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Recent content by Anna Bijou

  1. Anna Bijou

    No Black men

    And no one is saying they don't have that right? The issue isn't about respecting a SW decision. It's about recognizing they have the right to see who they want. Just not to pretend it's not rooted in racism. But... Speaking of pattern recognition? I'm sure it has nothing to do...
  2. Anna Bijou

    The Trump Crime Family

    Audio of Trump on Gaza: "I’d like Egypt to take people and I’d like Jordan to take people. You're talking about a million and half people, and we just clean out that whole thing…" (Sound up) That word is ETHNIC CLEANSING. He's disgusting. Biden is disgusting. They're literally...
  3. Anna Bijou

    Perils of this hobby

    Does she know the travel part was a fantasy that wasn't going to change from fantasy to reality? Because if not, that's what is commonly referred to as carrot dangling. Just saying. That's something every independent learns, (often the hard way) and it takes a while to get good at catching it...
  4. Anna Bijou

    Restaurant thread....the best place to eat...Where!!!

    Oh.... Pupusas are soooo good. (Also great if the person you're with has celiac) I've only had it from the same place, La Carrera, but my Columbian friend tells me Doña Maria is the best.
  5. Anna Bijou

    Restaurant thread....the best place to eat...Where!!!

    I was telling someone you have to remove the skins and they didn't believe me. It was one of my friends who argues about everything (if I'm arguing it's because I'm right!). She argues because she thinks she's always right when in fact she's always wrong (because I'm always right or else I'm not...
  6. Anna Bijou

    Restaurant thread....the best place to eat...Where!!!

    Almost went the other day. I have an appointment every 2 weeks fairly close (relative to my place) but I didn't end up going. I probably will next time. Do they have kebe or just falafel? Lol Has to be fresh! And directly from the counter, not already packaged. Also, that's the vegetarian...
  7. Anna Bijou

    Jane's Addiction, Fight Onstage In Boston Last Night

    True story.. Jane's addiction was playing when i lost my virginity on my boyfriend's brother's water bed sometime last century. :p hahaHa I loved jane's addiction soooo much. I had a really cool t-shirt with the artwork from Ritual de lo habitual album (the original artwork. My actual cd...
  8. Anna Bijou

    Restaurant thread....the best place to eat...Where!!!

    Interesting. I used to go with a colleague who knew the owners. I think the rest of the family owned a restaurant as well, not vegetarian/vegan though. The owner was pretty young (I'd say my colleague was 40 ish & probably around the same age as the owner. It's a long time ago though. i could be...
  9. Anna Bijou

    Restaurant thread....the best place to eat...Where!!!

    Yes, I know what you were referring to. I was just teasing you :p
  10. Anna Bijou

    Restaurant thread....the best place to eat...Where!!!

    It's a man's name in this case but ok LOL :p .
  11. Anna Bijou

    Restaurant thread....the best place to eat...Where!!!

    I've never been able to have it turn out good. So frustrating i stopped trying lol No one i know has either. Maybe I'm picky, idk. I like what I like. Like for fattouch salad, I've tried it at so many different restaurants and always disappointed. Aside from Daou, I've made some pretty good...
  12. Anna Bijou

    Restaurant thread....the best place to eat...Where!!!

    I've had their falafel once and thats only because they served it to us by mistake. It was actually really good but i haven't ordered it again as i honestly don't order it anywhere because I'm always disappointed. Being vegetarian, it's often my only option for protein to replace meat in pitas...
  13. Anna Bijou

    Trump rushed off stage at rally…

    The lawyers have it all already, so nothing to leak with most of them taking plea deals or serving time . Haha
  14. Anna Bijou

    Trump rushed off stage at rally…

    Can someone explain this? I don't understand. How does it even make sense? He has a bunch of other footage and pics from various angles. I don't get it at all. I see a lot of males but ok let's pick the one woman to blame? We already know the shooter was male. They always are...
  15. Anna Bijou

    I messed up. What are the odds of me catching STDs or HIV

    Agree although it is quite possible as (i think someone's mentioned it already), the "receiver" is a lot more at risk of transmission than the "giver". Yay for the "receiver", eh? (sarcasm, obviously lol)
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