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Old name: Goddess Athena now I'm Goddess Inanna
Since my childhood I have unknowingly practiced tantra as well as edging. From experience I have always sought to increase my orgasm as well as obtain it without any direct contact on my yoni.
In 2017, I bought my first book on tantra and I understood that I was not that weird and that my instinct naturally led to this practice. In short, the neo tantra suits me better because I do not put myself in a box. I love white, red, pink and dark tantra! I believe also I can all mixe them to create the best result. Also I believe that the universe brings me very special peoples on my path to give me the greatest interest in my practice:
- This completely deaf man who taught me the importance of rhythm and its sensitivity to his other senses and therefore the importance of cutting off one sense to amplify another (dark tantra)
- This man who touched himself in a very special way who gave me the interest in studying lingam massage in more debecaso then I discovered the external prostate The root chakra.
- This man who trusts me and opens his heart to these sexual traumas (white tantra)
-These mens who come to me to live the tantrism experience and realize with amazement that they can obtain grandiose orgasms without even ejaculating.
- Those who come to me and we connect in a sexual energy really powerfull! That much powerfull that after 15 edging they couldnt even have their orgasm but left soo amaze. Make me réalise the truth about this powerfull sentence: it's not about the result/orgasm but its all about the journey
I realize that the exploration has only just begun and letting myself be guided by my instinct and the one of my patients/clients is my greatest strength. All that book I read make me realize I have to follow instincts! I will also continue my journey into a intensif chamanic tantric formation to become a certified teacher in May
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