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Losing virginity


New Member
Jan 14, 2009

I found this website while fishing around for info and I think it might serve me well.

I'm 25 years old. And I've never been further than 3rd base with a woman.

I've had some opportunities while I was younger that I (stupidly) passed over for various reasons but I haven't had one of those in a while and I don't foresee that changing anytime soon.

I'm at a point where I'm seriously considering using a ... companionship service to remedy this fact because I'm not exactly a shy person (in fact my job requires me to solicit total strangers on a regular basis so I'd consider my social skills to be decent) but I can't approach a woman without cowering in fear as if the world was coming to an end. To use a popular movie expression "I'm putting the pussy up on a pedestal" because, in part, I feel totally inadequate because of my lack of experience and I feel that this would not only prove to be a fun time but could help me work out through many of my issues.

While I'm at it though, I believe it might not only be a good idea to "break the ice" but probably use the occasion to receive a few pointers on the issue as I don't really see anybody in a better position in these kind of matters. So a few repeat visits (5 or so I think should be a good start) with the same person.

I know you guys know "the scene" quite well so I was wondering if anybody would have any suggestions as to whom may be suitable for my needs. Somebody who could help me work through my "growing pains" and take the time to teach me a few tricks. I take it a fair bit of talking and practising may be involved so a lady who would be sensitive to these things would be great. I'm not picky on looks so just a nice average looking girl would be perfect as I think the personality of the girl would play a much greater role in my endeavour. I'm thinking an independent would be better suited for this as she might be more flexible but I might be wrong.

I also have obviously never used a service like this so how does it actually work (past the basic take a shower and brush your teeth prior and treat as as a lady) ? As in, how long does a call usually take ? What's the usual approximate cost for a request like this (per visit or as a whole) ? Is it you do it once and it's over or is it a time thing (important difference in my situation because I don't expect to have much stamina regarding) ? Would outcall or incall be better for these kind of things ? Anything else ? Comments ? Suggestions ?

PS : Ladies, you're welcome to chime in as well if you've got something to say (or would like to offer your services). I'm not a creep, I'm ok looking and I'd consider myself an intelligent man. I'm also not looking into trying anything exotic so no worries. I speak both french and english perfectly. It might also be worth noting that I live about 2 minutes north of Laval.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2006
Hi shyguy basically between 80 and 200 is the narmal market rate, 80 will get you one sog (sum release with and average slightly aging woman) and 200 will get you young and fresh out of the oven high end SP (sp=service provider).
I am sure there are many generalities to what I have told you but this is a basic guide.

But I am in some ways in the same position as you, so please do nto try to give up on a succesful girlfriend realtionship, because even after you fuck if you are like me you say hmm am I in a better position now I still do not have a GF, but that is me, if you cannto hold it, then maybe an SP might be an answer.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
shyguy25 said:
I`m 25 years old. And I`ve never been further than 3rd base with a woman.
So a few repeat visits (5 or so I think should be a good start) with the same person.
I`m thinking an independent would be better suited for this as she might be more flexible but I might be wrong.
(past the basic take a shower and brush your teeth prior and treat as as a lady)
Hi Shyguy

Considering #1 above, if you see the same companion 5 times in a row, there`s a risk you`ll fall in love and hit a dead-end, souring your idea of women and judging by this bad experience. Women are not the same, if you want to know how to please them physically, you have to adapt so, meeting more than one expose you to more possibilities.

In my opinion, going tru an agency or with an independent doesn`t make much difference in your case. You might find what you need in both world. This is one of the beauty of this board, you can have an idea of some lady`s style by reading their reviews.

The independent will usually see just a few customer per night or even per week, while the agency lady might see more.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
metoo4 said:
Hi Shyguy

Considering #1 above, if you see the same companion 5 times in a row, there`s a risk you`ll fall in love and hit a dead-end, [SIZE=``4``]souring your idea of women[/SIZE] and judging by this bad experience. Women are not the same, if you want to know how to please them physically, you have to adapt so, meeting more than one expose you to more possibilities.

Hello Shyguy,

Starting into this fantasy world where you can call for a large selection of beautiful ladies any time you want can get addictive easily. Many lonely guys or guys frustrated in marriage get hooked quickly and have hundreds of meetings, spending tens-hundreds of thousands of dollars. It can also easily taint your view of and affect real relationships with women. If you are the rare type who has a good and stable career and just doesn`t want a ``normal`` real relationship, and can control your urges so you don`t get out of can handle it?????????? BUT...BE CAREFUL! For me, I am lucky, and not so lucky, to be far from temptation.

After that very serious caution, there are some very good agencies to go to for a fun and reliable experience. My favorites are Devilishescorts, Montrealsexcity, Montrealxxxtase, and Satindreams. Do your homework and research the review section extensively. And, PM members whose reviews you feel have the same tastes as yours.

Good luck,

Last edited:

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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Hi Shyguy

I'd think you'd want an escort who was good looking and also a warm, companionable person you could explain your situation to. Most such escorts would be a bit into their 20s, I think. There are a lot of hot-looking girls of 18, 19 or 20 who are interested in the money and sex and not much else. They're fun too, but not what you'd be looking for.

So here are some possibilities. If you want more info on any of them, feel free to send me a private message. Looking at the reviews of the girls here at MERB would also be a big help.

Kristy Temptation. Just 21 or so, but a very intelligent young woman with a heart. Tell her your situation and she'll understand. She's an independent with a web site; you can find her by googling.

Kelly of Xxxtase and Aliciya of Xxxtase. Thing is, neither of them works that often. You'd have to check the Xxxtase web site every afternoon to see if one of them is on that day.

Natasha of Devilish. Very warm hearted and fun. Works more than Kelly or Aliciya, though again you'd have to check her agency's site every day to see if she's in.

Roxanne of Eleganza. Still a teenager, but I found her quite easy to talk to. The agency schedules its girls week by week; take a look at their site Monday afternoon and call as fast as you can -- the girls are popular and book up fast. Some caveats: Eleganza charges a steep $200/hr and Roxanne's English wasn't much, at least not back in May. (I forget whether you said you speak French as well as English.)

In general, I think what you're doing is a good idea. Going without sex makes people build up the experience in their heads, leading to self-doubt, intimidation, etc., etc. Let yourself find out what it's all about and treat yourself to a good time. But, sure, also be aware that some get hooked on buying sex and overindulge.

Best of luck!


New Member
May 18, 2008
Hi Shyguy,

I was in almost the same position as you when I was 25. I decided to try because I was feed-up with the situation.

The first lady I meet was outside the country during a trip. Very friendly, but I was a nervous wreck before meeting her. Anyway The meeting went well, but she did know other language but wasn't good in english me neither. Still a fun time.

I did repeat meeting ladys using agency when I was back in Canada. It made me realize a few thing:
1- I can split between love and business(necessary if you want to meet SP)

2- Some lady even if they are beautiful I'm totally indifferent to them. They need to be able to talk about something. Even in that case some beautiful lady with discussion I would only consider friend if I meet them.

3- The lady I meet did help my self confidence.

4- For removing the nervousness about meeting women it did help a little bit I guess at least in casual meeting. If I find a girl interesting I still can't break the ice.

I'm still new a this. But for helping you diminish your nervousness at meeting new women the normal way, it doesn't really help. It do help to replace women on a normal level.

Also you need to be able to divide between SP and love. Love can happen, but they are not there for that and if you go meet them trying to find love you prepare yourself for a world of hurt.

Good luck whatever you decide


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
I forgot! Do NOT brush your teeth before seeing an SP. Mouthwash only! Tooth brush will scratch your gums, leaving point of entry for nasty surprises...


New Member
Jan 14, 2009
Thanks for all the PM and answers so far.

These have all been good tips and your warnings are taken seriously.

I do believe that if I'm gong to do this though, someone with a bit more experience would probably be a must so I'm guessing somebody in her mid to late 20's might be better. And as longseek mentioned, I've always liked somebody who can hold an intelligent conversation and it would be best in this situation as this will be a learning experience for me and I will have questions as to not only physically please a woman but also how to best approach them and everything. French or English makes no difference to me.

And even though variety would be nice as not all woman are alike, I think I'd rather try and work it out with the same person so as to better "evolve" session per session. I'm open-minded about this though so if you have something to add, please do.

This is, however, a last resort and I can say I'm having mixed feelings about this. On the one hand I can stay very detached so I'm not exactly worried about falling in love and I have no delusions about it. This is also certainly not the way I had pictured doing it at first while younger but then again I do think some good might come of it.

I'm also interested in more opinions and feedback, especially from the ladies who've lived through this kind of thing before. Do you think it helps or hinders ?


Active Member
May 23, 2005
I suggest going with a mature independant for your learning process such as naughtylady who

also posts here. I've never seen her myself but I can tell she's a nice and genuine person that

would be great at guiding you through everything.


time is precious
Dec 30, 2008
master_bates said:
I suggest going with a mature independant for your learning process such as naughtylady who

also posts here. I've never seen her myself but I can tell she's a nice and genuine person that

would be great at guiding you through everything.

I agree, a would also direct myself towards a more mature women. I think communication and understanding should be your targets in choosing the right women. I am not fond of suggesting a companion for a first time experiece, Iknow for a fact that this memory will stay with you for the longest of time and would certainly hate myself for steering someone wrong. I will do it anyways, I suggest getting in contact with Maria Divina. A very beuatiful, understanding, communicative with a good sense of life's experiences. I also suggest that you communicate with her more than once (i am certain that she will do it on her own), it will help eliminate some of the stress of meeting a stranger. And will also help in determining whether or not a connection of character is made.

Good luck and enjoy.

WOW, a first time. I can still remember mine.

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Kronos said:
WOW, a first time. I can still remember mine.

I can't remember much of mine. Truth be told it didn't last very long I'm sure but at that age you could step back into the batter's box every 10 minutes.

These were the days when all the girls went on the pill at 16 and there was nothing you could catch that couldn't be cured by penicillin.

I had absolutely no clue but it was fun stumbling around.
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