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Internet Porn Question: What are or is "torrents" (and what about "RSS")


New Member
Oct 18, 2003
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Never did much internet porn searching but have recently done allot of "research" (porn and general interest informational stuff).

I keep coming across "torrents" and I am lost.

Seams like it is important!

Same goes for "RSS".

I've done some googling on these words but nothing is clear.

Because many definitions exist but none that clearly define or are the usage I am coming across.



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

Porn is only a very small part of what is available by torrent. Just about anything... films, TV shows, music-not just single songs but entire collections by artist, software, name it. I've downloaded old TV shows such as the Green Hornet and WKRP in Cincinatti, that are not available on DVD as yet. It's an amazing resource. As far as being tracked by your ip address is concerned...considering the number of people downloading torrents, the chance of any problems coming your way are extremely low, especially in Canada where there are no laws, as yet, against downloading copyrighted material. For an idea of what's available go here and do a search for your favorite artist or film or TV show... One word of advice though, you better have lots of hard drive space because it can disappear rather quickly once you start downloading and check if you have unlimited downloads from your isp. Not all internet connections do, especially Videotron. Have fun!


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

Almost forgot. RSS are streaming news feeds and you need a browser that is capable of displaying them. Firefox and IE 7 both have RSS readers built in. There are all kinds of RSS feeds on the net from general news to specialized 'channels' for everything from sports to entertainment to tech news.

As a sidenote, if anyone is still using IE 6 you should update to IE 7, The improvements in both usability and security compared to IE6 are amazing. Many people love Firefox but personally I feel that for the average user IE 7 is much more user friendly and you won't have the headache of downloading plugin after plugin that Firefox requires you to do.
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