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Poor Performance with sp inspires weight loss


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Feb 24, 2004
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Early March I had booked an appointment with a sp for an hour. The encounter started off great until we got to the straight sex. Started off with cowgirl (my favorite postion, also the lazy mans position). After a while the sp then asked me to go doggie style, her favorite. Even with her on all fours on the side of the bad with face down, ass up and me standing on the floor I had to bend my knees quite a bit to fit in. Then I started to go at it again, grabbing the hips and jackhammering away. After five minutes I was sweating out a storm and sucking wind hard. I could go no longer and stopped. Not only was I embarrassed at my poor performance but I saw the look on the sp's face and could not help to notice a look of disappointment. I lay on the bed took a couple of minutes to catch my breath, then proceeded to rub one out while she caressed my chest. The silence was deafening.

March the 8th, a few days later I went back to my gym. I have a one year membership that is over this May 16th. Until March the 8th I had been to the gym a total of 18 days. The first two weeks of my membership my attendance was good after that it became sporadic to non existent. Well on March the 8th, I stepped on the scale at the gym slid the bottom weight down to 300lb mark and inching the top weight until the balence started to finaly move form the bottom. The end weight...333lbs, afew more pounds and I would be off the register. Now I feel as though I must qualify the weight. I am 6'3 with a large physique, an offensive lineman type of physique (whitch fits considering I still play contact football in the Quebec senior league). So I do have a good amount of muscle underneath the flab with a strong base to start from. Still 330lbs was disgusting, with most of the weight going to my gut whitch had become very large.

So with the previous sp encounter and the verdict from the scale that was enough for me. Started on the treadmill for 60 mins (+5 mins cooldown) at a slow walking pace of 2.5 with no incline. The next day I used some tactics from my old wrestling days when it was a bitch to make weight. I dressed in layers a apair of sweatpants, a t-shirt and a heavy sweatshirt with a hood or wearing a baseball cap. Covering the head is one of the most important things, its a major heat escape source. I will not go to the extreme like I used to in wrestling like skipping rope in a shower room with all the showers turned on hot full blast and wearing garbage bags. Nor to the extent of some of my fellow wrestlers by eating exlax, sticking the finger down the throat or my favorite sleeping on top off all the covers bare naked with the window open in the cold months (actually I did that one a few times).

I have also cut out the 2L of coke (cola) I used to drink a day. Replaced that with one glass of juice in the morning followed by water all day long, alot more then 2L. I have cut out all unnatural sugars ie: no more chocolat, candy, cake and my biggest loss no more pie. The last elimination no more fried foods. Otherwise I eat what I want just smaller preportions. I will not do the atkins diet, it might be a good jump start to weight loss, but long term effects are a possibility. I try to have a large bowl of cerial in the morning (bran related, my choice right now is Raisin brand) instead of always skipping that meal. I also try to have a salad in one of the other meals.

The past thirty-one days I have missed only four days at the gym. I remember watching a show a while back, it was a study by some university in the US, that showed people who have lost weight and have been able to keep it off for periods of 10 to 15 years all had one thing in common. They all had a minumum of 60 min of exercises. I have made my official weigh day every monday, so far it goes as such: March 8th-330lbs, 15th-326lbs, 22nd-319lbs, 29th-312lbs, April 5th-307lbs and Thursday April 8-303lbs just because it had been a full month. The last week my pace of a pound a day fell off whitch was to be expected. Still this week is looking promising and 30lbs in 31 days not too shabby. So far I have only used the treadmill (with CD walkman to put my mind elsewhere while I work out. When I first started the treadmill I was doing a 2.5 speed with no incline (the treadmill showing me I lost 452 cals in that 1 hour and 5 mins.). I have gradually increased that to last nights numbers of starting at a pace of 3.2 throughout the 60 mins.(medium to slow walk, I can not run due to bad football knees). With an incline starting at 6 moving it upward during the 60 mins to an incline of 10 (with less weight entered burned 1038 cals).

I am on a real high now and feel much better about myself. I have small goals that I shoot for ie the 300lbs barrier, but my overall goal will be to reach 220/230 lbs (might have to leave the O-line, but DE might not be a bad idea). I like the treadmill for right now, I will eventually start lifting weights again, this time lower weight more reps. I know my weight loss will eventually level out, so not to loose my enthusiasm I will keep on posting every monday my results as an incentive.

Talking about it is great, so if anyone else wants to share their experiences present or past, please do. All suggestions are welcomed, and if anyone would like to have a HEALTHY, friendly competition to spur me on that would be great.

The slimmer ripley

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Congratulations and keep up the great work. It'll take time, but you sound like your ready to stay in for the long haul. Soon it will become like an obsession or addiction, and eventually a way of life for you.

Great job!!



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Dec 15, 2003
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Again, one can only be encouraged and congratulated for the efforts. We have to be kept up to date as it will certainly inspire many of us.

EB, are you a trial lawyer; I was told many years ago that a trial lawyer has to be in very good shape to withstand the long hours in Court arguing to save his client from the gaz chamber! ...and thereafter spend his fees with sp, whichever comes first!!!!!


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Nov 9, 2003
I saw no stamina problem... :D

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Motivation: think about it this way... the day you can comfortably fit into an F1 cockpit is the day Michael Schumacher will retire (yep, read your Ronnie review). I can almost see the red Ferrari with the colors painted across the rear-wing kicking ass at the Ile St-Helene track!

Congratulations bud, keep it up!


Dec 14, 2003
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Ripley,Congrats with your success and keep at it,I was in a situation like your's and I know what you are facing,as far as food, may I recommend you buy the power juicer from Jack Lalane.In the morning you could make a fruit juice,at lunch a veggie juice and with dinner a fruit juice with proteins. Take care,Ayata


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Feb 24, 2004
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Thank You

When I first started writing this thread I did not expect to hear much response, maybe a couple of good wishes at the most. When I took a peak a few minutes later I was surprised to see two great replies from EagerBeaver & Special K. I said to myself that I would send each a pm thanking them for their support. When I did a quick peak during the weekend I was a little taken back, due to great encouragement from so many. I should have known better and realized people good nature. So please excuse my lazyness in not sending each of you a pm. Thank you very much EagerBeaver, Special K, ElfGonebad, CaptRenault, Protagoris, Zaphyr, Lawless, Sophia, Naughtylady, Vladimir, Ultraman and Simple. You could not erase the smile from my face that day.

The day I posted this thread the night before I had weighed myself at 303lbs. So when I went to the gym that night and stepped on the scale, starting at 303 and the scale popped up I was a somewhat confused. I had done nothing unusual that day, the only thing I had done that I could think of was adding salt to a bland meal and dinking alot of water that day (no big deal, you can not gain weight by drinking water). So I started sliding that top weight to my right. First 304 no movement, 305 nothing, 306 a slight flicker, on my way to 307 it moved and settled in the middle at 307. My jaw was wide open and I stood there looking at that mother#!*##!* scale in disbelief. It said I had but on 4lbs in one day, in one day I had gained everything I had lost during the week. Once again I thought I had done nothing wrong, how could this happen?

I still did my workout that night, one of the tougher workouts, I had to force myself through that one. The next day I called my friend, and told him the whole story asking him do you think they might have calibrated the scale or is there something else. He told me I was retaining water. I think I laughed at him, and said something like "Please, thats some bullshit excuse". He told me it was not and that salt with the added water was problably the culprit. Have not had a sprinkle of salt since. Then he reminded me of the progress I had made so far, going down two belt holes, starting to swim in my pants, receiving many compliments along with the great support from merb. I have not missed a day at the gym, everyday since the scale has been moving to the left. Last night, Modays official weigh in 301 lbs. Look forward to cracking the 300lbs plateau this week.

Once again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH everyone. To EagerBeaver, the best of luck, if I can do it anybody can. Thank you ElfGonebad I am happy with my length but more girth could not hurt. I agree Zaphyr, and if I had more money I would go on the Jarred from Subway plan. An sp in the morning, one in the afternoon and an sp in the evening. I could be the poster boy for weight loss by using this hobby of hours. The question is would I get Jarred's benefits (lol...I can hope). To Special K not only are your posts a great read, but there is a secondary benefit from reading them. I have noticed my neck muscles have become stronger. I attribute
that to the neck rotations I do when reading your posts. Just following the motion of that wommens

Thank You


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Jan 28, 2004
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Although I am not as heavy as you I have been fighting this battle for years and yes it does affect your performance. This is a small reason for wanting to lose the weight and get into shape. Far more important is the fact that I might not be here to write this if I am not serious. Heart disease and stroke along with diabetes are far more important reasons to ensure that you are healthy. Forget the couple of pound you added, get back on course and keep going, your family will thank you for being around later on. Congradulations and keep going.


Oct 4, 2003
Once an SP saw my old team photo when I was playing college basketball, (I am 6' tall, in the photo I weight 180, I am 230 now). She told me she'd die for a guy in the photo, this gave me such a motivation to get back in shape. I have been back in the gym since the end of February (I was 245 then), now I am 15 lbs lighter and my old suits and pants are starting to fit me.

Nothing's more effective when a hot girl give you a kick in the butt. I really appreciate what she told me. You know who you are, if you are reading the board. Thanks! :) And I WILL GET BACK TO 180lbs.


Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
You know it time for A diet when you have a dickiedoo. Its time for me to go on a diet, so I can get rid of my dickiedoo.

Good work Ripley


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
It's the story of that guy who is lost in the desert. He's all alone beside a female camel. He's got water,food and something to hide from the sun but, that's it! Time pass and, the longer he's there, the more he need "relief". He tried doing it manually but, with the sand, it's far from pleasureable. He then start to look at the camel with more and more interest... Slowly, he walk behind it, start packing some sand to be at the right height and, just as he's getting ready, the damn camel moves away! He try do repeat the shot a few time but the camel was definetly less horny than he was... After about a week of failing, he saw something moving in the distance... "Hurray! I'm saved!" he yelled! The movement became clearer and, to his surprise, he saw that an absolutely beautifull woman was walking towards him! "Must be a mirage" he figured. But NO, she was real! She was so happy to see somebody alive in this desert that she kissed him like he could not believe! She then started to open her blouse and said "I'll do anything for some water..." The guy looked at her, confused, then asked her to wait a few minutes... And here's our guy coming back with the camel! "Would you mind holding the camel for me?" he asked!

Elf: I hope the sun is not too strong and there is not too much sand! You would not want to pay child support to a camel, wouldn't you?
LOL!! :D
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Feb 24, 2004
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Sorry I did not post anything last week, there was not much report except a scale that I wanted to beat the crap out of. I use the scale at the gym, which is like one of those scales you find at the doctors office with the measurement part that pops out and also tells your height as well. For the longest time I was so excited to reach the 300lbs level. Two days after weighing 301lbs, I step on the scale the lower weight on 300lbs and the top weight on "0" with the indicator hovering in the middle. That was a great moment and workout that day flew by. I decided to hop on the scale two days later just to finally see under 300lbs. I started as I had done before, bottom weight on 300lbs and the top weight on "0". The indicator stayed on the bottom, I am finally under 300lbs or so I thought. I then put the lower weight on 250lbs and slid the top weight to 50lbs and the indicator rose to the top and stayed. I repeated "300 & 0" and "250 & 50" four more times with the same result. I was too light at "300 & 0" and too heavy at "250 & 50". I was confused and discouraged, if the scale was not calibrated properly it should still remain consistent.

For 3 days in a row the same result, until the fourth day when I put it at 250 & 50 and the indicator moved and rested in the middle"ish". That scale does not know how close it came to being scrap metal. Since then I have tried not to use the scale everyday. I pay alot more attention to the fact that I have gone down two belt holes (need to make another hole) and I am swimming in my pants. I am in better shape then I have been in a long time. Still those numbers give such a concrete level it is hard to stay away from that evil scale. So after my work-out yesterday, I went back on that scale "296lbs" (I think its even more). But that was the scale I started with so I guess it will be the one I finish with. If it says 37lbs in 50 days, thats good enough for me. Looking forward to the next goal of 40lbs and the one I am very excited about, saying I have lost 50lbs.

Once again thank you every one for the encouragement, especially Drill Master SGT ELF.



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Aug 16, 2003
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I'm a stress eater and, when the stress runs away with me, I can ever so slowly gain 20+ lbs. I'm also successful at quickly losing the weight when I decide to. (Yes, I know this yo-yo'ing is very bad for me.)

Some things I consistently do, none of which are novel:
- I measure myself the same time each day, with the same scale on the same place on the floor. My weight changes throughout the day and its suprising how much floor position changes it.
- I remember my weight only when it hits a new low. There is little apparent logic to my daily weight. The lows are my motivation. It helps that I have a scale that's supposed to be accurate to 0.2 lbs.
- I am constantly so full of water that it seems I can't swallow more. First, this makes me less hungry. Second, this aids in weight loss from what I've read. I add in some gateraid for taste when I start to hate water.
- The days I am particularly hungry are the days I am the most strict. It seems very often I will need to go to the washroom the next day and so hit a new low. That is great motivation.
- Try, try, try not to eat after supper. Fill yourself up with water. In an emergency go see a movie and eat a small popcorn. Go to bed early.
- I "treat" myself once a week. This gives me something to look forward to and it helps my motivation when I get the munchies.
- I plateau every once in a while and may otherwise not lose weight for a week or more. Your body is great at surviving starvation and it reduces calorie expenditures if you diet aggressively. When this happens, I start to exercise intensely and I soon break through the plateau. I think of this as kicking my body out of steady state.
- I only buy clothes when I'm at my granola, buff, best looking weight. This way I don't have clothes for all weights. My clothes not fitting well is a warning sign to me. Needing new clothes is a motivation.
- I get 5 lbs below the weight I want. This gives me leeway as I adjust to a healthy diet for the weight I want. Eating properly for your final weight is key.

Anyway, I average better than 3 lbs a week (and can do an unhealthy 5 when I want to). That's 12 lbs a month, 36 a quarter, and, I guess, 144 a year. The most I've ever had to lose was 40+ after a 4 year project from hell.

So chin up Ripley, it's all good.

10 lbs, and 3 weeks, away from looking lanky
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Based on my limited knowledge of dietary supplements, as a matter of fact most of these "magic" pills out there that are designed to assist your metabolism contain while kidney bean extracts.

Please note it is the combination of foods you eat that help you gain or loose weight. So, in the case of white kidney beans, just get them from your local supermarket and eat them just like medication without eating anything else. The results are pretty good for people who have tried an all-bean diet.

The side effect of this type of diet is a substantial increase in Co2 emissions. Be careful, if you drive a car with leather seats. Some of these emissions can put a hole right through your seat!!! (no miss C can't handle that lol)


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Dear Ripley,

Been busy with final exams, they are finally over YEA! but reading this thread is motivating for me too. Keep up the good work. You know we are all rooting for you. I am looking forward to the note that says you had to buy a new pair of pants because the is a limit to how much you can pull in the waist with a belt!

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