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"The Hobbyist" : A new book on sale this week


Aug 30, 2009
A new book entitled "The Hobbyist" goes on sale this week about the like of a hobbyist in New York City. Here is the trailer for the book: The Hobbyist by Darryl Shelly - book trailer

There are numerous books written by and about escorts but very few by hobbyists about their adventures, the most known being "Paying for it" by Chester Brown, which was discussed in the following thread: Chester Brown:" Paying for it" . This new book should be an interesting read as well.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Capt. Renault:

I agree, to my knowledge, the majority of "hobbysts" are just normal people having a normal life... as a majority of ladies as well.

Maybe a day, someone will take the time to write the truth, without any enhancement to promote sales, or the lobby against our activities.
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I may read the book, but it would be nice to read a book about a normal, everyday guy who occasionally has sex with prostitutes and usually enjoys it, is not addicted to anything,...


The chances are there will be 30 states legalizing homosexual and lesbian full marriage (not civil unions) rights and acceptance of openly gay NFL and other professional sports players before prostitution will be accepted into normalcy by the general public in the U.S..



Violet Blake

Gorgeous Lil' Redhead
First of all, I think it's weird to make a video "trailer" for a book. Obviously someone has hopes of seeing this "nonfiction novel" made into a movie.

The reviews on Amazon are pretty good, but the descriptions of the book reinforce the stereotype that a man who has sex with prostitutes must be a "sex addict." I may read the book, but it would be nice to read a book about a normal, everyday guy who occasionally has sex with prostitutes and usually enjoys it, is not addicted to anything, and wishes that his own country and others would adopt the sensible, tolerant and reasonable practices of Germany towards the institution of prostitution.

You want books/movies/tv to actually represent.....reality?? We can all keep dreaming for that day :p

But in all seriousness, I do hope they start showing more client's perspectives, and I'm sure the more that happens the more accurate and less stereotypical stories will come out. Hey, maybe you should take up writing? ;)
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