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Moderation of the board

Punitive actions on board rules violation

  • Post a public warning in the thread

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • Post a public warning in the thread, delete it later

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Silently delete the offending post(s)/thread(s)

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • Ban the member(s) after 2 public warnings

    Votes: 13 34.2%
  • NEW: Post a public warning in the thread, delete it later, and ban the member(s) after 2 public war

    Votes: 10 26.3%
  • Other (please clarify)

    Votes: 1 2.6%

  • Total voters
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Mod 2

Hello everyone,

Your opinion is welcome. How should Merb members be dealt with after knowingly trangressing board rules?

Thank you



New Member
Oct 19, 2003
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I have a slightly different point of view.

If you're going to have rules, you need to enforce them. And if you're going to enforce the rules, you have to have punishment for people who intentionally violate the rules. Enforcing them by removing the offending post is really no punishment at all, because it doesn't deter the poster from violating the rules over and over again. Their post stays up until a mod sees it, and they can do that over and over again.

If someone is intentionally breaking the rules, you have to have some sort of power that will discourage them from doing that. There are people on this board (I don't need to get into names, do I?) who don't really believe that the mods will ever take action against them. That's why they violate the rules, repeatedly.

In most organizations, there is some tiered form of progressive discipline. You go from warnings, to short suspensions, to progressively longer suspensions, and then to banning. That's what I would suggest here.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I believe that it depends on the transgression. Recently, a poster posted personal information about a member that potentially identified that member. Specifically, the type of car that he drives. This poster was not banned, and appallingly, was allowed to continue to post on this Board (although the offending post was deleted). Many members seemed to give a pass to the poster, as did MERB. I was harshly criticized for demanding the banishment of the poster. However, dissemination of personal info is an offense warranting the death penalty. If it is tolerated, you will see this Board quickly disappear. It is plain and simple cyberterrorism. And it does not matter what the reason, or whether the poster is actually George Bush, Paul Martin, the reincarnated ghost of Rene Levesque, or, as is more likely, a Montreal agency owner with an agenda.

Then we get into the category of lesser rule violations: flaming, accusing an SP of having an STD based on pure speculation as opposed to medical evidence, shilling, posting under 2 handles, etc. These are offenses that warrant the 3 strike rule: 2 public warnings, 3rd time your out.

Then we have the posters who I will call the "Crappers": they habitually post nothing but crap, and make no positive contribution of any kind to the Board. However, the crap that is posted, while irritating and wasteful of MERB bandwidth, does not per se violate any posting rules. I believe that the Crappers should also be given public warnings and reprimands. If after the second warning there is still no constructive post, the Crapper is suspended until he makes a constructive post.

I also believe that the regular contributors should receive some kind of an award so as to incentivize constructive posting by all. For example, TBD used to award VIP status to certain posters who regular and postively contributed. MERB should do the same. I would nominate Oliver Kloseoff, Stripper Lover, Special K, and a few others I can't think of right now for being long time contributors to the Board. Although I have had disagreements with some of these guys and in the case of SL have been very disappointed in his failure to take a more active role in rooting out shills, his and their overall contributions cannot be ignored.


Sep 27, 2003
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This is a very interesting subject.....

I dont believe, in permanent banning unless, somebody did say something very personnal about an hobbyist, that can reveal his identity.
The ban should be gradual. I do believe in freedom of speech, but not in ''continuous writings of unproven allegations''.

My 2 cts

Had to edit, my entire post..sincerly not knowing if i was violating
Mod2 warning in exxception not wish to be ban
Last edited:


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Dec 15, 2003
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We should be able to vote to warn the member, delete and thereafter ban! The way you set it up is too limitative!
There should be one choice combining the above!

Mod 2

Thanks Lawless,

I just added your suggestion as a new poll option.



New Member
Dec 13, 2003
Allo M2, maybe you could form a small committee with the most active members and decide as a group to ban someone or not. Not that you are not able to do it yourself but the responsibility could be shared for punitive actions.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Something is very, very wrong when a poster posts personal information that identifies another poster, and is allowed to continue to post on this Board. In effect, MERB is waiving any privancy rule and affirmatively encouraging the posting of personal information, by allowing the offender to continue posting. You can expect to see more of these abuses in the future, just like you will see more beheadings in Iraq.

Annik, if somebody posts your real name and where you live, is it okay if the "committee" ponders punitive action for several months while the poster continues to post?


New Member
Dec 13, 2003
Allo Eager,

disclosing personal information is a serious charge, which in my opinion deserve a ban of a year then a ban for life at the second infraction.

We have to remember that it is not only something that treathens the life of clients, workers AND their families. Actually, it is a threat to sex industry directly. Everybody should be concerned and offended when anyone does this to anyone.

If you can't play nice, Don't play. This works for grown children as well!


A prestiged re-member
Jan 5, 2004
Another horror story

Want an example of personal information? Here’s one .
Unfortunately, this girl who had had a conversation with one hobbyist on MIRC has sent given a link to her picture. Not only is some personal information given, the site gives clues as to her full time status and where she can be found. Another Internet horror story is about to happen. On top of that, a part time service did not make her an instant celebrity on the net and given then chances that someone will know what she does (while living with her …). Worse is that the poster has enhanced the picture for better viewing of her and her friend. When will personal details stop?
Mod 2 and Fred Zed are advised, let’s see the story unfolds.

Mod 2

Issue taken care of.
Thank you Bruce for pointing it out to us.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Bruce 34,

So what you are saying is that a member may violate the privacy rule if there is a private agreement with the member whose privacy is violated?

What a wonderful message that you are sending about playing fast and loose with private information.

Guess what Bruce? I think there is now an assumption that you don't give a flying fork about what private information is posted about you. Maybe we should act in accordance with this assumption.

Mod 2


It's allright, it seems he doesn't mind. Good for him, but this is beside the point. The rules have still been violated.



A prestiged re-member
Jan 5, 2004
Not penny form me

In case of Gmouthc, it`s attention she did not seek and surely did not expect to have detailled information about her posted.

As for EGB, he wants and seeks the attention. He does want and expect someone to walk up to him and say: "Hey are you the 800-bones-dude?".
In the case of kandy&kink, he would love that to happen. If one would feel personal details being violated he would have mentionned himself instead of making a joke out of it.

Have I violated the rule? Of course, I have - that`s one warning too many.

Sure you can post on me, but you won`t get a penny from me.

Andy "Where has humor gone on this board?" poster


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Let me spell it out for you, dude: people who are reading your frivolous posts do not draw the distinction you just made. They say to themselves, "Bruce34 posted personal info on that EGB, so it must be okay for me to post pics of that girl." And on and on we go. The average poster doesn't make the distinctions. They see personal info posted and they say "okay, that is tolerated, me too." Once again, you guys are pulling us in the direction of Canbest.


A prestiged re-member
Jan 5, 2004
I think this debate is going nowhere. Let's agree to disagree and leave at that.

Dr. Torpedo

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Dec 8, 2003
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I vote that there be no rules...kinda like how they had it at canbest.

An invisible hand approach is best.

If you can't stand the heat, then get of out of la kitchen.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
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Canbest was really bad at the end. A lot of BS and not much reviews... Moderation is important because a lot of guys out there are imature idiots. Not too much moderation (ie TBD), but not too little either (Canbest). I think Merb is a good example of proper moderation.
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