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Steven Soderbergh's "The Girlfriend Experience"


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Soderbergh is an interesting and eclectic director who has often strayed off the mainstream to tackle more experimental projects like "Full Frontal" and "Bubble". I'm intrigued by this project (already in post-production) especially since he chose to cast porn actress Sasha Grey in the lead role. Maybe it should be retitled "The Porn Star Experience". :)

Filmmaker Steven Soderbergh is giving a porn star her big Hollywood break after casting her in the starring role in his next movie.

Sasha Grey - whose previous movie credits include Anal Acrobats 3 and Blow Me Sandwich 11 - will play the protagonist in Girlfriend Experience, about a high class call girl whose life unravels.

Explaining the project to Interview magazine, the Oscar-winning director says, "(It's) about someone who feels as though she is in absolute control of the way that her life works and, over the course of a week, comes to realise that's not true.

"It's a subject I've been totally interested in since the beginning of my career. This is just a milieu that I've never explored before."


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
I don't think it will have wide appeal.

Those kinds of movies are pretty much for the Lifetime Channel crowd.

As for Soderbergh, I liked Ocean's 11, and I actually liked Ocean's 12.
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