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Final Word


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Oct 21, 2003
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Well guys, I'm leaving for good I'll be back in 10-20 years or maybe not.
I read a lot about seduction in the past year, I used to be unsuccessful with women and frustrated that's why I decided to go with prostitutes I think...All this shitty game got me confused with women and my experience showed that women in this business are not the most interesting and it is easy to become misogynist.

I started reading books about women psychology and seduction it helped me a lot to be extremely successful with them (gym helps too). I know what to say, how to say it and when to say it. How to look at them and how to interest them. I managed to get phone numbers from very praised escorts in this board and see them outside to all of you ladies who I had the pleasure to meet...."F**K You", because you were by far the most uncomfortable experiences I had in my life. I'm currently booked this week with 2 dates, 3 weeks ago I had to reject a girl, not because she wasn't of my taste but because I had my hands full. All of the dates I had were with educated women, who knew what they were talking about I really felt a connection with many of them vs the dates I had with escorts. So this business is not good enough for me anymore. I might come back in many years from know, but I hope I don't.

A word of advice to any hobbyst. There are plenty of good books in amazon about seduction and psychology. I would advice you to read a few and practice, it takes some time and practice but it works.


not going there anymore
Jan 17, 2004
In the South
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Latinofreak said:
Well guys, I'm leaving for good I'll be back in 10-20 years or maybe not.

"F**K You", because you were by far the most uncomfortable experiences I had in my life.
Fuck You but you think you'll be back in 10-20 years.
WOW! you are damaged big time and if you keep this attitude you'll never be a happy person. Help is available unless your ego is making you proud. Wishing you well and see ya in 10-20 years. Hope I'll be able to, well ya know, in ten years!

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
The problem with dating all these "real" girls is that sooner or later one of them might really like you. Then you'll get into a long term relationship and possibly even marriage. That's when you'll really need to hit and start buying some more books. Eventually, you may come to the conclusion that it's more fun to go on dates and bang the occaisional SP, and much cheaper in the long run. Those real girls will take your money faster than an SP and then you can't get rid of them without giving up half of whatever you have left (you can count on it). But, unlike an SP, they can also take your soul, your house, your kids and your dignity :)

Congrats to you! I will give you 1 year max.


PS: I hope you are buying my books and not 10-19's... His are quite overrated :D


Mar 26, 2004
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"Seduction For Dummies"

Chapter 2 - Paragraph 14

"Generally you should not take off your pants within the first 10 minutes of meeting a new girl."

Now they tell me!!!!

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
My_dingaling said:
Getting out of the 'hobby' is launching yourself up many many rungs on the ladder of self esteem in he huge majority of the cases.
Get a mirror everybody!

Perhaps but what exactly was the point of his post.

It could be:
a) Everything you need to know about women you can find in self-help books
or b) so long suckers, I'm so many rungs higher on the "ladder" than you poor slobs

What kind of an adult male, other than a damaged one, reads books about how to find a date ? And do you think any book would recommend insulting a group of women as he has with escorts ?

Well good luck to him, maybe he will become Dr Phillipus on some Juarez TV show or something and tell you all his secrets.
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New Member
May 23, 2005
There are a number of reasons men do this. Often, they have nothing to do with being unable to "seduce" someone.

Wish you luck, man, but your generalization is absurd.
Apr 16, 2005
Just a thought or two..............

Latinofreak said:
Well guys, I'm leaving for good I'll be back in 10-20 years or maybe not.
I read a lot about seduction in the past year, I used to be unsuccessful with women and frustrated that's why I decided to go with prostitutes I think...All this shitty game got me confused with women and my experience showed that women in this business are not the most interesting and it is easy to become misogynist.

I started reading books about women psychology and seduction it helped me a lot to be extremely successful with them (gym helps too). I know what to say, how to say it and when to say it. How to look at them and how to interest them. I managed to get phone numbers from very praised escorts in this board and see them outside to all of you ladies who I had the pleasure to meet...."F**K You", because you were by far the most uncomfortable experiences I had in my life. I'm currently booked this week with 2 dates, 3 weeks ago I had to reject a girl, not because she wasn't of my taste but because I had my hands full. All of the dates I had were with educated women, who knew what they were talking about I really felt a connection with many of them vs the dates I had with escorts. So this business is not good enough for me anymore. I might come back in many years from know, but I hope I don't.

A word of advice to any hobbyst. There are plenty of good books in amazon about seduction and psychology. I would advice you to read a few and practice, it takes some time and practice but it works.
Well I wish you luck in your endeavours. Sounds like your self esteem has been taking a hit for quite some time now, first with women in general and second, with SP's in particular. And I don't take your lashing out at SP's seriously. I do believe your comments were made out of frustration with it all. Your comments don't really apply in any event. There are more than a few SP's with university degrees, a couple who post here regularly. I have had conversations with a couple of them at GT's and they are quite intelligent and well read. But of course it is an asset as they deal a lot with a high end clientele. SP's are just women, no more, no less, unless you count this business as part of it.

Since several merbites have commented here I'll put my two cents in, stick my neck out (I don't pretend to have all the answers) and give my take on it. In one sense I feel your pain. You can read all the books you like, visit and hustle every female in sight. But it may not improve even with time. Often these problems are within ourselves. I kind of condense it down to two main rules:
First, be secure within yourself. If you have a solid self concept you can stand at the bar, survey the scene and say to yourself, “I enjoy their company but I can do without it” and actually have a deep conviction about it. If you don't truly believe it, chances are you will fail. The psychology behind it isn't so difficult. Woman look for strength, mostly the mental type. Been like that for thousands of years. Show the slightest insecurity and they can smell it. Indeed they will test you with rebuffs and/or direct challenges to your self esteem. And always keep in your mind that the way she reacts to you may say more about her than it does about you. If she is a bitch, exit with class. You might want to leave out the “so to all of you ladies who I had the pleasure to meet...."F**K You", because you were by far the most uncomfortable experiences I had in my life.” part.
Second, charm is born of genuine interest in the one you are talking to and establishing connection. There are are a variety of tools for this. If you haven't already picked up the life skills then go back and read your books. Personally, I don't subscribe to the fast seduction guys as their methods can be a tad extreme and in my mind it is questionable whether the majority of their conquests result in relationships that have legs.
Anyway, just adding my bit to what the others have offered here. So the best of luck to you! :)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Roland said:
Hope you can learn something from this thread.
I doubt it, Roland. This character is way too impressed with his own shallow self to learn from the likes of you, me, or Ziggy's books.

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
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Latinofreak said:
All of the dates I had were with educated women, who knew what they were talking about I really felt a connection with many of them vs the dates I had with escorts.

Maybe they can teach you punctuation.
Apr 16, 2005
A must read

10-19 said:
Thanks for buying my books. :D
Particularly enjoyed the chapter on rubber boots and sheep. Such sensitivity and depth. I for one, was deeply touched with the very sensitive treatment of what some might think is a topic best carried out behind closed doors. Of course swinging and locking those huge doors can be challenging. Perhaps you could expand on that for the newbies. Sadly I am still into more conventional pursuits.:D

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Regular Guy said:
Sadly I am still into more conventional pursuits.:D

Yes german shepards are easier to come by :D

Sorry about that just in a wierd mood ;)
Apr 16, 2005
Possum Trot said:
Yes german shepards are easier to come by :D

Sorry about that just in a wierd mood ;)
Yeah, You gotta be careful about that stuff. Somebody might ask you how you came by that info.:D

In any event. Don't worry about it. Ziggy usually gets me back worse than that!
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Regular Guy said:
Particularly enjoyed the chapter on rubber boots and sheep. Such sensitivity and depth. I for one, was deeply touched with the very sensitive treatment of what some might think is a topic best carried out behind closed doors. Of course swinging and locking those huge doors can be challenging. Perhaps you could expand on that for the newbies. Sadly I am still into more conventional pursuits.:D
True, that was excellent work, but I wouldn't give too much credit to Ziggy's research methodology. Most of what goes into his work comes from his own experiences in the field. (And occasionally the barn.)
Apr 16, 2005
On a further note

rumpleforeskiin said:
True, that was excellent work, but I wouldn't give too much credit to Ziggy's research methodology. Most of what goes into his work comes from his own experiences in the field. (And occasionally the barn.)
Well I wasn't even going to get into the bibliography for that chapter as I could have sworn I saw the term "threesomes" there. But one has to be accurate when it comes to the critique of an academic treatise. On another note I did mean to ask him for an opinion on his work regarding the incidence of condom sales in local supermarkets. Will that be paper or plastic?
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