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Recent content by 2fast2slow

  1. 2

    Do you ever just have BJ only sessions?

    dont watch a lot of porn anymore, but I know the site Swallow Salon very well lol. What a great concept. A sexy 'health clinic" where you go for a 'therapy'. The spa i frequent a lot can come close sometimes
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    Do you ever just have BJ only sessions?

    this thread caught my attention as i have had many bbbj only encounters lately. When it works, it really works lol In the past even though i was ready to explode in bbbj i would stop it to finish with fs. But often that finish would be like 'meh' compared to what i thwarted minutes earlier...
  3. 2

    Trump's Tariffs and Trade War

    i guess the difference is that we have a free trade agreemennt with the US and Mexico (signed by the orange king himself), and now trump is using an illegal work around to impose tariffs (fentanyl). We did not have a free trade agreement with China. So that comparison is apples and oranges...
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    Approaching women

    gimme a break. False equivalency that men being raped is an issue like women being raped. Go to war-torn countries and see how many men are being raped as compared to women
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    Approaching women

    i dont understand, does that mean that women are dating each other? because the population is basically 50-50 men and women
  6. 2

    Russian invasion of Ukraine imminent, BBC reports

    The traditionnal position of liberal democracies, like Canada, Europe and formerly the US (and other countries), is that democracy is "good for business", and enshrines individual liberities. The US acted as the world's policeman for a mixture of reasons, like the fight for democracy, but...
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    How important is DATY to you?

    i used to love to perform daty, but something changed over the years. I have only performed daty like once in the last two years. I still love looking at a beautiful pussy, and the desire to perform daty is still there, but when i am actually face to face with a woman, in the moment, i dont...
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    Sonia Von Sacher on local radio

    caught this by chance. I give credit to Geneviève Pettersen for even talking about this. And i've heard her mention sex workers here and there on this local radio station, so I think she...
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    crudely phrased, but true lol
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    An American's Apology

    ahTrump! the great unitor or dividor?? only he could make our common canadian sense of patriotism soar. Maybe a good reminder we have it too easy in Canada. I am a big fan of the century intitiative. We need Canada to be a bigger country. Hey we have the room! 100M population is a start...
  11. 2

    Condom oral sex

    So I tried Unique condoms and I really like them. thinnest condoms on the market at 0.01mm. Non-latex. Basically like putting a thin layer of saran wrap on your dick. Definitely more sensation. For blow job as well as full service, Actually when i came, i could of sworn it slippd off, for...
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    Condom oral sex

    i found this article really makes me want to try Unique condoms. Only 15 mirons thick! 3x thinner that the thinnest latex condoms. They say the only drawback is the price...
  13. 2

    Snow Day! how does it affect our hobby?

    i have wondered if snow storms bring out clients who have slow days at work and nothing else to do, or keeps them away... Personnaly, since i'm always on a schedule, i avoid hobbying on snow days
  14. 2

    You’re SP never calls you by you’re Name!

    interesting OP. I always use my real first name in this business, and i am a guy that repeats a lot. I know for a fact some of my regulars over the years knew my name very well, but they never verbalized it or even used it in has crossed my mind more than a few times that after a...
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    2 hours at incall agency

    2 hr minimum is really targeted marketing, but hey if there is a market for that...
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