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Sps with smelly & dirty feet: does it bother you?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Years ago there was a new hottie who quickly became very popular because of her beauty & sweet personality. I had her on my must-see list. Then a reliable contact of mine reported to me that he had seen her, but he was somewhat disappointed: she had dirty feet when she showed up at his place. He figured since he had paid top hdh dollar for this hottie, that at the very least her feet should have been clean. He attributed it to the fact she was only wearing sandals on that day. I kind of felt the same way he did, so because of the image her 'dirty' feet had created in my mind, i crossed her out from my list & sadly never did see her....which i regret to this day.

Another time, one of my buddies reported to me that an sp he had just seen had very smelly feet. He told me that he had noticed she had arrived wearing sneakers & wasn't wearing any socks. Maybe that was the reason for her smelly feet, who knows. But once again, i had to cross out this hottie from my list because of the reported 'smelly feet'.

Have you ever experienced this? How do you feel about it? What is your strategy if you notice that an sp you are seeing has either dirty or smelly feet? Will you ignore it, or would you have the nerve to ask her to go and wash her feet? :confused:


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Have you ever experienced this? How do you feel about it? What is your strategy if you notice that an sp you are seeing has either dirty or smelly feet? Will you ignore it, or would you have the nerve to ask her to go and wash her feet? :confused:
Hi all
No I have not experienced it ,I guess I didn't meet sufficient ladies I my career !:confused:
But I am really looking forward for Doc approved best smelly feet ,cheezeeee and fisheeeeee !:lol:
Would be extraordinary exceed the imaginary go for Doc approved !



Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
No I have not experienced it ,I guess I didn't meet sufficient ladies I my career !:confused:
But I am really looking forward for Doc approved best smelly feet ,cheezeeee and fisheeeeee !:lol:
Would be extraordinary exceed the imaginary go for Doc approved !

I haven't met that many either, but have met quite a few with either bad breath or having a bad odor 'down there', if you know what i mean. I attribute the bad breath to either smoking or bad dental hygiene. Pot smokers often have bad breath. The smell 'down there' is harder to pinpoint. Some have a theory that many girls start having that smell when they get turned on. I honestly don't know if it's a myth or if it's true. Personally, i attribute it more often than not to a yeast infection, which can also be caused by antibiotics (which could have been used to cure a urinary tract infection). Or simply caused by poor hygiene, who knows. Another one that gets me is the smell of condom when i'm doing daty. I really don't like that & why i prefer being client #1 when i see someone.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I haven't met that many either,
Hi all and Doc
Whats wrong? have I been avoiding those fisheee smells all does years ?
If the number exceeds zero you definitely have the upper hand ,I concede .

Instead GFE experienced maybe they start promoting" stimulate all your senses" The SAYS experienced even better then PSE .
And smell
Experienced the ultimate smell !:lol:




Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I saw one recently in Laval and it wasn't her feet that was the problem, her ass and pussy reeked ! I suggested that she slip into the shower to freshen up and she got pissed that I would ask her to do that. I asked her when she last washed ......down there and she got even angrier at which point I asked for my money back and left. Feet I could have dealt with lol

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Never had a problem with feet...

I supose your sandal wearing SP could had simple step in the shower... it would had all clean them.

For the smelly tough... well nothing much to do, i had this problem when i was younger, i don't today anymore but as long as i don't put my shoes with no socks and such... But when you do its really hard to make it go, washing it can help for "in the moment" but as soon as you put back your shoes... I had a friend that i stayed with wich had a TERRIBLE feet odor, he would come back from the job and it would smell even in my room even tough he took a shower in the bathroom. That was horrible... he seem to have fix most of it these days, but its really something you can't control too much.

On the other hand when you have sex... sure its something you would notice. Would i be totally gross out by it? I don't think so as long as the odor i not super strong. I mean usually a person would know she has this and would find a way to at least down it a lot.

In any case actually i have been lucky with SPs so far, never had bad odor really. Worst i had was a remain of cigarette smell , being not a smoker it bothered me a bit but thats about it.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Are you trying to become the #1 thread starter of ALL TIME "round these parts", Cowboy? :lol:


Sep 24, 2009

Either I haven't noticed or have yet to meet an SP with 'dirty feet' so...

If it did happen I do not believe that I would be bothered that much by it unless the feet in question were incredibly smelly/dirty.

I am much more vigilant when it comes to "booty smell" and bad breath, those two are instant turn-offs. I have perfume for smelly butt-cracks.

Lily from Montreal

Feet odor is age related,it peaks in the teenage years and go down about midtwenty or so...if your sp of choice is very young...still that doen't excuse the dirtiness...hum..maybe you guys can rise your standards ? Some of you seems to put up with innacceptable behavior...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I was in Little Rock Arkansas and I had this honey going at the bar. It wasn't met to be so I called a Backpage girl (my local favorite was out of town). I was horny as all hell and I needed to get laid. In walks this backpage SP milf or Mom I Dont Want To Fuck (MIDWTF) with bare feet. They were dirty. I decided she would keep her clothe on her give me a BJ.

Yuk!!! Dirty feet? What else is dirty. I want everything on my SP to done up to the 9's, down to the smallest detail. I am willing to pay so get that pedicure. If the places that you can see are dirty than what about the places you can't see such as many of the pleasure orifices? How clean can they be? Plus I like to suck on really beautiful feet every blue moon too on a super hot chica.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Never met a SP with smelly / Dirty feet.

I'm not into foot fetish and I truly do not pay attention to this part of the body.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Hairy toe knuckles give me the shivers.........


New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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Being a foot lover I really hate dirty feet and it's such a turn off.

I remember seeing one popular SP sho had nice feet but when I went down to play with them they were dirty and I lost interest.

I've only experienced one SP who had smelly feet which again was a real turn off.

But in general dirty and smelly feet is a rarity. Thank goodness!!!


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
I can't tell how many times I have had foot fetish guys contact me and ask me to see them with dirty stinky feet, the stinkier the better! Thing is, my feet just don't get that smelly, it would take days of not washing...there's no way, that's just too nasty.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I can't tell how many times I have had foot fetish guys contact me and ask me to see them with dirty stinky feet, the stinkier the better! Thing is, my feet just don't get that smelly, it would take days of not washing...there's no way, that's just too nasty.

Just walk there with to the session with your shoes off?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I wonder how sps would feel if their johns would welcome them with smelly and/or dirty feet? Would they make them clean up before the action is about to begin? :confused:

On another note, one time i was giving the sp the business in piledriver position and that's when i noticed that the bottom of her feet were very dirty...i must admit that it took my eyes of 'the business' and the sight of her feet kind of made me go a tad soft. It was too late by then to politely ask the lady to go in the bathroom and wash her feet. No big deal, really, but i wish i would have noticed her dirty feet earlier.


Nov 11, 2012
It would bother me greatly, but luckily I have rarely encountered it. Most of the girls I have seen have actually had very nice, well-taken care of feet.

I suspect this would be more a problem with amateur/fly-by-night SP types, rather than professional agency girls or independents who understand there is at least a basic standard they need to upkeep.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010

I love nice feet and think it's an important part of a feminine woman. Anyone else out there agree agencies should show SP's feet? Nice feet are a huge turn on.


Nov 12, 2005
I wonder how sps would feel if their johns would welcome them with smelly and/or dirty feet? Would they make them clean up before the action is about to begin? :confused:

On another note, one time i was giving the sp the business in piledriver position and that's when i noticed that the bottom of her feet were very dirty...i must admit that it took my eyes of 'the business' and the sight of her feet kind of made me go a tad soft. It was too late by then to politely ask the lady to go in the bathroom and wash her feet. No big deal, really, but i wish i would have noticed her dirty feet earlier.

Interesting revival of a thread...

I'm with Doc on this one. Dirty feet and smelly feet are big no-no's. :nono:

No-no for me, and reciprocated, no-no for the SP. We should both be squeaky clean. :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2011
I would think the time they spend in the bathroom at the beginning of the encounter, would be to freshen up and double check the goods. Obviously incalls they should be checking before we arrive.

I've never met an SP with nasty feet but I have hooked up with a girl who just had dirty feet cuz she was wearing sandals. I had white sheets and I didn't want to offend her so I told her that I felt dirty and that she should join me in the shower. She thought I was trying to be romantic but actually I just wanted to secretly wash her feet.

I guess you can apply this to an SP cuz she can't really get mad since you didn't mention anything and if she figures it out... Then she'll think you're really polite
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