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Recent content by Loblaw

  1. L

    How do you make sure you are ready to be rimmed

    I got one unexpectedly once, I screamed like I was stabbed.
  2. L

    What`s the longest Penis that you`ve ever seen or heard of.

    There are never to alike out there. When I was going to school I knew a girl that worked part time in a convalescence home for invalids. They had to wear diapers and had their asses wiped by someone else. This girl told me that there were patients with foot long bloated penises that were in that...
  3. L

    California courts may consider legalizing prostitution

    It exist now and is tolerated, especially in the SF area. If it is decriminalized then the trend may spread across the country.
  4. L

    Montreal election, good or bad for the hobby?

    When politicians and network TV want higher approval rating they go after the sex trade.
  5. L


    It is for security that SPs use their own condoms. I know a sp that even goes the extra step and puts a goop of spermicide in the tip become the condom is put on.
  6. L

    Asking girls for BBFS

    If a SP is offering BBFS it is because she has nothing to loose.
  7. L

    Are reviews getting too long?

    When there is too much fluff in the reviews I just turn off and go elsewhere. All is needed is the facts and maybe a 1 to 10 rating on pertinent facts.
  8. L

    Hobby : What are your parameters, how far do you go?

    I have about a 30 minute travel time to get to a SP or MP. So a total of 2 hours max. for a 1 hour visit. Distance is not the issue, it is traffic and time for the travel part. I have to have at least fair parking. If the parking is bad I avoid these places like downtown or near Decarie Blvd...
  9. L

    Grand prix fever !

    I only went to the GP once because it was a freebie. If you gave me free entry to see cars go round and round, I would say no thanks. To the parties, I will go.
  10. L

    grand prix mtl anti hobby campaigns

    Wait till then 375th. anniversary of Montreal next summer, I think there will be a crack down on every visible adult related establishment. It will take years before things return to what it was.
  11. L

    Sanders or Clinton?

    Trump is a fool to be president, it does not pay so good.
  12. L

    Terror attack in Belgium

    There should be a bounty place on their heads.
  13. L

    Italian mafia owns 80% of mtl construction contracts!

    My question is, will the kick backs and pay offs stop now that there may be people watching these transactions.
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