Montreal Escorts

what time is last call in montreal???


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Morris Wanchuk said:
what time do the bars close?

is it the same for dance clubs?

Bars/strip clubs serving alcohol close at 3AM, but there are after-hours clubs that don't serve alcohol that stay open 'til dawn and beyond. 3AM is plenty late enough for me, but not for everyone:

Drink up, stick around
The Quebec bar owners' association fights for the right to keep bars open till the not-so-wee hours of the morning
Montreal Mirror
April 21, 2005

The 3 a.m. closing time is considered a defining characteristic of Montreal's nightlife, especially given much of Canada's philistine 2 a.m. cut-off hour. But Renaud Poulin, head of the Corporation des propriétaires de bars, brasseries et tavernes du Québec, believes it's still a sign of Montreal's cultural backwardness, compared to opening hours in, say, Europe (not to mention New York City or New Orleans).

Last week, Poulin declared that his organization will be pushing the provincial government to extend opening hours until 8 a.m., though alcohol could not be sold past 3 a.m. He says that because Montreal is an international, cosmopolitan and yes, more European city, our opening hours should reflect those of our more sophisticated cousins across the pond.

"Big cities like Montreal and Quebec need to be more in line with other European cities," he says, citing Paris and, more recently, London, which now allows its pubs to stay open and serve alcohol 24 hours a day (they used to close at the very Protestant time of 11 p.m.). "We have to adapt to the changing tastes of the population. It's a question of modernization, but also of security." The mass exodus of drunks can create problems, he says, and the extra time might allow drivers an hour or two to sober up.

The Montreal police wouldn't comment on the situation, while the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux, the provincial body governing all things fun-related, said they would examine the proposal.

Time is money?

Longer opening hours, of course, can also make nightclub owners money. Poulin says they are losing customers to Montreal's thriving afterhours scene. Nightclubs and bars, he says, are more difficult to run and are more closely scrutinized by police and permit-granting authorities than the afterhours precisely because they sell alcohol. "It's easier to control places that have permits than those that don't," he says.

Booze-free afterhours usually open at 3 a.m. (afterhour clubs with bars must have separate rooms for drinking and dancing. The bar side closes at 3 a.m., just like every other bar). Longer opening hours, Poulin believes, would allow clubs to hold on to their patrons "They could serve water, like at the afterhours," he says.

And the cost? "Well, you'd have to spend more on security, but less on bar staff," he explains. "There is a consensus. I think people understand the problem."

Or not. "I'm absolutely against it," says Peter Pinheiro, the owner of Blizzarts, a bar on St-Laurent below Duluth. "And it's not about the money, it's about the impact on society. We already have afterhours bars. We've always had this system in Quebec, and we aren't going to deviate from it. It's a pipe dream."

Pinheiro sees at least two problems. First, staff aren't going to want to stick around after a long night of dealing with drunks, who at least tip for their drinks, in order to deal with drunks who may or may not tip on their water.

Second, those hanging around a bar all night with nothing to drink might not be the most prized of customers. "Remember how on Dec. 31, 1999, the city let bars stay open until 8 a.m.?" he asks. "Essentially, it was a good idea, but by around 6, the only people coming into the bar were people on fucking coke or drunk out of their minds. It got to the point where we just said, ‘Fuck it, let's close.'"

Not every bar would have to stay open, of course. "Look, very few bars would take advantage of this," Poulin says. "The nightclubs and discotheques, those that have music and dancing, those to whom this would make economic sense, those are the ones that would stay open. A pub is just a place to meet friends and talk, and they're usually empty around 1 or 1:30 a.m."

Afterhour competition

The afterhours scene isn't quite the same as the nightclub scene, and the increased competition might spell disaster for some establishments that only really pick up come dawn. "Sure, there are advantages to the idea, but the afterhours scene would suffer," says Patrick Legendre, a local promoter behind some of the city's most famous afterhours, including Stereo and Playground. "What will happen, I think, is that the afterhours survive but some will have to close, because the market is already saturated."
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