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Recent content by Johnsnarky

  1. J

    The Struggles of Men with Large Penises

    no no. it has nothing to do with cameras or voice recorders. the bookers/owner will ask the girls just how it went with clients especially when they are new. kind of a safety measure but also just for their own information type thing. it’s common.
  2. J

    The Struggles of Men with Large Penises

    i guess as a comparison i am just over 7" length and i just checked.. 6.25" girth at the base but probably 5.75 more in the middle. i have seen a lot of girls over the last year and yes a lot of them have mentioned i am bigger than the average but i have not really ever been refused a service...
  3. J

    Why did XO change the url of their web site?

    lol who fucking cares
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