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Recent content by donethis4years

  1. D

    Detecting LE

    From personal experience, you have to be careful of the clients ( undercovers) that come in and ask just for the finishing and options!! They will try to convince the receptionist to flag the whole cover charge and skip the massage for just 15 minutes as they want only the "happy ending". Thoses...
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    Police suspect man had other sex-trade victims

    What??? Buddy....that has got to be the most insane comment i have ever heard!!!!:eek: They dont pay taxes , so they deserve to get beaten!! Wow, talk about collecting people!
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    Sensual Maude - Thank You MERB Members!

    I'd love to WIN I love christams!! And to spend some time like Maude, well its christmas and a dream come true!!:D
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    Gt ..........

    Sana??? He guys!! yesterday I saw this girls at the gt , I think she told me her name was Sana, but stupid me, never asked where she works or number! Does anyone have 411 on this girl?
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    Anyone know a good divorce lawyer?

    great lawyer If you really want a great familly lawyer ( divorce) the law firm of Robinson Sheppard Shapiro has a great lawyer, just to tell you how good she is, my friend that he himself is a lawyer went up against her through his own divorce, and got wiped clean!! There are aparently lots of...
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    Booking Problems and what to do about it...

    No control We have to realize that agencys and MPs don't have any say when it comes to avalabilities of the girls, most of them work when they need money right away,or know when a good client is gonna call or come!!! When I had my MP, I was at the mercy of my staff!!!! And I had to tell...
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    Miss GORGEOUS BOOBS February 2009

    Anyone know Miss October 2008? great looking girl
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    Is carbonneau truly the coach we need in Montreal ?

    Get rid of Carbo? Too bad Gainey and Carbo are such close friends, because in any other team the coach would of been long gone!!
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    Preface to an Expose

    For those who think that they know what is in this expose even one iota, they are not only humouring you but themselves as well, for no one has ever seen what I have written. Someones' full of themselves!! Can't wait to read a book that's gonna reconfirm to me that this industry is full of...
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    Gros seins elles sont mince ,naturel,jolie poitrine OneClickVicky et Natasha de Nadya

    I vote for THE Bitchelor! I'm not that picky, I'll take either or, but my vote goes for the Bitchelor!!! Her's look great!!!:p
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    Power Failure Protocol

    in dark I would of taken the option in the dark, been wanting to do that for a while now:cool:
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    Art in the eye of a needle - a must see video!

    Can't read or write Still made 20 million dollars! Wow! Wonder how small his teachers feel now:cool:
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    Villanueva Family to Sue Police

    Tracy Hi Tracy, sorry you feel that way, I have had a few situation where i was harrased by police officers, on a daily bases. Followed, stop and threatened. The story is rather long, but the ended up siezing some of my belongings and told if I complained they would take it a step further...
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    Villanueva Family to Sue Police

    Way out of your craddle! Not quite sure which bubble you live in, but here in CANADA civilians' have rights and there are a shit load of places , offices, and organizations to go and have thier rights excercised! When you have a problem with police, there is the federation of police...
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    Villanueva Family to Sue Police

    Sorry! Sorry, K.I.M, i do not feel the same sympithy as you do. When you jump a police officer, for what ever reason, expect them to use extrem force! If you feel that a police officer is abusing his power, there are proceedures to follow and file complaints. The solution is not to use...
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