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Recent content by GreyPilgrim

  1. GreyPilgrim

    An American's Apology

    Before this thread becomes a dumpster fire, this Canadian would like to apologize for all the anti-Trump anger misdirected towards Americans in general. Truth is, looking around, we still have waaaay more in common than pretty much everyone else. It’s just… you know, between Russia coming down...
  2. GreyPilgrim

    An American's Apology

    …but they tolerate someone shamelessly gnawing at the pillars of their democracy? Come on. Shutting out media, bullying legislative officials and elected state representatives into submission, blackmailing allies… please tell me again how Americans are too proud to tolerate the kind of crap we...
  3. GreyPilgrim

    You’re SP never calls you by you’re Name!

    Look, I don’t know what to tell you. Either she doesn’t know your name or she does and would rather not use it. In either case, you can resolve the issue by simply… talking to her. If you can discuss and agree on the weirdest kinks and fetishes prior to a session, I can’t imagine it’d be a...
  4. GreyPilgrim

    You’re SP never calls you by you’re Name!

    Unless you have gone through a rigorous screening process, the sp has every reason to believe your moniker to be just as fake as hers! And let me tell you this: I’d rather be called babe, honey, sugar, daddy or mister than being called by some random first name in the middle of the action! ;)
  5. GreyPilgrim

    Décès de David Lynch

    No other filmmaker ever conveyed with such nauseating clarity just how it must feel to slowly slip into complete and utter madness. Dick Laurent is dead.
  6. GreyPilgrim

    Avoir un petit réseau d'escorte

    That whole concept… What you’re describing right there… that’s already basically MERB! Granted, over its 20+ years of existence, this forum has sort of grown into its own subculture. The vernacular… Exaggerated reviews… Inflated scores… White knighting… Gate keeping… SPs that never age… it’s...
  7. GreyPilgrim

    Name a SP you always wanted to see but couldn't...

    I can confirm: Worth. Every. Penny. Just once, a couple of years back, I splurged on a 2 hour PSE booking with her. Quite simply some of the best sex I’ve ever had! The fact that she’s now such a prominent figure and advocate of sex work makes her even more attractive to me. A national...
  8. GreyPilgrim

    What’s a luxury that most people don’t realize is a luxury?

    I got two words for you. Hot. Showers. I rest my case.
  9. GreyPilgrim

    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately?

    Well, I mean… I guess that 6 o’clock ice-cold Stella Artois on the front porch was pretty much pure bliss after spending the better part of the day tearing up the flooring of my flooded basement! So… there’s that! ;)
  10. GreyPilgrim

    Normal dating & true love after years of hobbying

    Maybe it’s just me, but… reading this whole thread in one sitting, you seem awfully quick to dismiss most of the advice you’ve been offered here. Are you really looking for advice or just want validation? Almost everyone here seems to be saying the same thing: you’re playing with fire...
  11. GreyPilgrim

    Fingering: The basics

    Can’t argue with this. Incompetent teachers do exist. And yet I’m willing to bet they don’t represent the vast majority. With the obvious exception of the 2020 vaccine blitz, nurses have mostly been just as present in classes as they were pre-Covid. As for the teachers being...
  12. GreyPilgrim

    Fingering: The basics

    Let me clarify. First off, for the past 6 years, sexual education has been classified as mandatory by the ministry of education. For everyone in Quebec. Everywhere. Public and private schools. The best parents can hope for is get their child dismissed from the classroom for the duration of the...
  13. GreyPilgrim

    Fingering: The basics

    I can 100% confirm both of those statements are false.
  14. GreyPilgrim

    Etiquette when dealing with an Agency

    My advice: contact the agency and be as transparent and open as you’ve just been... but do it one step at a time. Don’t swamp them with all your questions/requests in one go! First, I agree with everyone here: do your own homework, read the reviews and make up your mind about a couple of girls...
  15. GreyPilgrim

    At what point, after meeting someone, do you call it quits?

    First off, credit to you for simply for taking a step back and pondering the situation. Not everyone does. It shows significant consideration towards that potential love interest of yours. Second, as I’m sure you know, you’re the only one who can really make that call… because you’ll be the...
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