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Recent content by Fred Zed

  1. Fred Zed

    MERB site maintenance and downtime.

    Just a heads up, tomorrow around 7PM we will begin maintenance to our servers. Unfortunately there will be 2 - 3 hours of downtime as long as all goes to plan. Thank you for understanding.
  2. Fred Zed

    MERB Message Blast

    Hello, We have been testing out a new advertising feature where we allow our advertisers to send sponsored messages to our members. We believe it is a good opportunity for members to be presented with SPs, Agencies and special offers that they may have not previously been aware of. If you...
  3. Fred Zed

    MERB Message Blast

    Hello, We have been testing out a new advertising feature where we allow our advertisers to send sponsored messages to our members. We believe it is a good opportunity for members to be presented with SPs, Agencies and special offers that they may have not previously been aware of. If you...
  4. Fred Zed

    Server time out issues for the past few days

    Has nothing to do with Xenforo. TERB and PERB are also on Xenforo and they work perfectly. Its a cloudflare security blocking issue or with the server. We will most likely put MERB on a new server soon.
  5. Fred Zed

    Still Need Help? Post Your Questions Here!

    Yes that is put in place to prevent DDOS attacks from foreign countries where they typically originate. That is not necessary in Canada
  6. Fred Zed

    MERB acting slow / not loading page elements --MARCH 15 20201

    We are in the process of moving our sites to new servers. The sites will be up and down, fast and slow now and over the weekend. Thanks for understanding
  7. Fred Zed

    Merb website issues

    The website will be up and down, fast and slow until through the weekend when we move everything to brand new servers. Thank you for understanding
  8. Fred Zed

    Changes on MERB to lead us into our next 20 years

    It wont be ignored, we are looking at all options
  9. Fred Zed

    Changes on MERB to lead us into our next 20 years

    we are gonna be changing a few things shortly and that will be one of them. Thanks .
  10. Fred Zed

    June 1st Reopening

    Enough with this discussion on rates. A lady has the right to charge whatever she wants. You have the right to book someone within your budget. If you refuse to pay her rate or cant afford it, move on and find someone within your budget. These rate discussions are not only repetitive, they are...
  11. Fred Zed

    Important, please read

    Bump please
  12. Fred Zed

    Very slow log in

    Hello, Merb is under maintenance and should be fully functional again by tomorrow. Thanks
  13. Fred Zed

    Important, please read

    Ok so we have all been on a rough ride these past couple of months and i sincerely hope that nobody in our community has lost any love ones to this disgusting disease. If you have, our deepest condolences are sent your way. Next step... we are reopening the advertising sections to all Agencies...
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