Montreal Escorts

Do you keep track of the sp you contacted but never met?

  • Thread starter Lily from Montreal
  • Start date

Lily from Montreal

The reason I ask is over the Holidays I got email twice from guys who stood me up in the past and when I wrote back to one of them that maybe he didn't remember but last spring he booked me twice to cancel 1h before the meeting because ''his conscience didn't allow him to meet me'' ,no comment here about the reason why, but only that when I wrote this back to me he said that my memory was better then his, and this year his resolution was to finally go thru the meeting and he would get back to me in the next few weeks, that is after his initial email asking me my dispo for the next feeling is that he had no clue we've been thru the motion already and he was trying to do his usual thrill seeking routine,

I am very surprise at the quantity of guys that just writing and booking but cancelling (or not bothering to cancel but not confirming)at the last minute is thrill enough...

I didn't answer back, needless to say that if I recognize your email when we've never meet it is not a good sign and in my case unlike baseball even though I love the game, me it is not 3 strikes but 2 strikes your out...for the first meeting that is, once I know and trust you it is another story .

The other guy was a similar story except that he didn't even bother showing up at out meeting and he wisely refrain from trying to book me again after I reminded him that he had already booked and failed to show without a email or nothing to advise...

So I was wondering if you guys had the equivalent of my black and grey book?


Active Member
Oct 12, 2010
Personally, I remember every women I have emailed to book an appointment. In my case though, I have never cancelled whether it was in advance or last minute and I don't have a black/grey book but I don't need one since I have only emailed/called 4 women.

I don't start feeling the thrill unless I'm sure I am going to go through with the appointment. If I know I would cancel or not go through with it, I don't think I would feel the thrill. From what I've read about you, they'd have to be idiots to cancel.

Lily from Montreal

Thank you, well from my experience it is often when it is the first time ever with a sp, i guess it is cold feet...if it happen only the first trial it is normal I guess but the feeling I get is that or some guys it is a pattern and sensation enough just to go thru the motion...
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Active Member
Sep 3, 2011
ABC Tities Club!
J'ai tout les emails et numeros de telephone/adresses/ dates/ prix/ service recu / et commentaires consigne dans mon agenda sur Ipad (this is my little black book)
tout est note, comme ca je sais... ce que j'ai fais et ce qui me reste a faire :smile:

Je n'ai jamais cancelle, un RV, c'etait plus souvent une SP qui ne pouvait respecter le rendez vous (car de preference je prends mes RV a l'avance) et elle ne pouvais a cause qu'elle avait commence sa periode...:rolleyes:

Lily from Montreal

Ca c'est correct ou meme me faire annuler car la personne a la grippe je suis contente, c'est faire preuve de respect, ce que je trouve blessant est de se faire niaiser...


Active Member
Jan 24, 2009
This is a really interesting post. Its nice to hear from the other side. If you read the board all you ever hear about is the girls standing the guys up and how enraged they are and how these women have no respect for them. You forget that it happens on both sides. Reminds me of the past election, I only hang out with anglos and we were absolutely sure the PQ would lose but look what happened.

Its also interesting to hear that guys who are taken go about contacting escorts only for the thrill of the chase at the expense of others.

Anyways, that's my 2 cents. I've never gone the SP route so I can't provide my own insight on the topic, but I think hearing from the other side of the coin is an excellent use for the lounge.


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
I have tried to keep track. Sometimes the schedules haven't allowed a meet to occur for a long time. I would never book a meeting unless I was completely sure the meeting would happen. I take pride in saying that I've never stood a up a lady. Lily, we have emailed each other, and I'm impatiently waiting for the chance to meet you. One of these days, Lily, one of these days!:eyebrows:

Lily from Montreal

I've even got stood up twice by (I think) the same guy, problem is some name are common, I admit it was my mistake since I accepted a meeting with a slightly below my limit guy...I asked him if we had ever chatted etc and he said no, I even told him that I was relieved he was not who I thought because if so he had stood me up, he swore it was another xyz, and guess what ? He never confirmed and I never heard from him, that would have been my last meeting of 2012...let's just hope it is not a bad omen loll, it's ok I went shopping to finish my Xmas gift so it was ok with me...
Can you tell that with me the glass is half full? loll Well unless it's a champagne glass it won't stay full loll

But since the time that I ended up standing at a bus stop (I pretend ) for nothing waiting for a call, I learned my lesson: I never leave my house without a email confirmation especially when something is booked long time in advance and so far it served me well: I do get the occasional loss of my day but at least I stay home and do not waste my time in the metro going back and forth...

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Hello Lily

I don't keep particular records, but when you are making an entire procedure to meet someone, it happens that you can keep in mind some details...

Yes, it is happening that men are not able to respect their rendez-vous. Often, the reasons cited are "last minute change at work"... or a sudden "flu". But there is another reason I discovered.

I was seeing a man for a couple of times, and he told me gladly that I should be flattered that he had chosen to see me instead of the other lady he has reserved for the same day, same time. Having been cancelled a couple of times by him at last minute "always supposely for health reasons", I told him that was not very nice to reserve 2 ladies at the same time and cancel one at last minute. He just repeated to me to be glad I was "the chosen one"... Because I am having contacts with other independent ladies, I verified about him and he was having a long record of booking and canceling for the exact same reasons to few ladies... so, we concluded that he is a "double-booking addict" and we put him on our personal "ignore/ban lists".

So, some men are trying to reserve a "Plan A" and are reserving for the same hour/duration a "Plan B" in case the first one will be unavailable, and let go the "Plan B" when they are sure of their "Plan A"... The problem is to cancel at last minute, and to have make a girl/lady reserve a particular time for nothing, and be in front of nothing at last minute... Ladies are having a name for that kind of men "time wasters"...

Lily from Montreal

What a strange thing to do! It never occur to me that someone would do that but now that I read this I remember a few time hearing comments like I tried to book so and so but could not because she was not available so I wrote to you ,but I kind of didn't pay attention what it could imply...


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
I think the double-booking happens more with people who use outcall agencies. I never used outcall agencies myself but people often complain the girl does not show up or is very late. But it's not nice to double-book an indy who only sees one client. I don't think I would like it either if the lady booked another client at the same time!

There's only one I contacted but never saw. I had to cancel for that week but we had not set an definitive date yet. I just never got around to re-contacting her.


Respect & Honour
Jul 4, 2011
On The Front lines
I have never cancelled a booking last minute before, even though I have wanted to at times. I hate when it is done to me, so do everything I can to keep my appointments.

As far as keeping a black book, I do not. I keep no email records or phone numbers of girls that I have seen. All I have is what Is stored in my memory. There are a very select few girls where I keep their number and/or email in my phone. That is more because we are friendly and they are girls I speak to semi-regularly. If things die down between us, I delete the info. I think I currently have 3 or 4 of those and that is it.


Jan 18, 2009
I 've seen 2 indies who overbooked but I got in just minutes before the next client, I went through the date but I never repeated

even though I would have repeated with one of them, I thought about the client outside because usually Im the one waiting

outside 30 or 40 minutes. I should keep track of all my bad dates but I don't keep records so there are no tracks for my wife to find.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I am very surprise at the quantity of guys that just writing and booking but cancelling (or not bothering to cancel but not confirming)at the last minute is thrill enough...

I didn't answer back, needless to say that if I recognize your email when we've never meet it is not a good sign and in my case unlike baseball even though I love the game, me it is not 3 strikes but 2 strikes your out...for the first meeting that is, once I know and trust you it is another story .

Hello Lily,

Regarding the ones I tried to book but didn't see, I never saw any reason to have any information on them at all. Personally I have recorded 98% of the ladies I did see. But I've never sought or kept any personal information that wasn't necessary to repeat an encounter.

In the early days I did some business with Montreal Girlfriends and Frenchkiss Society here in the states. The arrangements were made by email and I made sure to make the choices carefully so there wouldn't be any second thoughts about the meeting. Frankly, I'm not very devious at all so playing games like the guys Maria and you describe in this thread didn't occur to me. I never canceled and all the meetings arranged here were successfully completed.

However, in Montreal I have experienced being in your position, being double-booked/better-dealed, lied to about what is going on, so I know what it feels like. I wasn't losing out on profits for my time like you ladies, but I was losing valuable days to fulfill rare opportunities I missed in such cases, and I'm referring to definite deceit, not just normal instances of bad timing, luck, etc.

Despite the euphemisms we use to describe this business, it isn't a gentlemans or ladies hobby. I try to make it that on my part and one can learn to help improve the odds of honest business dealings by learning who to deal with, but experience has proved shady dealings go on fairly often. Many people play a lot games in their so-called regular lives, so why wouldn't they be worse when they are often hiding what they do under the cover of anonymity. I'd never excuse dishonesty, but it's been part of the nature of this business.

Its nice to hear from the other side. If you read the board all you ever hear about is the girls standing the guys up and how enraged they are and how these women have no respect for them.

One of the inevitable elements of a review is the reviewer very rarely admits his own faults IF he was part of the reasons for a bad encounter.

I never used outcall agencies myself but people often complain the girl does not show up or is very late. But it's not nice to double-book an indy who only sees one client.

Most of the time its a timing problem with the bookings, or something that can't be avoided, other times it's deception. My friends and I have heard from ladies eventually who have explained incidents of the owner refusing to book her, holding her back to promote someone else, double booking, or having the appointment cancelled for a better deal.

It is a shady biz sometimes...and more.

Good luck,



New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
Not for more than a couple of days, If I want to rebook within a few days I keep the info if not I delete all from my Computer ( I also clean and disinfect it regularyl to remove all unwanted cookies ) apart from this site which has a record of my posts all other info is deleted.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
Visit site
I'm probably an atypical hobbyist. Actually, I never book in advance, consequently there's no need for me to keep tracks of putative sps I would have contacted(in some possible world) in order to plan a meeting. I prefer by far what I can call « des rendez-vous impromptus! » solely dictated by a sudden impulse, an irrepressive sexual urge...


Dec 2, 2008
Here's my guess Lily.

The habitual-cancel guys enjoy the attention from the "email foreplay" but really didn't have any attention in showing up for their appointment. They obviously have no respect for you or your time. High maintenance and not worth your effort.

You know the old expression, "Screw me once shame on YOU, screw me twice shame on ME". I don't mean SCREW SCREW, I mean WRONGed you type SCREW.

One strike and you're out with the following exceptions:

- Has proof that they were arrested so they couldn't show. (hmmm.... you might not want to meet them anyway)
- Has a note from their doctor that they were sick
- Has a note from their Mother.


Lily from Montreal

I give one chance, second time new friends cancel they won't get to be my friend, exception being out-of-towner who depends of the whim of planes, trains and work schedule, those are always very gracious and give me enough notice that it doesn't affect me...
That's why I prefer to meet hobbyist who met other sp before, they know how to proceed and rarely play me for a fool...


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
Western USA
.... The Ladies are having a name for that kind of men "time wasters"...
I have another name for them.... assholes.
My plans "A, B, C, and D" are only kept in my head, and are forgotten as soon as the lady is booked and on her way. It is wrong to say anything about being a second or third choice to the lady who came to see you. It is also wrong to compare her to another SP in a review. :nono:
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