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Recent content by cpp433

  1. C

    25% Tax on American Tourists

    I gotta say i find this all a bit strange. For decades canada has charged the US higher tariffs than we have on them, perhaps the most egregious being dairy products Yet we did not boo the Canadian national anthem, throw tantrums, or make calls for canadian tourists to be charged anything extra...
  2. C

    The Rising Cost of the Hobby and Rate Increases

    250 is average to me, it is what it is
  3. C

    The Rising Cost of the Hobby and Rate Increases

    Blew over this thread before, but came into town this weekend and spent $560 for 2 hours with a lady and that was INCALL! So i also had to transport myself to and from her, OUCH!
  4. C

    State of Massachusetts Brands All Clients of Prostitutes as "Sex Traffickers"

    Quite surprising in a fanatically leftist state.
  5. C

    Where are some good breakfast restaurants in MTL?

    That mister steer place had good breakfasts but it has been a few years since i ate there, but i think its been around since the 60s so i assume its the same
  6. C

    Do you have a SP to-do list?

    Charlotte-euph Lucy-sens Estelle-xo Bianka-sens Devon-xo Nadia- vog Mila-luxury
  7. C

    Perils of this hobby

    You better hope it lasts, because if the agency knows who you are by handle you are openly admitting you are seeing their girls outside of them, you are finished with that agency
  8. C

    How important is MSOG to you?

    It’s absolutely crucial, 1 sog is an absolute dealbreaker
  9. C

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    Serving people food, and having sexual intercourse with them are so not even remotely comparable that you simply cannot be serious and are just trolling. Yes the situation i laid out is exactly the same, of you refuse a marginalized community you are hateful of that group by the definition of...
  10. C

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    I would like to take this time to apologize to the community and make an admission. After some deep inner-reflection i have come to the realization that i am a gay bashing homophobe. Allow me to explain. I believe that males that have sex with eachother arent really any different than us...
  11. C

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    You misunderstand, nobody has to behave in ANY way, you may choose not to see whomever you see fit for any reason no matter how minute, and that is ok
  12. C

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    Well most people understand that racism means you hate a certain group, or see them as inferior just because of their race, because someone chooses not to let them stick their dicks in them doesnt mean they hate or see them as inferior beings, it means they just dont want to share their bodies...
  13. C

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    You must be willing fuck someone of any/every race or your racist, ok glad it’s clarified
  14. C

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    Fuck everybody or your racist, nice to see how low the bar of “racism” is these days
  15. C

    Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

    Yes, you should stop seeing anyone that you aren’t comfortable seeing, for any reason that you see fit
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