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Recent content by Nebs

  1. N

    Do you like playing pool?

    J'aime bien le Scratch à Brossard près de Panama et il y a le Winston bar juste a côté
  2. N

    Which ethnic group or race of women do you prefer?

    I didn't vote 'cuz i don't make difference between races. I understand culture and/or personality may have influences in a relation, either sexual or social but i just can't generalized with races. Example, I have a lot of affinity with Ebony women, but not with some of few country of Africa...
  3. N

    Woman who stops on road for ducks is found guilty.

    I meant versus the situation that happened here. See the photos That's the point of my intervention in my first post. I thought laws were based on facts and actions, not from consequences. But looks like I'm wrong. Other thing, if you drive in the center lane of an highway and someone on the...
  4. N

    Woman who stops on road for ducks is found guilty.

    Right the situation here is different. They have plenty of room to avoid the ducks despite of that, three of them did stop completely. They were very lucky nobody get hurt, hit or killed. Prosecutor Annie-Claude Chasse had a message for motorists. 'What we hope is that a clear message is...
  5. N

    favorite current tv series...

    Unfortunately it is not playing on TV, but people still talking about it everywhere. @Merlot I'm quite sure the red lady will resurrect him, as that religion has the power to. Remember in the cave, back to season 1 i think, I forgot the name of the guy but he died many time then got...
  6. N

    favorite current tv series...

    I'm not a TV watcher but I'm a big fan of Game of Thrones. Also Watching House of Cards on netflix
  7. N

    Viagra or Sildenafil cost seems to be on the rise

    You should not believe every articles you find. Almost every medias exist to make money not to inform people. Did you know that wolves don't eat salmon flesh because it's poison to them. Saying something has rat poison doesn't means much afterall Saying that I will never buy pharmaceutical...
  8. N

    favorite bière / beer

    Route des épices from Brasserie Dieu du Ciel
  9. N

    Agencies that use photoshop, what's your thought?

    added some point of views to avoid any confusions of the motive of the poll or discussion
  10. N

    Agencies that use photoshop, what's your thought?

    It pretty obvious that some agencies modify in any way the look of their models. The most eloquent is the complexion, which has been modified to look perfect, almost unreal. The skin looks like plastic in some case. Needless to say that i'm not talking about hiding tattoos, face or distinctive...
  11. N

    Camille crimson

    She never meets strangers, I know that because some guys (on social networks) push their luck and try to get a date with her, even for a coffee and she always reply very nicely. Cuz, yes she is very cute but a very kind person as well.
  12. N

    Questions sexe légal

    Je vais paraître un peu bizarre et extrapoleur en disant ceci mais bon. Je serais contre la légalisation simplement parce que c'est un marché lucratif et que si on légalise ce marché il est évident que soit l'état ou les syndicats voudront avoir leur part et ceci mènera inévitablement à des...
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