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Ever bump into an SP or Client?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
Has anyone bumped into an SP or a Client in their private lives, especially regulars? Maybe at a friends party, a bar, shopping etc.

If so, what happened? Did you acknowledge each other or just ignored each other and moved on.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Happened to me once not long ago, i was waiting in the subway and saw her walk by. I never met her privately but talked to her at parties. She didn't saw me, she seem in a hurry and with earphones on so obviously i didn't made any move..

I also came face to face with Amelie walking downtown not too long ago... but since i know her from outside the hobby it felt like bumping in front of a friend you haven't seen for a while. We chated a bit and it was cool, but she had to go work so it didn't lasted too long.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello all

This has happen many times to me over the years since I was a booker and had many clients and girls .
I have always made it a policy to never recognize them out courtesy ,unless they came to me !:thumb:




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Smart, you should NEVER make a move unless you are sure you are on a "friends" basis with a SP. I have had a few come up to me after eye contact was made and a smile but most ALL have very private lives and you should absolutely never approach them unless you are 100% positive they won't mind.
Happened to me once not long ago, i was waiting in the subway and saw her walk by. I never met her privately but talked to her at parties. She didn't saw me, she seem in a hurry and with earphones on so obviously i didn't made any move


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
wen i was living in toronto and came to montreal for busnes, i was looking for permenant work at montreal so started looking at a few job postings.

called for a few queestions about a job that was adverticed (union job? salary? hours?) and got the voice mail of sunshine from eleganza. i hung up. that was the wiedest experiance for me. this hapen before she retired so wen i saw her later in private next time i was in montreal, she told me to aply but i mention it would be too werd.

a hobyist recognize me on the street once b/c of the gettogehters. i was alone so i didnt have problems with him talking to me.

if i saw a lady, i would probalby say hi or hello but continue walking without anything except hi/hello unless she stoped me. even if she was allone, i wouldnt talke to her.


Dec 17, 2012
Happened to me once, in a very crowded place... we both saw each other... and in a split second we both smiled to each other at the same time across the big room and then made sure we didn't bump each other for the rest of the night.


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Jun 21, 2003
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There's an SP that works out at my gym. I know it's her because her agengy pics show her face. I try my best not to stare but my eyes like to wonder.

I've also seen on two occasions seen strippers that I've been regular with. I usually do not approach in a normal setting. But when in the club no problem.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I ran into one of my favorite SP's from Montreal (Karine LFMJ/JDM) in the elevator. Obviously she was coming from an appointment at the hotel I was staying. She laughed and smiled. I said I may see you later, but at that trip I couldn't arrange the time to see her. I saw her a few times after that meeting via appt. I think she has long retired, graduated from school and is working in a non-SP field.


Sep 19, 2005
It happened to me, but I was at the other side of the fence. I was walking with a stripper friend on the street, when she pointed to a guy and said that he is one of her clients. The gentelman passed by us without trying to talk to my friend, though the latter intercepted him and said hi. He smiled, but looked embarrased.


Apr 21, 2006
I saw one sp that I have seen about a month before that at a restaurent when I was on a legit date. She was with her mother (I think) and did not see me. Luckly we were seated far from her not no eye contact was made....


Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
A very similar thing happened to me. I was so shocked that he was talking to me that I ignored him and walked away. Do these people not understand what discretion means?

I would never approach an SP, It wouldn't bother me if they came up and spoke to me though. I just would need a bank of answers ready when the person i'm with asked me "Where do you know that hottie from!"


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Oh Boyyy

Meeting SPs and ex SPs is a fairly a common encounter with me.

I have met working SPs and ex-SPs at different locations under different circumstances.
There are some bars and clubs which are SP hangouts, they hang out there on their off day
without expecting to bump to any clients (Except yours truly here LOL).

Have met working SPs as SPs
SPs as waitresses
SPs as barmaids
SPs as dancers
ex-SPs as married housewife

I have approached few which I thought it was "SAFE" to approach, they were alone or with another SP that I knew.

I have not approached when they were with other people that I did not know who they were.

I have been approached by SPs who saw me first and they surprised me.

Usually I use some common sense and think of a quick strategy before I make any move (Or not) and most of the encounters
have been positive with me, with sit downs, having a few drinks and partying and exchanging contacts so we can stay
as "Friends"...

I think the bottom line is, you can approach if you thinks its safe (And make sure you had a hell of a good time with her during the encounter as an SP).

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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It happened to me once, was really not the right moment, I was at a bar I regularly go with friends having drinks, a guy I have seen maybe a week before came to me directly calling me Aspen... Can imagine the scene, I kept telling him he was talking to the wrong person and him keeping in on, until he stopped and really though I was confusing him with someone else.
I never talk to a SP or Client in public if its not the right moment.

That's the definition of complete fucken moron!!! Oh...and sorry for calling you Aspen ;) Hahahaha. Just kidding, it wasn't me!!

I was at a very lively bar one night, one of the my regular Montreal pubs to go and catch some live music at when the infamous Vicky Vix walked in with a group of friends and sat a couple tables away from my friends and me. There was no acknowledgement on my part to her nor her to me but a funny Merb PM conversation took place the day after. :)
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Lily from Montreal

Closest to mixing my lives was when after a night out a friend I met as Lily wrote to me saying he saw me in a club a Saturday and was mad at me for not saying hello,hum,I was making out with a lady friend so really did not notice him...
My lives rarely mix and I kind of prefer it that way...


New Member
Dec 16, 2011
I spend a lot of time downtown and on the plateau. I've seen numerous ladies around and about: escorts, mistresses and transsexual. They are just going about their daily lives, and only really stand out if they have distinguishing features.

A few months ago I even saw a very well known retired escort working her day job downtown! It was a bit of a surprise, and reinforced the fact that, whatever their glamorous online and professional persona, these are just normal young ladies living normal young lives.

I never approach. It's not fair. If you want to hang out with them you should pay!
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