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Recent content by Onthebottom

  1. O

    4 more years of Bush, OMG.

    LOL, from the Al Gore school of class..... OTB
  2. O

    4 more years of Bush, OMG.

    You're not really that stupid are you? OTB
  3. O

    4 more years of Bush, OMG.

    Ah the Liberal elitism that caused the Left to get their ass kicked (again) in loosing the White House, an additional 4 Senate seats and 5 House seats. Keep it up, please ...... Can you name the ONLY midterm election where a sitting President GAINED seats in Congress - yeap that`s right...
  4. O

    4 more years of Bush, OMG.

    While Kerry and Bush each got 49% of the Collage graduate vote, Bush won the income > 50k convincingly - so if you're smart AND do something with it..... OTB
  5. O

    4 more years of Bush, OMG.

    Kerry won the high crime areas of the high crime states ;-) OTB
  6. O

    Why the whole world detest Bush?

    You felt better when the murder and torture wasn't on CNN - how brave you are. OTB
  7. O

    Can we just turn our backs?

    We're leading the multilateral effort on both North Korea and Iran so I don't understand your point. The administration is proposing to permanently move 70k troops from Europe and Asia back to the US. I don't think we are short of troops in the US for homeland security, we're lacking good...
  8. O

    Why the whole world detest Bush?

    All of the large economies have run deficits over the last 3 years - as an effort to spur growth after a recession. Japan runs a larger deficit (as a percentage of GDP - which is the only measure that matters) and France / Germany run a third less of a deficit than we do. Japan has an...
  9. O

    Can we just turn our backs?

    Think about this The ambassador from Iran was on the Charlie Rose show last week (PBS in the States). He outright said that Iraq was better off without Saddam and while he though the invasion was "illegal" that it would be better for the Iraqi people. Remember, this is a government that has...
  10. O

    Why the whole world detest Bush?

    You’re welcome. CD is not going up but the USD is going down. Check the CD against the Euro, Pound or AUD if you want confirmation. Did you notice what happened to your economic growth when your currency value went up against the dollar? Weak, very weak. OTB
  11. O

    Why the whole world detest Bush?

    Wrong, unemployment is a rate of those LOOKING for work that can’t find it, and the official rate is lower than when Clinton ran for re-election. You can’t really blame Bush for job losses during the Clinton recession and after 9/11. The Economist estimated that 1.5M of the jobs lost were...
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