Montreal Escorts

What do you do when an SP stays longer than booked?


Nov 12, 2005
So Iggy's post in the price negotiation thread triggered this thought. (And absolutely nothing wrong with that post.) What do you do when a girl stays longer than what was initially booked? Do you pay her the full rate of that "extra" time (per agency or indy advertised pricing)? Or do you tip somewhere close to that "full pricing"? Do you tip less, like just 20-60? Or no tip?

Until this last year or so, I've rarely ever gone for hour-plus sessions. I've never felt compelled either to call the booker to extend a session in-session (and have still only ever done that once). I book for an hour. I'm conscious of the time. We're done on time, maybe +5 or 10 or 15 minutes, at most. Fine.

I am relatively unfamiliar with Montreal's IndyLand, but in other places, I deal more with indies, and I've been regularly lingering past the hour with some favorites. (It's been a fun and full-on bender...) Up to 15 minutes, I don't feel guilty for overstaying. Longer than that, I've just paid the full price, as if I had initially booked for the longer time. I know that's the best-case scenario for the SP. And the business part of me knows it's fair. But is that always what's expected? Am I missing out on "free time" with my mindset? Hahaha - I know the girls crack up at this one, but what if they do like me :)eek:), and are OK with giving me some free time? How do I get some of that :p and not, in the process, insult them by not paying the full rate? What's the balance? If there is one.

This is typically a non-issue for agencies, as they're noticing their girl about 5-10 minutes before the end of the hour, anyways. Indies just have more flex in their schedules. I'm sure every locale has its own customs. Curious to hear what is commonly done in MTL.



Active Member
Nov 5, 2014
I should mention that I have only been with Independent ladies so I'm not sure how it works with agency's.

I usually don't notice what time it is until I leave, except if I have an obligations afterwards, that's the only time I will ask the lovely lady what time it is.

There have been times where the date has been 10 minutes shorter or 15-20 minutes longer than the time I had booked. Either way I never felt like I was shortchanged for the 10 minutes less or ever felt guilty for receiving the extra 15-20 minutes. I also understand that some of them cut the date a bit short to give you time to shower or freshen up before you leave (of course that cleaning up time should be included within the time you booked not afterwards). I could be wrong here, but I don’t think they expect any compensation if it’s their choice to extend the time a bit.

I usually take my cue when she starts getting dressed, It's not like I flip over an hourglass when when I get there and there usually isn't a clock or anything indicating a time in the room. If I am aware of the time I will start getting dressed when I see the time is almost over.

There have been times while giving a hug, kiss or both while saying goodbye has gotten my mojo going and I could go for a quick 20-30 minute roll in the hay, of course I would expect to pay for the extra time (if she and I have the time of course). :smile:


New Member
Jan 19, 2014
I always carry extra money with me, so I can pay for another hour if I want to & she has the time. This usually doesn't come up, but sometimes it does. As for tipping -- I usually don't do it. Where I am, the ladies charge 2x what they do in Montreal, or more. As far as I'm concerned, the tip is included & if I really like her, I'll call her again soon. If a girl takes me into OT, she's pretty much guaranteeing that I will call her again.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
In my experience, this "problem" almost never comes up with agency girls. Invariably, when the hour is up or almost up, the booker or driver will call. Even if a girl is inclined to linger, the call will prompt her to get going.

Sometimes I have booked a girl for an hour and then once she arrives I decide that I like her appearance and manner so much that I ask her to extend our encounter by an extra 30 or 60 minutes. She calls the agency and usually gets the OK.

With indy girls, I figure it's up to them to keep track of the time and they usually do but I also discreetly check my watch at the beginning and near the end of a session. I have had the experience of girls staying an extra fifteen minutes and not asking for extra $. No girl has ever tried to trick me into going into OT and then asking to be compensated for it. Most indy girls are trustworthy enough that if you are headed into more than 15 minutes of OT they will ask you if you want to extend the encounter.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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I have had this problem with very few SPs, some of which were agency girls. I suppose they tried to stay longer as they were aware that they didn't have another appointment immediately. I also suppose that they want to be paid for another hour or prefer not to have to wait in their driver's car for their next appointment.

If I want more action, I pay for the extra time. If I don't and am not in a rush to leave, I tell them that they are welcome to wait, but make it clear that I am finished and don't expect to pay any more.


Sep 4, 2006
Outcalls/Incalls are very different in this regards. I only ever did Incall once, and during that I checked my watch and made it my responsibility to leave on time.

For outcalls its up to the woman to track her time. I have had several who stay over the appointed time. In the case of agencies its much rarer but it was simply a case of her being forgotten or the driver being a long way off. In the case of indies its usually because she lost track of time. Sometimes it was because she was putting in that extra effort to get one last SOG in, other times we were talking and lost track of time. On two occasions the same SP spent maybe 2-3 extra hours on a 4 hour date and I asked her if I had any further obligation to her (my way of asking if I should have paid extra for the time) and she said no. I bought her a small gift in the subsequent meeting but it was not requested or required.


Nov 12, 2014
Enjoy the moment and appreciate without trying to get any additionnal service, just cuddle and chat


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I can't speak for anyone else but in my case, if you ask to extend the time, of course compensation is expected. If I choose to stay longer, then it's a gift. What if we are both totally into each other and just lose track of time? In that case I would not expect to be compensated, because it's my responsibility to keep to schedule, but if you were to offer compensation, I would be grateful. (Note I'm not talking about 15-20 minutes, but rather periods of over 30 minutes extra.) Sometimes clients may not be specific when they book, instead asking for "a couple" or "a few" hours. In these cases they should be prepared to indicate during the session how long they wish to continue, and compensate accordingly.

Of course the above applies to outcall situations. Incall is a little trickier as the client should be prepared to leave when their time is up, or ask to extend. I've had situations where clients have stayed well past their scheduled time, even after I have pointed out the time (and there's a large clock near the bed also.) I don't like to rush anyone out, but if you end up staying an extra hour, then you should compensate accordingly.

Again, just my personal opinion, other girls might have different views.


Nov 12, 2014
Since our situation is not likely anybody else by doing this hobby with my girlfriend. Generaly we book for 90 to 120 minutes.
Lately our girls stayed by themself from 3 to 5 hours.
That must mean something good is going on


Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
wen i livd outside montreal and came to montrel for busnes, i use outcall and delt allmost entirly with eleganza backthen.

it hapen to me twice where ladys stay passd time of apointment because driver i think joe ran late. one lady stay close to 1 hour after my apointment but we didnnt do anything except chat (we showerd together after my 3 hours apointment so she sat in room and chated for time until driver show up). she was upset not with me but with eleganza and driver since she loss 1 hour from work shcedule waiting. she telled me that she had to wait for driver and spoke with john about driving herself back then and he sayd no. it was winter so she could have left my hotel and wait in lobby until driver or stay in my room. she chose to stay in room and chat (off clock).

another time with eleganza, the same thing hapen but with difrent lady and after we shower at 2 hour mark and we both got dress, she call driver and driver mension he was coming from south shore and it was heavy trafic. i order room service for dinner and she decide to stay and eat with me (off clock)

there were a few times drivers ran late and ladys left my room after shower. i think most times this hapen.

in all events unless i ask lady to stay for some intemate fun, i dont pay for the time since lady was free to leave and she was ready to leave at shcedule time. i am genraly more clock watcher then ladys i see and i or ladys allways ready to leave at shecdule payd time. if lady is more clock watcher then me, i genraly dont repeat but that is difrent story.


May 3, 2004
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J'ai comme principe de payer uniquement pour le sexe. Je ne paye jamais pour le temps passé à jaser ou au restaurant. Donc, je respecte toujours l'heure pour laquelle j'ai payé sauf si la fille le désire autrement.

J'ai souvent été au restaurant avec des indy, j'ai payé la facture avec le sourire mais il a toujours été entendu que je ne paierais pas pour le temps. Avec Sweet Maxime, on allait déjeuner avant d'aller chez elle. La dernière année, elle me demandait d'amener une bonne bouteille de vin pour qu'on puisse jaser ensemble, bien installé sur son divan. On pouvait être ensemble 2-3 heures mais je ne payais que pour l'heure de sexe. C'était entendu ainsi avant.

J'ai suffisamment d'amis pour pouvoir jaser et aller souper quand ça me tente, donc, pas question de payer quelqu'un pour me jaser.

Si la fille se sent super bien et qu'elle veut passer plus de temps avec moi, c'est sûr que je me sens privilégié. Et c'est dans ces moments que je réalise tout le côté humain de ces rencontres. Autant une fille n'aime pas être traitée comme un objet ou une prostituée, autant je déteste être considéré comme un portefeuille avec une queue.

J'offre toujours une rencontre BFE, je traite toujours ma compagne du moment avec beaucoup de respect et d'attentions. Comme plusieurs ici j'imagine.



Nov 12, 2005
Interesting and enlightening. Thank you for the perspectives and wisdom, MERB-ites.

I never forget the Golden Rule in this hobby: the ladies are here to make bank. Perhaps indies even more so than the agency girls. I don't begrudge them that, hence my practice. Also, my own aversion to the somewhat awkward "any further obligation" question has held me back. But as I'm evolving into doing more 1.5-2 hr sessions of late, this is good info to keep in the back of my mind. As long as the girl feels it's fair, right?

Of course, as soon as I start this thread, I have an SP walk out 15 minutes early. Karma!!! :p :lol:


Sep 4, 2006
Generally speaking wolfie for outcall keeping track of time is her responsibility. You have no obligation to compensate her, and all the stuff we mentioned is just gratuity on our part. Awkward questions like 'any further obligation' are not so awkward when you repeat with an SP frequently, and that is the type of person/situation where you would extend such a gesture. If you are the one extending the time, stuffing additional notes in the envelope is required.

I do have one more thing to add. In some instances, for agency providers, she does not lose track of time but the driver/agency operator does not call. She gets up and showers on time and is ready to go. In these situations I offer her to wait in my room for the call instead of waiting in the lobby. This happened to me 3 times, twice I offered to stay in my room and poured her a drink. On the other occasion I was eager to see her leave so made no effort to suggest otherwise.


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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One SP who was a debutante did not want to leave after the hour was done.

She wanted me to extend longer but I was having none of that and practically had to kick her out.

Another time the girl just sat there for half an hour just playing with her hair until her driver came.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Usually, the agency booker calls the girl or texts and says time is up, no? That's been my experience.

On a couple of occasions a girl stayed longer with me having not received a call from her agency. We just continued longer, 10 to 20 minutes. I wasn't charged extra. I imagine her driver would not have made it back anyhow.

I know that the girl may wait for her ride after the session ends because I have gone down and saw her sitting on a ledge outside in front of the hotel waiting for her ride.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
It really depends on whether you have a working relationship with the the girl or if it's a one time date. I usually book indies and if things click, repeat often. I book two hours and we meet at least twice a month for "two hours." The clock is never an issue. Sometimes, if she has other plans, she leaves after two hours, sometimes she'll stay longer, could be fifteen minutes, could be an hour or hours, depending on what's going on.

About this time last year, I was seeing a girl on a regular basis. She'd often show up an hour or two early, we'd have dinner, or I'd give her a (non-erotic) massage or both before the date actually kicked off. Another girl I was seeing regularly last year would sometimes hang out afterward and we'd watch a movie or go out to dinner. Once or twice we wound up back in bed and she stayed the night.

About this time last year I did a duo with two girls I was seeing regularly and who knew each other well. The booking was 90 minutes and one of the girls had to go to a doctor's appointment afterward. The date was rather mind-blowing and after the one left, the other looked at me, decided she hadn't had enough and it was back to bed for another extended go-round, without further compensation.

I know other guys who have similar compensated relationships with working girls who enjoy their company and are in no rush to leave. Sex beyond the clock is very rare, in my experience, but enjoying each other's company once knowing each other well is the rule rather than the exception when entertaining an indy in your own home on a regular basis.

With agency girls or girls I don't know well, the clock is usually the clock and they leave when it's up.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
One of the things I love about being indy is the ability to control my own time and schedule. There seems to be a number of examples of indies offering companionship beyond the official appointment time; I think this speaks to the human nature of this business. I am a sex worker, but I am also a person who loves interaction with others, and the connections I make while doing this "work" are truly valuable to me. I wouldn't be in this business if it was only about the sex.


It happened to me once. I Ended up driving her home because, she came by cab. And seeing her again.


Nov 12, 2014
It happened to me once. I Ended up driving her home because, she came by cab. And seeing her again.

we are living on south shore and we have one girl that come to our house and to make her save about $60, we go to mtl to pick her up and after we bring her back in town were she lives.


Nov 12, 2014
One of the things I love about being indy is the ability to control my own time and schedule. There seems to be a number of examples of indies offering companionship beyond the official appointment time; I think this speaks to the human nature of this business. I am a sex worker, but I am also a person who loves interaction with others, and the connections I make while doing this "work" are truly valuable to me. I wouldn't be in this business if it was only about the sex.

Tu as entièrement raison Tiannas, si on veut pas être traité comme des clients, traitons les filles comme des humains et non comme des objets, le respect mutuel vas dans les deux sens.
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