Montreal Escorts 2nd MERB GT in March postponed

Mike's Mansion

New Member
Mar 22, 2010
Hello everyone!
Unfortunately the 2nd party for March will be postponed to a later time. I have been very busy with another project and in order to make it an awesome party i feel that a summer gt will be the better way to go. Thanks and happy hunting!
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Well i like the idea of having a time alone with every girls at the party, and i guess it would be in a more quiet environement so that would be great on paper.

Pratically speaking tough, i am not sure this would work. As considering how many people there is vs the number of girls(even including indies), we would be in line or something for a long time, waiting our turn. Once we would have "pass" we would return to the party and chat with only the guys? Not only to mention how our conversaton would be too short and always interupted.

My opinion is this would probably not work well...

Personally as classic as it may sound, a good old classy soirée would totally do it for me. Just gentlemen talking to the ladies and among themselves.

I mean, so far it has been proved that the girls are not confortable to do raunchy stuff in parties too much. I mean i heard of "lesbian shows" and wet t-shirt contest announced and it never happened. As much as some crazy stuff like that sounds cool on paper, it seem to only work when its improvised and on the spot. I remember turning around and seeng Ariane in her bra at some pont, i tough it was cool, but it was in a totally "random" setting and im not sure she would had been confortable doing a strip show or something. (or maybe ... you know her better than me lol, but you get the point) . In the same vein i remember Kelly Summer being totally topless at GG2, but she is a well known pornstar. She ain't the shy type. Escorts are not girls gone wild, they are in the elements in personal setting, not that much in giving open shows. Some may be... i know some do bachelor parties but again its usually much less guys.

In any case, this may sound boring to some, but a nice soirée in a good place, where people meet and have fun with each other, just in a relax cool setting. Not very themed... but always effective.

My other option is a little more themed and wild. You could rent a house or a big place for a day or something, charge a bigger cover, lets say 50$ per person, have a "BYOB" setting (Bring your own beer/achool) and the cover fee would only goes to the renting of the place. Would probably cost around 1000$ or so, but with 5 guest you have 250$ ... 20 guest and your in the 1000... Im not sure what it could be, a condo, a full house, dunno, you would need to make sure the place is ok with having parties there. That would be the most important thing. It would need to be big enough to have your number of expected guest. In summer time it would be killer having a pool/bbq setup, but this would of course not work for febuary.

Now this part im not sure if possible due to the law and such, but you could have an incall running with in the rooms. Maybe to cover your back you could put some system where the payment would be done discretly some place else. Honestly im not an expert in that, maybe Eager would be better to answer this. In any case the incall option is just a sugestion on top.

But i really think the best thing would be to rent a place, pay the room, charge the apropriate cover, and allow the guest to bring there own alchool. Everybody would be happy as alchool is MUCH MUCH cheaper at the stores than in bars, so paying a bigger cover wouldn't really be a problem. You could get back in the money also..

Anyway, im sure some members would come with better sugestions, more original, and all. But i think its important to note the real goal of these GTs, being able to interact with the ladies. All the rest is "not nessary" and extra. There is easy way to not only get in the money, but also make some, and still have a great party and "hooking" clients on some of the ladies present for futur bookings.

In any case if you ever need a hand for organizing, i would be glad to help you based on what you want. I know you are busy and you may not have the time to look for places to rent and such.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2010
Pratically speaking tough, i am not sure this would work. As considering how many people there is vs the number of girls(even including indies), we would be in line or something for a long time, waiting our turn. Once we would have "pass" we would return to the party and chat with only the guys? Not only to mention how our conversaton would be too short and always interupted.

My opinion is this would probably not work well...

I mean, so far it has been proved that the girls are not confortable to do raunchy stuff in parties too much. I mean i heard of "lesbian shows" and wet t-shirt contest announced and it never happened. As much as some crazy stuff like that sounds cool on paper.
Salut Michael,
Je suis content que tu offres une nouvelle occasion de GT...;)

Est-ce que les filles on aimé l'expérience autant que nous ?:noidea:

Comme Halloween Mike a dit, je ne me verrais pas a attendre dans mon coin pendant que les quelques filles parlent avec quelques garçons.

Un concours wet t-shirt selon moi sera très vendeur.:nod:

Par contre si par un système de billet, une fille de temps en temps serait dans un genre d'isoloir ou une pièce a part et que les gars plus gêner se sentiraient plus a l'aise pourraient aller la retrouver chacun leurs tour pourrait être un bonne idée.:eek:



Jun 13, 2006
Wet-t-shirt or bikini contest has a tendency to bring the guys testosterone level to the roof ,putting them in a position
to look for happy endings :angel:

Fun in Dahouse



Its january/february. The girls will catch a cold..


a.k.a. NewestGuy
Aug 24, 2013
How about a "keep the party going" concept. Make it like a masquerade or something and at a given point Michael tells the ladies to take off the masks. Makes for a dramatic wait for those not intimately familiar with your ladies and might help mix up the conversations a bit more than packs of guys crowding around their top favorites. Then again, could be completely silly!


Active Member
Nov 27, 2004
Speed dating idea is 100% …. NO!!!
Same format as last time. Hey it worked.
Good location, good bartender, tickets again for drinks with same cover or $25 invite.
Food get catered. I liked the music last time but a lot said a bit loud so just slightly less volume and thats about it.


Nov 12, 2014
Je suis nouveau sur la merb meme si je suis dans ce hobby depuis bientot 15 ans.
Et j'aimerais etre invite.
Pour moi , il faudrais que les filles soient habille tres sexy vue qu'elle ne peuvent pas vraiment le faire en outcall.
Je suis toujours interesse par de nouvelle rencontre et bien sur j'aimerais avoir la chance de jaser avec toutes les filles.

En esperant etre invite. Merci

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Pour moi , il faudrais que les filles soient habille tres sexy vue qu'elle ne peuvent pas vraiment le faire en outcall.

Sa depend de la saison, et aussi elle peut se changé a ton hotel. Chose certaine faut pas oublier que deja a la base un gros % ont peu alaise avec le concept des GTs... elle le font pour avoir de la clientel, pour faire plaisir a leur boss etc. Ya 60 gars qui drool en te regardant et qui veulent tous te parler, certain se permette parfois aussi des familiarité, bref si elle doivent en plus etre en tenue legere... pas sur qu'elle serais alaise avec sa. Chose sur, sa ne devrais pas etre forcer, mais si elles sont alaise tant mieu.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Ok, this all sounds great, how about a victorias secret kind of party, where the girls strut their stuff in lingerie and bikinis and at the end of the night we vote for over all best outfits, first second and third. And we also have a raffle for the guests who in the same way, first second and third and winners from both sides get 30 minutes with each other with guests tipping of course. Its a win win situation and all enjoy themselves, some more then others but hey, we are there to support MTLGFE. My 2 cents. This a rough outline, you guys work out the the rough edges.



Active Member
Jun 26, 2010
J'espère sérieusement que les dates du MTLGFE GT Party seront différentes que MOJO GT Valentine Party...
Sinon je pense qu'il y auras moins de participants aux 2 places

Est-ce que ca fait de moi un pervers de vouloir participer aux 2 endroit ? :eek:

A moins que les 2 équipes décident de faire un gros GT party ensemble... De cette façon nous pourrions tous y aller et il y auraient plus de filles sexy.
Serait-ce une possibilité ?

Enfin, c'est un idée comme ca!!!



Nov 12, 2014
Sa depend de la saison, et aussi elle peut se changé a ton hotel. Chose certaine faut pas oublier que deja a la base un gros % ont peu alaise avec le concept des GTs... elle le font pour avoir de la clientel, pour faire plaisir a leur boss etc. Ya 60 gars qui drool en te regardant et qui veulent tous te parler, certain se permette parfois aussi des familiarité, bref si elle doivent en plus etre en tenue legere... pas sur qu'elle serais alaise avec sa. Chose sur, sa ne devrais pas etre forcer, mais si elles sont alaise tant mieu.

Salut Mike, t'a entierement raison la dessus, si je me fie a ce que je voit dans les clubs de danseuses, c vrai qu'il y'en a qui on les mains baladeuses et se crois tout permis du fait que ce sont des travailleuses du sexe, mais ce sont des femmes avant tout et elles merites un minimum de respect.
Pour ce qui est des tenues sexy, je ne demande pas nécessairement de la lingerie, quoique tres interessant, mais des tenues qui mettent en valeur leurs corps, car comme tu le dit si bien, elles sont la pour se faire une clientele.
Dans mon cas, je mise bcp sur ce genre d'événements car vue que ma copine est bisexuelle et qu'une femme est bcp plus exigeante sur plein de point que nous les hommes on y prete moins d'attention, donc ma copine desire voir tout le corps de la fille, surtout le visage et son attitude.
Donc, elle compte sur ce party pour se faire une liste des filles a voir.


Active Member
May 22, 2011
I think the idea of a lingerie competition is good if not make it a sexy beauty pageant type competition.
I'd be glad to show up snd see that too :)


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
Visit site
Hey guys i will be doing a second GT in late Jan/early Feb. I'm open to all ideas. I was thinking of maybe a "speed dating" kind of scenario? Where everyone would get a few minutes of 1 on 1 time with every girl. What do you guys want? Let's hear it!

I am pretty sure YOU know what guys want lolll !!,Time to meet the girls,to get introduce to THEM!!!So for the speed dating yeah it could be a good idea :thumb:, But like all taste for men are different it would be good to just PRESENT the girls of your Agency and to let us meet them and to invite merb members,indys etc...BUT NO women that doesnt work in the industry cause the vibe is really weird when the girl is saying i dont meet,i am not a sp etc, just a friend of the owner or the girlfriend of someone!!!(good for the men who his lady enjoy that but not the right place for her lol)


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I think the idea of a lingerie competition is good if not make it a sexy beauty pageant type competition.
I'd be glad to show up snd see that too :)
Lingerie is usually pretty successful with guys lot of sexiness from the ladies gets the emotions fly heigh




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

So for the speed dating yeah it could be a good idea :thumb:,

I don't think I'd like the speed dating idea. I have specific tastes and meeting every girl would not benefit either of us. It's also too short to get a feel for the ones I might be interested in. Last time it would have been nice if there had been another room, perhaps with multiple tables or booths for others, so I could have gotten away from the loud music and enjoyed some more direct and semi private acquaintance time. As for dressing no doubt the ladies will come hot regardless, but for a lingerie lover like me a show/competition would be absolutely killer. The only problem there is I'm likely to slap down a donation and take off with the hottest lady in an instant. ;) There definitely has to be some kind of introduction at a set time. I would have liked to have been able to put more faces with the reviews I've read.



Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You did good last time and am sure the next will be good also. Not a fan of the speed visits though. Bring the ladies and the men will come.
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