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homeless guy in downtown


New Member
Jul 18, 2015
I am visiting Montreal for the 1st time, tonight I initially planned to take a walk near old Montreal, while I was checking google map through my cell phone on the street, there was a homeless guy approached me, I responded politely and listened what he had to say.

He said he was in mid 50s and had some kind of serious disease, yeah his belly is huge and clearly that is not fat underneath, he explained a lot but I did not fully understand due to some language barrier. Anyway.... he asked me if I could help him with some cash so he can get his medical prescription, he will return the money to me tomorrow, otherwise his life will be in danger.

I asked him why didn't he look for the help from the police, he said the police don't care. Well... I had no cash with me, then he kind of pushed me to get some cash from ATM.... I refused politely said I am not independent, my parents would not allow me to give money to a stranger (which is true), all I can do was to help him talk to the police. He was upset and said I and my parents are not willing to save life etc... then left. I asked again if he really needs to go to the police, he said "why do you care".... well.... I am not comfortable about his attitude then I decided to return to my hotel because I'm not in that mood anymore.

I am a FOB, in my old country, homeless guys/beggars are usually scammers, and they are organized, they rip people off by using people's sympathy. That's why I don't entirely trust him, at least I would not give him money. I am not sure about the situation in Canada, I think the police will help him if his life is really in danger. I am still kind of feeling bad, what if he really needs help?

I know this can be a very naive question to ask, but since I am relatively new to Canada, what do you guys think? Is he lying?


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
It does look like a scam.
Medicare and hospitals are free here in Canada.
If he is really in bad condition, he just has to enter any hospital and they will take care of him.


New Member
Sep 13, 2013
He's been around for years

Not to worry, the same character has been around for years trying to guilt people into giving him money.

He's tried to hit me up twice with a period of several months between each meeting. His belly does indeed look terrible, but I'm pretty sure that his "affliction" is actually a prosthetic. He'll list up his shirt for only a couple of seconds to show this huge bulge (about the size of a tennis ball) with the skin distended around it. But if you pay attention, you notice that he has no belly button. I guess the prosthetic is some form of latex rubber thing that he applies and it covers his navel.

So no worries, it's all a very elaborate scam!

Lily from Montreal

Ignore and avoid eye contact is my policy ,and maybe because of what I do I have no sympathy with ladies life what do what one must and when I see this muslim lady in the metro carrying a cardboard saying ''please ,I have 6 kids and they are hungry'', I just think that I know exactly what she could to get money and it is not begging...


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
Ignore and avoid eye contact is my policy ,and maybe because of what I do I have no sympathy with ladies life what do what one must and when I see this muslim lady in the metro carrying a cardboard saying ''please ,I have 6 kids and they are hungry'', I just think that I know exactly what she could to get money and it is not begging...
I can't agree with this at all.

As much as we may like or love this profession we work in, it is NOT for everyone AT ALL. I have seen good friends of mine get into hard drugs to be able to handle it or even get to the point of attempting suicide because being in this line of work made her hate herself so much. I wouldn't recommend this line of work unless it seems like it would be a good fit for the individual.

Everyone is different and if there's a lady begging for money on the street, I can bet you anything the thought of getting into this has probably already crossed her mind. Plus if someone is at the level of begging on the street, she would not be able to just start being a high-class escort in a day, she would almost definitely have to work on the streets which can be very dangerous, especially if you don't have resources for help or friends.

Personally I always give money(or food whichever they prefer) to people when they ask as long as I have some on me. Whether they're on drugs or not, I'm going to help in any small way I can do make their day a little easier.


Jul 10, 2015
Laval, Qc
Not every person that panhandles is homeless. A few of them do have a place to live and may (most likely) be on some type of social financial assistance. Panhandling helps to supplement their meager income.

Granted, one has to take every claim of crisis from any panhandler with some aspect of skepticism. I remember the first time, twenty years ago, I encounter a man with a crutch who claimed he was stuck downtown and needed some money to take a bus home. I gave him enough funds to take a bus. A few days later and afterwards, a saw the same the person at the same spot pitching the same line to passersby.

Since then, I’ve been cautious to giving any money to panhandlers (except for street kids). However, I will acknowledge they exit. I do look at them in the eyes and greet them when I pass them. I’ve even taken the time to speak to some of them. Hence, why I got to know a bit of their life stories from them. Some of them are definitely homeless. Others are not.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Moi aussi. :smile:

Je donne aussi des sourires et j'ai des merveilleuses conversations avec les sans-abri.

Une belle histoire:

Très touchant je dois admettre ....à chaque fois que je vais à Mtl donne bouffe ou eau au itinérant.. Pas de cash jamais... Ces ma façon d'aider dans UN sens croyez moi ..tu feel tellement bien ....j'aime tellement ce feeling sérieux. Ça pas de prix de voir dans leur yeux la reconnaissance... Pour ce qui es du mec par contre ...lui.....ta bien fait de l'éviter...
P.S.Lily je prendrai toujours volontiers un sourire de ta part ...hihihi ..x

Moi ces cette vidéo qui me touche....De Jean Michel Anctil humoriste qui se fais passer pour un itinérant...mais juste pour avoir un câlin snifff...j'en veuxxxxxx des câlins moi aussi :eek:
Triste la réaction de certains..


Panthere, moi aussi j'avais trouvé tellement triste la réaction de certains dans la vidéo de Jean-Michel Anctil.

Je t'envoie plein de sourires et je te fais des gros câlins! :nod: :smile:



Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Giving money to charities that help the homeless or pan handlers etc. IMHO is the safest and most reliable way to help these people.

Living in NYC I see this all the time. Engaging with them on the street, you leave yourself vulnerable to potential danger.

Sure, most are harmless, but untreated mental illness is a real problem on the streets and you never know whats going to happen if you engage them or if you don't give them some cash.

Best to leave this to the professionals and donate to your favorite charity to make a difference.

Just my 2 cents.


Je connais beaucoup de sans-abri dans mon coin. Faut pas croire non plus qu'ils sont tous des anges qui ne jugent pas. Un jour, ma quêteuse préférée me dit: "J'espère que tu lui donnes pas d'argent à l'autre, le gars là-bas. Il s'en sert pour sa drogue." Je lui réponds: Écoute, moi je donne pour donner et je demande pas à personne ce qu'il va faire avec l'argent que je lui donne. Est-ce que je te demande à toi ce que tu vas faire avec l'argent que je te donne? De toute façon, penses-tu vraiment que je le sais pas que tu t'achètes de la bière après ta journée? loll ;-)


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Panthere, moi aussi j'avais trouvé tellement triste la réaction de certains dans la vidéo de Jean-Michel Anctil.

Je t'envoie plein de sourires et je te fais des gros câlins! :nod: :smile:


Ohhhhhhhhh tes t'en renvoie x 1 billion de câlins x et humm des sourires x

Je connais beaucoup de sans-abri dans mon coin. Faut pas croire non plus qu'ils sont tous des anges qui ne jugent pas. Un jour, ma quêteuse préférée me dit: "J'espère que tu lui donnes pas d'argent à l'autre, le gars là-bas. Il s'en sert pour sa drogue." Je lui réponds: Écoute, moi je donne pour donner et je demande pas à personne ce qu'il va faire avec l'argent que je lui donne. Est-ce que je te demande à toi ce que tu vas faire avec l'argent que je te donne? De toute façon, penses-tu vraiment que je le sais pas que tu t'achètes de la bière après ta journée? loll ;-)

Ces pour ça que j'aime mieux donner de la bouffe...genre lui demande ce qu'il veut et je lui achète ...Je sais qu'il y en a qui vont même la vendre la bouffe ou autres...mais au moins il y a plus de chance qu'il mange...
P.S.Donnez vous verrez ça fait du bien...


Je comprends, cher ami Panthere. Parfois ça me crève tellement le cœur de voir le gars en manque qui tremble et qui a besoin de sa dose. Je peux pas faire autrement que de céder.

Lily from Montreal

I give money if they do something: holding the door,selling their magazine Itinéraire, I have tons of little sign language paper but not just asking and when you say no they insult you,those are the ones that make me say avoid,especilaly when it involves bigger amount then 5 bucks.
I have a favorite homeless guy I see at metro McGill,he never harass people, he just sit there with a sad smile,him I go out of my way to give .
When I eat at the food court I try to give my plate (I eat half at most),that they are very happy but the ones who follow me and argue won't get a smile or money...
Those are the one I avoid eye contact.


En tout cas, c'est un homme très sensible et intelligent, ce David. Vraiment charmant.

La musique et le coté un peu trop dans la vidéo sont agaçants. Le gars est comme plus fort, faut s'y raccrocher ;-)
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