not the rude bad business by her. A simple, I don't work that far from downtown would have been acceptable and would have saved me at least half a day when i could have booked other great ladies.

for me it's rather simple---no phone # = no client. I will not conduct these activities by text or e-mail.

I hate using those methods. You get a much better understanding between people by talking directly.

Good luck all,


Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
for me it's rather simple---no phone # = no client. I will not conduct these activities by text or e-mail.

As stated many times, phone can be a problem with some clients, some providers and so on... I personally find texting so much better. No "shit im in a public space, can't reply" thing, no being shy at asking for something specific. I find it rather easier to ask "does she provide cim" than say it on the phone. I don't think i ever called an agency since i got my cell... wich is like in 2012.

But i agree as an agency it should be an opion. An indy? not the same.

Mail tough are... well, for an agency thats just "forget it" . An indy for a pre-booking, thats find, but if i can have a phone number to text for last details or something.


Nov 17, 2014
I agree with HM. I've actually had a lot of clients (I will never like this term) that are not comfortable giving any phone number. Men who are married don't want to risk it. Get calls from girls anytime or texts. Get caught by gf/wife seeing the trail. Texts and calls are traceable on mobile phone bills.

Personally I can't stand talking on the phone. I have agreed twice to it with a potential client and both times were one hour calls. No booking. Talking in sexual tones. Waste of my time.

Unless you pick up a street walker there will be a trail so pick your poison.

First contact I like most by email so I can get to know what the expectations are to make sure there is compatibility. After that text or email is fine. But I don't have time to answer texts, calls, emails and PMs. Agencies can do it but I think they book in 5 minutes. Indies we spend much much more time on the booking. MUCH.


New Member
Aug 1, 2012
SexyIndies doesn't give the information I need to make my choice : girls' start times (completely agree with Maurice on this). When a choice has to be taken, my list shrinks to the girls available for the time I have that particular day. Sending a mail takes just too long, texting or calling is much faster, direct and sharp. so you can make plans for the day
Guess I can't lead someone else bussinnes, let's call this a "suggestion". Been long time I haven't seen a girl from SI (missing so much Clara, Roxanne, Maya - luckly Mia left SI - it's so much easier texting G4U)

My two cents

marky mark

Active Member
Aug 30, 2014
Make no mistake. Those emails directed at each individual girl do not go to the girls and are not responded to by the girls. The girls don't even see them. I hate that misrepresentation.


New Member
Feb 18, 2010
Make no mistake. Those emails directed at each individual girl do not go to the girls and are not responded to by the girls. The girls don't even see them. I hate that misrepresentation.

from my experience its a booker handling the emails , no phone number given its all by email

booking was easy though girl was on time but just forget any special request it just w ont go through to the girl


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
Visit site
Why stress in dealing with them?

Just do your business somewhere else.

I booked a girl tonight with 3 total texts. First text to ask for specific girl at specific time. Second text from agency to say it was ok. Third text with my location. Fast and easy with no stress.


New Member
Feb 18, 2010
bottom line its an agency

good part booking was easy , the agreed time was respected , downside close to nothing in the services description happend the girl was up for a quick buck i guess it dépends of who you see ,

by phone by email by morse or smoke signals at the end of the day its the same result lol

i rather deal with indépendants

are you still active ON ? :)


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
spoke with two ladys who worked at sexyindys and both mention she never get emails. this type of misrepresenatation i can ignore as long as ladies is not b&s.

i need instant notification and comunication in case of issue. this can be an email or texting or calling or app. i booked with ladys in pass and didnt have numbers and means of contacting so after giving room and hotel when it was outcall with indy, i didnt know if she was showing up after the apointment time. with one indy she was very late and with another indy she didnt show.

email only apointemnts can work well as long as it is handeled well. for exampel, ive delt with angel smiles and seen her twice and it was all thru email only since she has a smartphone with data plan and replys to emails very fast. it is as fast as texting. betwen email and texting, i perfer email since i dont like the stupid sms limit. she was late both times but we emailed both times instantly. with mitsou i also didnt have issues with email only bookings also since replys were very fast like wen i was in area, i mention and she told me i could show earlyer instead of waitng 15 minutes for the actual apointment time. if person doesnt have a smartphone or doesnt reply to email quickly, i wont see person withut phone number for texting or calling.

sometimes there is an isue with emails or texting so having a phone number for calls is allways good. i had problems with sms twice for 2 diferent bookings... once with goodgirls and james called me since he didnt receive my reply text and once with an indy wen i was outside hotel waiting for room number and confirmation that i could go. both times were handeled easily by me calling them or them calling me.

there are no guarantees with email and sms. the only guarantee that person got it is if they reply to it.

marky mark

Active Member
Aug 30, 2014
I wouldn't have an issue with GIRLFRIEND's e-mail booking if prompt replies were the rule rather than the exception. They seem to treat email like snail-mail. They check it once a day and maybe reply sometime later in the week.
Absolutely no good reason why emails can't be responded to as promptly as texts.
Girlfriend is just fucking lazy. No excuses.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I wouldn't have an issue with GIRLFRIEND's e-mail booking if prompt replies were the rule rather than the exception. They seem to treat email like snail-mail...maybe reply sometime later in the week.

Given this scenario it is totally unacceptable in my case and I don't see why anyone would accept it. By the time I'm making contact it's to arrange a firm time for an encounter and that means I'm very close to going to Montreal and need an answer within a reasonable time frame. It has to be at least in the first 24 hours because I usually decide 3 to 4 days ahead of the trip and as each day passes I'm thinking it's time to move on if there is no answer. Local guys can always reschedule at their leisure, though I'm sure they don't want to be put off either. But the much fewer chances traveling guys get make responsiveness critical. It really doesn't make any sense for an agency to insist on email and fail to be very responsive. Otherwise I'd suspect they are weighing the best offer until the last moment. If so, that's their choice, but I would never tolerate any agency holding my offer as leverage for something better. They get 24 hours, if that. There are much better agency or Indy options who use email, and use right, with integrity.


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