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DELETED poll re: BDC's "commercial" jokes


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Hi all

I deleted my thread/poll on BDC's "commercial" jokes.

BDC, I was sincere when I said I didn't intend on bashing you. Peoples must learn to understand it's possible to attack somebody's ideas on some topics without attacking the entire person.
True I tought these post were childish and I did find it annoying to see them posted in 2 different threads before Christmas but, even if I don't like these jokes, I never said I didn't like BDC's posts. I maintain I do like reading BDC's posts an, on the "capital punishment" thread I have to confess agreeing with him.
With this now deleted poll, I was challanging an idea, not a person.

BDC, read what follow carefully, this is really what I'm thinking:
I'm sorry you felt threatened by my poll. I really don't want you to leave.
That being said, you must understand you can't go in life and expect peoples to always take whatever you have to offer without them letting you know their opinion. As other members mentionned, you must take it all in for what it is, an opinion, and learn from it. I don't think the way I did my poll was offensive but obviously, I misjudged your level of tolerance to being teased and I'm sorry about that.
For me, the matter is closed, and I won't add you to my "ignore list":D

BDC, voici la partie #2 en Français. Je ne connais pas ta langue maternelle et je veux vraiement que tu comprennes.
Je suis désolé que tu te sois senti menacé par mon sondage. Je ne désire absolument pas que tu partes.
Ceci étant dit, tu dois comprendre que tu ne peux survivre dans la vie en pensant que tout le monde va accepter tout ce que tu as à offrir sans pour autant te donner leur opinion. Comme d'autres membres l'ont mentionnés, tu doit tout prendre ce que les gens disent et l'évaluer pour ce que c'est, seulement une opinion, et apprendre du tout. Je ne crois pas que la façon que mon sondage était conçu aie été offensant mais malheureusement, j'ai mal jugé ton seuil de tolérance aux taquineries et j'en suis désolé.
Pour moi, le sujet est clos, et je ne t'ajouterai pas à ma liste de membres à ignorer. :D
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