Montreal Escorts

Billy Bob Thornton goes Joaquin Phoenix during interview

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
All can say is....bizarre!! :eek:

TORONTO — Actor Billy Bob Thornton has laid claim to his own Joaquin Phoenix moment.

An ornery Thornton appeared on CBC radio’s “Q” on Wednesday morning to promote his band, the Boxmasters, and was alternately belligerent and bizarre before drawing host Jian Gomeshi into an argument about the way his appearance on the show had been promoted.

Thornton, the band’s singer, took issue with Gomeshi’s introduction to the interview, which included references to the star’s career as a Hollywood actor, director and screenwriter.

Through the first half of the in-studio conversation, Thornton refused to answer any of Gomeshi’s questions directly — responding to questions about his band by mumbling “I don’t know what you’re talking about” or some variation of that — before bringing the issue to a head after Gomeshi mentioned Thornton’s passion for music.

“Would you say that to Tom Petty?” Thornton questioned.

The Oscar-winning star of “Sling Blade” continued that Gomeshi had been instructed ahead of time not to talk about his film career at all. The radio host suggested that Thornton’s past was relevant to provide context for listeners.

“There’s plenty of context without all that,” Thornton fired back.

When Gomeshi pointed out that his refusal to acknowledge his film career was odd, Thornton responded: “I think it’s odd that you have to smoke inside a white stripe outside,” apparently referring to a no-smoking policy at buildings in the city.

Phoenix, who abandoned acting to pursue a career in rap music, made headlines when he sulked his way through an interview on “Late Show With David Letterman” earlier this year. Wearing a heavy beard and dark sunglasses, the uncommunicative “Walk the Line” star prompted Letterman to crack: “Joaquin, I’m sorry you couldn’t be here tonight.”

That clip immediately achieved YouTube fame, and Thornton might not be far behind.

His “Q” appearance has already been posted on American gossip website TMZ, and a CBC spokesperson says the show has received over 1,600 emails and blog responses at the public broadcaster’s website — by far the most attention they’ve ever received since “Q” began almost two years ago.

While Thornton was more antagonistic than Phoenix, he also showed a cryptic side.

When pressed for details on his music, Thornton instead provided a non sequitur about a magazine he subscribed to called Famous Monsters of Filmland and a model-building contest he once entered.

Thornton — who’s in the midst of a six-city swing with his band north of the border — also found the time to criticize Canadian crowds during his appearance.

“Canadian audiences seem to be very reserved,” said the 53-year-old. “We tend to play places where people throw things at each other. Here, they just sort of sit there. And it doesn’t matter what you say to ‘em. ... It’s mashed potatoes but no gravy.”

When his band closed the “Q” appearance with a song, Thornton refused to sing and they played without vocals.

Gomeshi said later in a telephone interview that Thornton left without saying goodbye or thanking the host.

“His band members, however, were very cordial, and thanked me and, I dare say, I’m speculating, seemed almost apologetic, though they didn’t say sorry,” Gomeshi said.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
He's been a grumpy old bastard ever since Angelina divorced him. And if Billy Bob wants people to throw things at him all he has to do is come to Montreal and do a show and I will be glad to stop by with a dozen eggs that I've left out in the sun for a few days just for him. :D

Now...Famous Monsters of Filmland, that brings back memories! One of my favorite mags when I was a kid. The man who started it, Forest J Ackerman, died this past year and he was the man who coined the term Sci-Fi and was probably the ultimate fan of monster and sci-fi movies. I was disappointed that he wasn't included in the Oscar's 2009 tribute to people who had died in the past year. Guess he wasn't a member of the Academy.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
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Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Techman said:
Now...Famous Monsters of Filmland, that brings back memories! One of my favorite mags when I was a kid.

I don't remember that one, but what i do remember avidly reading was a monster magazine called "Monster Madness". When i was a kid, i used to stay up (or try to) all night long whenever one of the tv channels would have an horror movie marathon every couple of months or so. I remember being scared out of my wits watching movies such as "Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Mummy, Die, Monster, Die!, The Raven, Son of Frankenstein, etc.....

I miss those days!!! :(

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Techman said:
He's been a grumpy old bastard ever since Angelina divorced him.

I remember Donald Trump once saying on tv (Larry King, i think) that he hated Angelina Jolie for many things, including the fact she fucked Billy Bob Thornton at the back of a limousine on their way to the Oscars one late afternoon.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Techman said:
Place des Arts??? They must be having trouble booking decent acts :eek:

Thornton's band has been touring with Willie Nelson & Ray Price.....they've been opening for them.
Feb 24, 2006
would have liked to see Billy Bob's reaction if Gomeshi asked him,
"ok... now why the bad mood ... do you miss Angelina's lips around your schlong?"

if you are going to the concert in Montreal,
just walk out of Place des Arts when he comes on stage,into the outside hall and get a drink before Willie Nelson comes out.
that type of insult and ignoring him is what he'd hate more than any type of heckling.

the other guy's in the band really looked embarassed in that clip.
It looked liked they were just douchbag hacks just along for the ride with this hollywood diva.
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Lusty Pig

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
the guy can go fuck himself and his all too mighty sense of self importance. his tunes are crap- worse than the shit that was pumped out in the 90's by all the hot fluke bands.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Doc Holliday said:
Thornton's band has been touring with Willie Nelson & Ray Price.....they've been opening for them.

Here's the review from their concert the other night in Toronto. Seems that Thornton's band wasn't very impressive:

Concert Review: Willie Nelson, Ray Price, Boxmasters

Massey Hall, Toronto - April 8, 2009

The Arkansas Kid was taken down by The Two Texans on Wednesday night at Massey Hall.

That would be Billy Bob Thornton, and his band the Boxmasters, who got some good ole' fashion schooling in live performing from none other than country music legends Willie Nelson and Ray Price during the first of two back-to-back shows featuring all three men.

As the actor-screenwriter-singer-drummer said himself about half-way through his half-hour set: "We're just up here wasting time until they get out here."

Thornton, 53, was the clear upstart given the lengthy and impressive careers of the 75-year-old Nelson and 83-year-old Price.

Sure, Thornton's been singing and drumming a long time and definitely has charisma and confidence to burn but his recording career only goes back to 2001, first on his own and now with the Boxmasters, including an upcoming double CD called Modbilly due on April 21.

And while Thornton and his fellow bandmates, whose numbers had swelled to seven on Wednesday night, had the cool, '50s-inspired sharp suits and skinny ties look thing going, along with a big guitar sound, but the frontman rushed through the first half of his set.

He occasionally threw drum sticks out into the audience before only really came alive during the second half with some pretty good one-liners.

"We're kind of used to Toronto - it's the wildest town in Canada - except for that one girl in Vancouver," said the five-time married Thornton.

But then just as he was finally getting warmed up, he was gone.

"I'm going to have a smoke, " he announced before exiting the stage.

By comparison, Price and Nelson were positively languid in their respective, 45-minute and hour-and-10-minute long sets.

The gentle and warm-sounding Price turned Massey Hall into the Grand Ole Opry with his 11-piece band that included four string players, opening with San Antonio Rose before moving into Crazy Arms, Heartaches By The Number, Release Me (which he joked that he recorded "BH - before Humperdinck"), Spanish Eyes, City Lights, You're The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me, Make The World Go Away, and Lay Your Head On My Pillow.

The remarkable thing was not only how many huge hits he had, but how good and powerful his deep voice still sounded.

"Three months ago, I turned 83," said Price. "And I ain't about to quit, I'll tell you that."

He followed that quip with the song, I Wish I Was Eighteen Again.

Nelson's set was more intimate, despite the unfurling of a large Texas flag as a backdrop, with a stripped-down five-piece band, including his sister Bobbie on piano, keeping the accompaniment to a minimum and Nelson's own acoustic guitar-playing the real star of the show.

Decked out in his usual braids and runners, the country outlaw resembled an aging hippie more than a cowboy, especially when he traded in his black cowboy hat for his trademark red bandana, going through several headbands which he kept throwing into the crowd.

Nelson definitely aimed to please by playing hit after hit beginning with Whiskey River and continuing with Ain't It Funny How Time Slips Away, Crazy, If You've Got The Money, I've Got The Time, Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain, Georgia, Mama, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys, On The Road Again, You Were Always On My Mind, Move It On Over, and such gospel tunes as I'll Fly Away.

Both Price and Nelson, who friendship goes all the way back to when Price hired Nelson to play in his famous band, The Cherokee Cowboys in 1961 (they most recently recorded 2007's Last Of The Breed with Merle Haggard, toured together as a trio and released a live album this year), also played tribute to fellow country music legend Hank Williams in their individual sets.

Price took on Mansion On A Hill and Nelson performed Hey Good Lookin' and I Saw The Light, and they both did the classic songs justice.

Pay attention, Billy Bob.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
He's gone!!!!!

Billy Bob pulls out of Canadian tour

Looks like Montreal fans lucked out!!! They got to see extended sets tonight from Willie Nelson & Ray Price instead of putting up with this asshole's crappy music!!!

Billy Bob Thornton & the Boxmasters have pulled out of their Canadian tour with Willie Nelson and Ray Price and will not be at the John Labatt Centre in London, Ont. Saturday night.

The tour turned sour on Thornton after his bizarre interview on CBC radio's Q earlier this week hit the airwaves and the Internet. He was booed by a Toronto Massey Hall crowd, which also made catcalls, Thursday night.

A statement on Willie Nelson's website said the Boxmasters have cancelled the remainder of the tour.

"At this time, no reasons have been announced but the remainder of the tour will continue as scheduled."

The John Labatt Centre's Chris Campbell said last night that officials there were not told why Thornton dropped out.

"We've just been notified that he won't be performing," Campbell said.

He said the cancellation doesn't change the start time of the concert, set for 7:30 p.m., or the length.

Both Price and Nelson will extend their sets, Campbell said.

Thornton, the band's singer, took issue with Q host Jian Ghomeshi's introduction to the interview, which included references to the star’s career as a Hollywood actor, director and screenwriter.

It came to a head - and the buzz began - when Ghomeshi mentioned Thornton’s passion for music. "Would you say that to Tom Petty?" Thornton questioned.

One result would seem to be that readers of The Free Press will not know what else he was thinking.

An e-mail from the Boxmasters' media relations team arrived early Thursday.

"Unfortunately, I won't be able to schedule this for (Thursday). I've got some conflicts in the guys’ schedule,” the e-mail said.

On Wednesday, the radio host suggested that Thornton's past was relevant to provide context for listeners.

"There's plenty of context without all that," Thornton fired back.

When Ghomeshi pointed out that his refusal to acknowledge his film career was odd, Thornton responded: "I think it's odd that you have to smoke inside a white stripe outside," apparently referring to a no-smoking policy at buildings in Toronto.

Ghomeshi said later in a telephone interview that Thornton left without saying goodbye or thanking the host.

During that radio show, the Oscar-winning star found time to insult Canadian crowds.

"Canadian audiences seem to be very reserved," he told Ghomeshi. "We tend to play places where people throw things at each other. Here, they just sort of sit there. And it doesn't matter what you say to 'em....It's mashed potatoes but no gravy."

Even without the Boxmasters, there is plenty of star power on the bill Saturday.

Price and Nelson go way back. Nelson was a member of Price's band early in his career.

He now has more than 200 albums in his catalogue and is known for such songs as Crazy, Hello Walls, and his famous genre-adjusting version of Stardust. Nelson, 76, is also known as an author, actor and activist.

Techman, were you in attendance in Toronto? It seems the boos & catcalls from the audience towards Thornton & his crappy band was the final straw!! :D

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
They guy is slumming. In his head he is the great BBT! He is an old fart doing an opening act for Willy Nelson with a bunch of young guys. The young guys are using him to get noticed and BBT is using the young guys to fulfill a fantasy of preforming music for an audience. The gig probably pays little more than tranportation and meals. BBT was all grumpy about getting his old bones up a 4 or 5 AM to make the 6 AM interview. The band showed up at 6 AM to get the free publicity.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Wasn't me, Doc! Probably just a bunch of Leaf fans letting out some frustration over missing the playoffs for the fourth year in a row! ;)

But a huge thank you is owed to those Toronto concert goers who have saved the wonderful Place Des Arts from being sullied by the presence of (hill)Billy Bob Thornton. Have to feel sorry for his band-mates though. Maybe they will dump him and get someone decent to replace him. Maybe Joaquin would be willing to give it a shot? :D


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Benson, did you even watch the interview? All Gomeshi did was mention BBT's background in the introduction. He didn't try to get into any discussion about acting in any way and asked no questions about it. BBT acted like a complete pompous ass without justification.

Whether he likes it or not, he is not a music star any more than Joaquin Phoenix is. And if he thinks that he can or should be compared to Tom Petty he is delusional. His reaction was way over the line and he could just as easily continued the interview, which did in fact consist of nothing but questions on his music and the band, but chose to act like an ass instead.

He deserves whatever reaction he gets from this debacle.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
If you simply click on the youtube link Doc provided you would see that it seems to be quite complete and shows BBT to be nothing more than a pompous self absorbed idiot. He pretty much refuses to answer any of the questions and if it wasn't for his band being there, looking quite embarrassed actually, there would have been no interview at all.

I think he is actually very lucky that Gomeshi is such a nice guy. Many other people out there would have simply cut BBT to pieces. Just imagine what would have happened if he pulled this on Letterman?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Actually if you want to see some great interviews with real music artists, just tune in on Friday nights at 10 PM on CTV and catch Elvis Costello's show, Spectacle. Last night it featured The Police and it was a great follow up to the first episode featuring Elton John. Next week it will feature Kris Kristofferson, John Mellencamp and others. Real stars talking about real music and their influences instead of some no talent wannabe who never would have had a record released if it wasn't for his career as an actor which consists of mainly forgettable roles in forgettable movies.


New Member
Jul 28, 2005
Here is the complete interview in film,

I'm with Techman on this, Billy Bob was not provoked at all. BBT seems to take on an indifferent and disrespectful attitude about the interview, the interviewer, the audience or even his band. You can see in this clip the band feeling progressively uncomfortable about what was unfolding before them. I thought Gomeshi conducted himself well given the circumstances.


New Member
Oct 26, 2007
Gotsome said:
Here is the complete interview in film,

I'm with Techman on this, Billy Bob was not provoked at all. BBT seems to take on an indifferent and disrespectful attitude about the interview, the interviewer, the audience or even his band. You can see in this clip the band feeling progressively uncomfortable about what was unfolding before them. I thought Gomeshi conducted himself well given the circumstances.


Jian Gomeshi stayed class while BBT was an ass


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Give me a break, Benson. Have you seen this supposed agreement? Do you know the exact contents of it? If so, post it here so that we can all see it. :rolleyes:

If Thornton didn't want to do an interview, he shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place. It's not like interviewing some D rated vanity project band is any great coup for the CBC station. All it was was a promo piece anyways and I doubt that there was a line up of stations waiting to interview them.

I saw nothing in the interview to indicate that Gomeshi went over the line. If anything he was confused over Thornton's behaviour and was trying to make the best of a bad situation.

Billy Bob should just go back to making bottom of the barrel comedies that no one bothers to see and leave making music to real musicians.
Toronto Escorts