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Recent content by EvaLuna

  1. EvaLuna

    Eva Luna - New duo promotion - treat yourslef, it's december !

    Don't miss on our December promotion ! Book 1 hr for 600 Book 90min at 1000 and get 15min for free Book 2 at 1200 and get 30min for free Regular donation...
  2. EvaLuna

    EVA LUNA - Delicious and sexy red head - New duo partner - Don't miss on our launching promo - 514-416-8652

    NEW DUO AVAILABLE WITH SEXY JUDY December promo - Don't miss out Book 1 hr for 600 Book 90min at 1000 and get 15min for free Book 2 at 1200 and get 30min for free For contact : 514-416-8652 (TEXT ONLY) [email protected] Regular donation **per ladies 60min 350 90min 580 2hrs 680
  3. EvaLuna

    EVA LUNA - Delicious and sexy red head - New duo partner - Don't miss on our launching promo - 514-416-8652

    TGIF - Treat yourself today with some sexy time. Available until 10pm.
  4. EvaLuna

    EVA LUNA - Delicious and sexy red head - New duo partner - Don't miss on our launching promo - 514-416-8652

    **** EVA LUNA **** AROUSE YOUR SENSES, IMMERSE YOURSELF IN A WORLD OF PLEASURES. Let me be your object of desire. Visit my website for all the details Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 514 416 8652 Book 1 hr for 600 Book 90min at 1000 and get...
  5. EvaLuna

    Montreal Escorts Official Best of year 2022 discussion!

    I'm agree with that the booker of the year .... for sure you see the girls but all the works I the back stage is us the booker
  6. EvaLuna


    **** EVA LUNA **** AROUSE YOUR SENSES, IMMERSE YOURSELF IN A WORLD OF PLEASURES. Let me be your object of desire. Can't make it today in person or you are too far away to meet me ? Let's have some fun together with custom virtual meeting. Visit my website for all the details Website...
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