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50 facts...


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
  1. The average Japanese woman can expect to live to be 84. The average Botswanan will reach just 39.
  2. A third of the world's obese people live in the developing world.
  3. The US and Britain have the highest teen pregnancy rates in the developed world.
  4. China has 44 million missing women.
  5. Brazil has more Avon ladies than members of its armed forces.
  6. Eighty-one per cent of the world's executions in 2002 took place in just three countries: China, Iran and the USA.
  7. British supermarkets know more about their customers than the British government does.
  8. Every cow in the European Union is subsidized by $2.50 a day. That's more than what 75 percent of Africans have to live on.
  9. In more than 70 countries, same-sex relationships are illegal. In nine counties, the penalty is death.
  10. One in five of the world's people lives on less than $1 a day.
  11. More than 12,000 women are killed each year in Russia as a result of domestic violence.
  12. In 2001, 13.2 million Americans had some form of plastic surgery.
  13. Landmines kill or maim at least one person every hour.
  14. There are 44 million child laborers in India.
  15. People in industrialized countries eat between 13 and 15 pounds of food additives every year.
  16. The golfer Tiger Woods is the world's highest-paid sportsman. He earns $78 million a year—or $148 every second.
  17. Seven million American women and 1 million American men suffer from and eating disorder.
  18. Nearly half of British fifteen-year-olds have tried illegal drugs and nearly a quarter are regular cigarette smokers.
  19. There are 67,000 people employed in the lobbying industry in Washington, DC—125 for each elected member of Congress.
  20. Cars kill two people every minute.
  21. Since 1977, there have been nearly 80,000 acts of violence or disruption clinics in North America.
  22. More people can identify the golden arches of McDonald's than the Christian cross.
  23. In Kenya, bribery payments make up a third of the average household budget.
  24. The world's trade in illegal drugs is estimated to be worth around $400 billion—about the same as the world's legal pharmaceutical industry.
  25. Nearly half of Americans believe aliens have landed on Earth.
  26. More than 150 countries use torture.
  27. Every day, one in five of the world's population—some 800 million people—go hungry.
  28. Black men born in the US today stand a one in three chance of going to jail.
  29. A third of the world's population is at war.
  30. The world's oil reserves could be exhausted by 2040.
  31. Eighty-two percent of the world's smokers live in developing countries.
  32. More than 70 percent of the wrold's population have never heard a dial tone.
  33. A quarter of the world's armed conflicts of recent years have involved a struggle for natural resources.
  34. Some 30 million people in Africa are HIV positive.
  35. Ten languages die out every year.
  36. More people die each year from suicide than in all the world's armed conflicts.
  37. Every week, an average of 88 children are expelled from American schools for bringing a gun to class.
  38. There are at least 300,000 prisoners of conscience in the world.
  39. Two million girls and women are subjected to female genital mutilation each year.
  40. There are 300,000 child soldiers fighting in conflicts around the world
  41. Nearly 26 million people voted in the 2001 British General Election. More than 32 million votes were cast in the first season of Pop Idol.
  42. America spends $10 billion on pornography every year—the same amount it spends on foreign aid.
  43. In 2003, the US spent $396 billion on it military. This is 33 times the combined military spending of the seven 'rogue states'.
  44. There are 27 million slaves in the world today.
  45. Americans discard 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour. That's enough bottles to reach all the way to the moon every three weeks
  46. The average urban Briton is caught on camera up to 300 times a day.
  47. Some 120,000 women and girls are trafficked into Western Europe every year.
  48. A kiwi fruit flown from New Zealand to Britain emits five times its own weight in greenhouse gases.
  49. The US owes the United Nations more than $1 billion in unpaid dues.
  50. Children living in poverty are three times more likely to suffer a mental illness than children from wealthy families.

From 50 Facts That Should Change The World
These facts were correct at the date of publication in 2004, they may have changed since.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
My_dingaling said:
I'm sending this list to the PQ and ask them to give me a handful of fucking good reasons why separation is anything less than a luxurious capricious objective.
Do we ever have it good here!
You're so right! Let's also stop any work on cancer, let's stop progression of computer sciences, let's stop on trying to make cars more efficient, let's go back living in caves... There's so many other things that need to be addressed...

By the way, can you tell us who appointed you to be in charge of defining humanity's priorities?


GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
Fact? #48

A kiwi fruit flown from New Zealand to Britain emits 5 times its own weight in greehouse gases.

Two conditions has to occure for an object to emit a gas.

1) The gas is contained within the object, and the gases will cease to be emitted when it is all the gasses within are emitted.. In which case the object still would exist with the majority of its own weight intact and only a small amount of gasses would have been emitted.

2) The gases are sublimated from the object, and the gases will cease to be emitted when the object is all used up in the sublimation process.
Example: An ice cube melts and turns to water, the water is sublimated in CO-2 when the water evaporates.

No object can emit 5 times its own weight in gasses without some sort of replenishment in its own substance.


Unless, it is Agrippa consuming baked beans from a institutional size tin with a large serving spoon. In which case it is the baked beans noxious fart gasses that have been emiited :eek:
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C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
Thank you for your contribution oliver, but I was thinking more along the lines of the title of the book from which the facts came from: 50 Facts That Should Change The World. Maybe I should have included this in the title of the thread.

The facts you present, though some are surprising and entertaining, have no effect on my life and don't deserve further time spent on them. The ones presented by Jessica Williams in her book illustrate the irrationality, stupidity, immorality, etc of our actions. Hopefully, as we all mature, this can change.


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
My_dingaling said:
I'm sure the number 5 isn't like the number of GHG emssions of one of your farts . It's more like the number one million litres of water required to produce an automobile, for example.
Consider the GHG emissions of planting a sedd, watering.... why am I explaining this? You were probably just picking up on bad English and kuddos to you for that.
You are correct, it specifically had to do with the transportation, not the kiwi itself.

GTA's humour was not lost on me. Nor do I take responsability for the poor english--I simply reproduced the chapter headings of the book.


Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
oliver_kloseoff said:
* In ancient Greece, children of wealthy families were dipped in olive oil at birth to keep them hairless throughout their lives.

I've often wondered why there weren't any hairy olives.


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
i started reading all these lists... stopped after about 20 items... scrolled down the page... noticed how much reading it is... gave up.

damn, if i wanted to read this much shit i would've become a lawyer. <click>


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
My_dingaling said:
You were high when you wrote this right?
Na! Only referring to how irrelevant and closed-minded your post was in relation to the topic, you know, being sarcastic?

There are things we can change and some we can't. An item being a long term project doesn't mean it's not of any use. And being useless to you doesn't mean it's useless to others.

Let's not turn this to a political discussion please.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
29. A third of the world's population is at war.

Hmmm no. I'm pretty sure that if 2.3 billion people were currently at war, we'd know about it.

A bunch of these "facts" are written to make them sound worse then they actually are.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
GTA refugee said:
A kiwi fruit flown from New Zealand to Britain emits 5 times its own weight in greehouse gases.

Two conditions has to occure for an object to emit a gas.

1) The gas is contained within the object, and the gases will cease to be emitted when it is all the gasses within are emitted.. In which case the object still would exist with the majority of its own weight intact and only a small amount of gasses would have been emitted.

2) The gases are sublimated from the object, and the gases will cease to be emitted when the object is all used up in the sublimation process.
Example: An ice cube melts and turns to water, the water is sublimated in CO-2 when the water evaporates.

No object can emit 5 times its own weight in gasses without some sort of replenishment in its own substance.
Have you considered the gases emitted during transport of the fruit and not from the fruit itself?



C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
JustBob said:
Hmmm no. I'm pretty sure that if 2.3 billion people were currently at war, we'd know about it.
Well, the fact of the matter is that there's a lot one doesn't hear about. The news on TV or in newspapers just doesn't cover Muslims vs Christians or Hindus conflicts in Asia on a daily basis, they don't cover what's happening in the 'Horn of Africa'...

The fact you are challenging (a third of the world's population is at war) is based on the 2002 Project Ploughshares report which states that 30 countries are fighting in 37 armed conflicts. Project Ploughshares defines 'armed conflict' as a political conflict involving armed combat between armed forces of at least one state, or one or more armed factions trying to gain control of all or part of a state. A conflict makes the list when more than 1,000 people have been killed by the fighting. All 37 of 2002's conflicts were civil wars. This adds up to 2.29 billion people. The leap the author makes in stating that it is 1/3 of the world's population that is 'at' war is that it's not just a couple thousands of soldiers that are 'inconvenienced' while the war is going on; the entire country's population is the experiencing hardship.

I can't seem to find the 2002 report, but here's the most recent info:

JustBob said:
A bunch of these "facts" are written to make them sound worse then they actually are.

Anything else you would like to have elaborated upon, I'm happy to post the sources.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Agrippa said:
The fact you are challenging (a third of the world's population is at war) is based on the 2002 Project Ploughshares report which states that 30 countries are fighting in 37 armed conflicts. Project Ploughshares defines 'armed conflict' as a political conflict involving armed combat between armed forces of at least one state, or one or more armed factions trying to gain control of all or part of a state. A conflict makes the list when more than 1,000 people have been killed by the fighting. All 37 of 2002's conflicts were civil wars. This adds up to 2.29 billion people. The leap the author makes in stating that it is 1/3 of the world's population that is 'at' war is that it's not just a couple thousands of soldiers that are 'inconvenienced' while the war is going on; the entire country's population is the experiencing hardship.

I can't seem to find the 2002 report, but here's the most recent info:

29. 30 countries are involved in 37 armed conflicts.

compare that to

29. A third of the world population is at war.

The first statement is correct. The second is not. It's an hyperbolish giant leap of logic. The entire population of India isn't at war, neither is the entire population of Colombia, or Russia, or... Heck why not add the entire population of China while we're at it since they have an on-going conflict with Tibet. :)
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Jul 21, 2005
mazingerz said:
:confused: Hein? :confused: Je ne voie pas de lien
Parce que le monsieur que l'on nomme Oliver Et j'emploie le mot monsieur pour etre poli croit que tu est un méchant séparatiste Pourtant tu a voter conservateur au fédéral et tu te prépare a voter pour charest ou provincial. Mais dans son esprit tordu si tu est un défenseur de la langue Francaise tu est un séparatiste.


Jul 21, 2005
mazingerz said:
Ce n'est pourtant pas la même chose
Je sais que ce n'est pas la meme chose mais je ne vais meme pas essayer de lui faire comprendre car aussitot qu'il voit ton nom il lui pousse des boutons et les insultes commence.

JH Fan

New Member
May 15, 2008
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