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Recent content by LookAlike

  1. L

    How important is DATY to you?

    Oh ! So I have competition.
  2. L

    Ask us anything part 3

    If there is more than one page, I jump to the most recents.
  3. L

    Ask us anything part 3

    Intéressant, je me sent moins seul…
  4. L

    Ask us anything part 3

    Oh! That’s a very personal concern. Not sure you will have an answer.
  5. L

    Is “this” for rich people only?

    I do not understand your point of view. I am the owner of an amg Mercedes and I do not see nor feel what is has to do with my sexual market value.
  6. L


    Some years ago, ihave been told that I look like Keifer Sutherland.
  7. L


  8. L

    Joke Thread

  9. L

    Joke Thread

  10. L

    Joke Thread

  11. L

    Joke Thread

  12. L

    What makes you c*m almost instantly?

    J’ai l’impression de me lire moi même ….
  13. L

    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately?

    Oh! Une personne d’expérience …
  14. L

    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately?

    That what I was asking for : opinion. You have a good point.
  15. L

    Random thoughts: What’s on your mind lately?

    Je voudrais revenir sur le sujet principal de ce tread : Random thoughts, what is in your mind lately. What’s in my mind reading this thread (and others so popular) is not very sexy. C’est une question de langue (sans jeux de mots). J’ai remarqué que la majorité des contributeurs des fils de...
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