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Recent content by Like_It_Hot

  1. Like_It_Hot

    25% Tax on American Tourists

    I see you couldn't do what you promised...
  2. Like_It_Hot

    25% Tax on American Tourists

    To resume, you use a fake number, a fake FB account... remind me of an Orange Fake President USA is #1 in the world for incarceration / population (excepted China and Russia) USA is #1 in the world for breast augmentation / population
  3. Like_It_Hot

    25% Tax on American Tourists

    Your business is simply making money, as all business. If you wanted to spread joy and love, your services would be free or affordable for the mass. Don't push your luck too far. :p
  4. Like_It_Hot

    25% Tax on American Tourists

    Seriously? You should be despaired to write such a comment and pretend to be a proud Canadian. You should be very sad that the carbon tax will be scraped by Carney. You lost 90% of your arguments promoting RabbitHair. And your remaining 10% was PM Trudeau that you hated calling in woke, castro...
  5. Like_It_Hot

    25% Tax on American Tourists

    Just talking to you 2 minutes, she will know unless she is very stupid.
  6. Like_It_Hot

    Trumps tarrifs how do you feel about it ?

    For stupid Trump, those cars are Canadian because they are assembled in Canada. And for us it is a plus are a lot of Canadian workers construct them. As you said, there is not a single car (maybe Tesla aside) because of the strong integration of this industry. Take Magna, a Canadian auto...
  7. Like_It_Hot

    Trumps tarrifs how do you feel about it ?

    They are not technocrats, just plain idiots. Transgenic mice just means introducing new DNA within the genome of a living mice. It can be what you said, but it can also be a modified mouse DNA controlling a foreign gene as the Luciferase gene from the firefly (yes the fly), to find what...
  8. Like_It_Hot

    No Black men

    Nice shot bringing in abcc11 gene in the discussion.,is%20associated%20with%20colostrum%20secretion. But yes a good hygiene generally control bad odors produced by bacteria which proliferate in a humid area.
  9. Like_It_Hot

    Trump's Tariffs and Trade War

    Completely false. All the $ collected from carbon tax is given back to taxpayers. In QC we don't see it because we don't pay Carbon Tax. This is a silly/false argument developed by conservatives to gain votes. The reality is when the Carbon Tax will be scrapted, by Poilièvre or Carney, a...
  10. Like_It_Hot

    Provider showering at the beginning of session

    I think that explaining the situation and saying this "shower time" is on you will clear out your expectation and the SP will know if if she is ok with that. In fact she can just jump in the shower for a refresh before action starts. When I visit and "incall", I have taken a full shower...
  11. Like_It_Hot

    Best Bond?

    Next Bond should be about a machiavelic Russian president, manipulating a mad and stupid USA president, making alliance with him and trying to takeover UK. And of course Bond will defeat those mad men leading sick countries. Rowan Atkinson should be the one leading the dance as 007.
  12. Like_It_Hot

    Does Canada need a DOGE?

    C'est tout ce que tu as à rapporter??? Pas fort! Retourne lire les insanité de Pierre Rabbit Hair.
  13. Like_It_Hot

    Does Canada need a DOGE?

    Parlant de dépenses inutiles non censurées par le DOGE de Trump. Trump est allé au Super Bowl et en fin de semaine au Daytona 500 pour faire un show de boucane. Imaginez les coûts en sécurité pour quelqu'un qui prétend couper dans l'inutile. Un gros show de boucane pour les imbéciles.
  14. Like_It_Hot

    Does Canada need a DOGE?

    Ce sont des organismes indépendants, contrairement à ce que tu prétends. Le Directeur Parlementaire du Budget a souvent prévenu que le gouvernement ne rencontrerait pas ses cibles. Cependant, la décision finale incombe au Gouvernement. C'est lui qui est élu. Ces organisme font rapport au...
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