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Followup and Thankyou notes from Providers/agencies

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E B Samaritano

Resident Sage Asshole
May 5, 2003
Silcon Valley, Ca. USA
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Ladies and Gents,

I'm curious. Inasmuch as many remind us that escorting is a business and profession, it would seem that part of the service of the business, would be the good practice of being thanked for your patronage. Until recently, I found few ladies if any that would initiate a note after a session essentially saying it was a pleasure to meet you, yada yada..

I remember the first time I got such notes it was from a provider I met in London in 1997, named Suzie Island, who has long since retired. I recall checking in to the Park Hyatt in Knightsbridge and getting her "Welcome to London" greeting card at the front desk.

That evening was our date. Had a superb time. The lady offers to come by for lunch the next day and take me sight the clock..I buy the lunch..LOL. She didn't have to ask twice. I fly home two days later and low and behold there is a nice email in my Inbox.
A few months later, I meet a fine lady out of Tampa Florida named Samantha Diamonds. The morning after our appointment, she leaves a discrete message on my room phone again thanking me for my business. I don't know about you, but even if today the sex is a blur, the thoughtfulness is a crystal clear memory..

I'm just wondering why more providers and agencies don't practice this more often? We've got email only contact providers and agencies. Email is nonintrusive. I don't see why they can't and certainly don't understand why most don't. Your thoughts?



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Jun 28, 2003
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It's a small afterthought, but like you said it's memorable.

Too business like maybe for this type of vocation?

"Thank you for your business" seem too distant to me.

"Had a good time hope to see you again soon" would be a more appropriate note.

I wouldn't be surprised to get these little notes from now on though.


Tactile Member
May 25, 2003
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Thank you notes

It is certainly rare, so rare in fact the one time it did happen to me I was flabbergasted. After the debutante independent, Dalie (, left I discovered she had placed a beautiful handwritten thank you note in a card on my desk. It is no surprise she is a competent businessperson by day.



Only Happened Once

It has only happened to me once, with a Connecticut indie SP who sent me a thank you email and offered to meet me again at a reduced rate. I have not yet taken her up on the offer, but probably will prior to the end of the summer.

There was one Montreal agency owner who asked me to file a candid and confidential report with her after a session with one of her ladies. But it was more like "how did it go?" rather than "thank you for your patronage!" I gave her the requested report, which was Samaritano-like in its thoroughness. Perhaps this was her way of saying thank you and making me feel as though my opinion was important to her, whether it really was or not.

I think this is actually a good question, and the one thing that comes to mind is that in some cases, a thank you whether by email or by card might be seen as an intrusion on one's privacy. As Errol Flynn once said, what you pay an escort for is for her to leave, and that also means not coming back and saying thank you.


E B Samaritano

Resident Sage Asshole
May 5, 2003
Silcon Valley, Ca. USA
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I like to repeat..

I look upon every opportunity with a new provider as an opportunity to establish an ongoing relationship. I always like to have a certain number of repeats on schedule. It's like seeing old friends. It adds continuity to the situation. You realize life moves on and you like to hear about their successes, how they've made it on through school, endeavor to start their own business, etc. You see them transition out of the business. In some cases you're lucky to keep in touch even long after they leave the business.

A thank you note to me means one thing: the pure class act of being a thoughtful person. It doesn't mean I love you, it is not an invitation to be a pen pal, it is a recognition of the fact that of all the choices in provider that you had, you chose her business, and that she appreciates that consideration. I am amazed at how much money changes hands in these transactions so easily and is often taken for granted. A very well paid client is typically spending a days pay for a 3 hour engagement. Yet many escorts are so used of receiving these astronomical sums of money on a regular basis, it is quite easy for them to take you and for that matter your money for granted.


E B Samaritano

Resident Sage Asshole
May 5, 2003
Silcon Valley, Ca. USA
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Yes the FKS ladies I've seen were very good about follow up thankyou notes. Of course I wasn't going to mention that but that fact did prompt me to start this thread. To me it is just so much common sense.

BTW..weren't you scheduled to be coming out this way?



Fire Hydrant Washer
Mar 14, 2003
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EBS. I once met a lady in Toronto for a two hour romp. She had to drive in from the other side of the city to meet me out near Pearson. I was playing touch me feel me out at a local SC and decided I should call her cell to let her know I would be there when she arrived. Anyway, the rendezvous was excellent and she left a thank you message on my mobile the next day just to say she appreciated spending time with me and for thinking to notify her of my tardiness and not to leave her hanging on the stoop. It's nice to have people appreciate you.

drinky crow

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Jun 3, 2003
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Know this thread's a little old but I've gotten a few follow up notes from the indies I've seen in Toronto. I might send a note first but they usually respond. Only one didn't and I never saw her again.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Sorry but its my first time readig this thread.
I agree a 100% with EBS....a slight gesture like a thank you note can make a world of difference, and it will stick in your memory.
And true,the FKS women are a bit more thoughtful in this regard than most, especially Florence. She happens to prepare the thank you card ahead of time I asked what happens if you don`t like the guy...simple the card stays in her purse...dummy me for asking the obvious.
Two of my most memorable experiences were getting a post card from a very popular companion while she was vacationing in Costa Rica. The other was getting a thank you email from one of my favourite ladies ... titled ``hello porn star``....I still blush when I remember the contents of that note, and there was no way in the world that I was NOT going to see her again.

drinky crow

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Jun 3, 2003
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Even though we're seeing sps we are human. I want the lady I see to have a good time and at least say I was a nice guy. I know there are a few sps I've seen that don't even remember me but I also know there are a few that do. An email from both sides afterwards makes a difference.

Another thing to consider is that safety is the most important thing to an sp. If you're respectful and nice I think they sincerely appreciate that.

drinky crow

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Jun 3, 2003
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Cloudsurf I'll be seeing Florence soon. The more I read about her the more I'm convinced I made a good choice. She sounds wise beyond her years. Course if I don't get a card from her I'll be crestfallen (grin).


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003

I`ve been trying so damn hard to be polite on this board...but SL you`re crass.

First E4B.... please don`t make assumptions about`ve been wrong before and you`re wrong again. I absolutely abhor fakery in any form or manner. If the "sugar coated " compliment is expressed in a sincere manner and from a person of merit...then I accept it as such...a compliment or an attempt at one....and yes I enjoy getting thank-you notes Anik.

SL you just called every escort a liar.....all I have to say to you pal is that you attract the type of energy that you give out....when you spit into the wind...With a negative outlook like you have, I feel damn sorry for you.

Thanks that was an honest and sincere thank you...see its easy



Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
You didn`t offend me the a matter of fact I`m getting your post translated into a simpler format so that I can understand it
E4B didn`t upset me either...FYI Eager , I will be drinking (later tonite) a round to your health, with a bunch of your US buddies who just got into town .
What bothered me about SL`s post was his rush to judgement and his catagorizing of all sp`s as liars...hell unless some of us are deaf and dumb or have taken a vow of silence...we are all fucking liars at some point in time. In this case its not the fact that matters but the intent.

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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I couldn`t have said it better mysellf.

Gee what`s happening to your personality..... its scary... you `re morphing into some type of nice , credible guy.
Careful, people might start liking you...and then you`ll realy be miserable:D


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Sep 20, 2003
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as the pitchman outside of Le Gentleman's told me while I was there recently: "Pay attention to what you say, not what the girls say"

Afterall, lying does help them business-wise


Drinky Crow... LOL

EagerBeaver (Quoted) "I have seen some SPs who gave my email addy to other SPs who then put me on their mailing list. I am then on a mailing list of an SP I have not seen and have no desire to see. This is mildly upsetting to me."

EagerBeaver, I am not sure why you are so upset about this. Any provider who reads a board like this one can usually get hold of you in a way or another (either direct e-mail address or private message).
I guess that someone who wants privacy and a way toseperate "both lives" would use a different e-mail address for the hobby. This, in my mind, should resolve this kind of issue.

E B Samaritano

Resident Sage Asshole
May 5, 2003
Silcon Valley, Ca. USA
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Originally posted by alex_lean
Drinky Crow... LOL

EBS (Quoted) "I have seen some SPs who gave my email addy to other SPs who then put me on their mailing list. I am then on a mailing list of an SP I have not seen and have no desire to see. This is mildly upsetting to me."

EBS, I am not sure why you are so upset about this. Any provider who reads a board like this one can usually get hold of you in a way or another (either direct e-mail address or private message).
I guess that someone who wants privacy and a way toseperate "both lives" would use a different e-mail address for the hobby. This, in my mind, should resolve this kind of issue.

Alex Lean,

This is nothing for me to get upset about. I have both my email and PM address available in my profile. I seldom use these to communicate with providers, only other hobbyist. Any provider who has ever dealt with me knows I have absolutely no problem with giving her the required personal information to secure an appointment. She also doesn't write me nor do I use my anonymous accounts or handle on this board when setting an appointment.

What I do tend to be upset about is when I am not properly quoted. If you look at the source of the quote that you reference you will see that it is Eager Beaver and not I that you have quoted. There are plenty of quotes readily attributable to me on this board that have been cause for upset..please select any one of those..LOL.

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Tactile Member
May 25, 2003
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Hotmail etc

What is the logic of Allissa and others not accepting Hotmail or Yahoo? Most guys when they are travelling are going to use a webbased account.


E B Samaritano

Resident Sage Asshole
May 5, 2003
Silcon Valley, Ca. USA
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Cuts down on "Fraud"

Most frauds are going to use a hotmail or yahoo free email account. There is an epidemic of "Hey this i Joe and I'd like to see Natasha for 5 hours Saturday evening". Unfortunately the greater majority of no shows are also the ones who protest so loudly over giving positive ID. If you no show on a provider once, she will be looking for a way to identify you the next time you attempt to make an appointment. You can easily have 10 free email accounts. To have 10 ISP based accounts is a little more problematic and expensive, something that a cheap and irresponsible individual would never consider.

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