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Recent content by Stx

  1. S

    How did you get started with the hobby? And have your interests changed over time?

    For me, I was introduced by a friend (we had previously had a short fling) who was working in the industry. I would say the biggest impact it has had on me is that it really commodified sex and sexuality. Certain kinks or fantasies are almost impossible to do with civillians but readily...
  2. S

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    I find it fascinating coming home from treating covid patients all day and learning about all these secret miracle cures from our merb doctors. You guys are the true heroes of this pandemic.
  3. S

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    My apologies for not being clear, I was referring to the Harvard study posted earlier.
  4. S

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    Another thing to consider with respect to that study is that it only looks at vaccination vs number of covid cases. It is a very simple study looking at statistical correlation. Of course, the reason why there is no decrease of cases as vaccination increases is because restrictions get removed...
  5. S

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    This all comes down to hospitalizations. It's that simple. It's just basic math. The ressources in healthcare are limited and cannot support tens of thoussnds of covid patients. If everyone who caught covid and got very ill stayed home and died in their bed, the rest of society would not care...
  6. S

    The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.

    With cases stabilizing despite the colder weather and return to school, and vaccination rates creeping higher slowly but steadily, for the first time since the pandemic began, we can say that we seem to be on our way out of this whole mess. The passport clearly seems to have had its intended...
  7. S

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    The sooner these clowns sre suspended the better.
  8. S

    The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.

    Comparing the murder of millions of jews at the hands of the nazis to a vaccine that is saving millions of lives is absolutely idiotic and disgusting.
  9. S

    10th Anniversary 9/11 - Still a Very Sad Day

    And to think the Taliban inaugurated their new government on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. What a disaster of a war this was for the US. The incompetence of Trump and (to a much larger degree) Biden means that after 20 years of investment, the US has nothing to show for it. They gave the...
  10. S

    Why does it seem that religion and sexual liberalism are diametrically opposed?

    From a more sociological perspective, a big reason explaining the sanctity of marriage is property and inheritance. The combination of that no longer being a big issue and easily accessible contraception is a big reason as to why sexuality is no longer as restrictive.
  11. S

    COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine

    It is fascinating seeing so many people choosing to take the word of idiots on social media over that of scientists and doctors. And unfortunately, it is not only limited to our resident crazies on MERB. I saw a patient yesterday who came in to get the whooping cough vaccine to protect her...
  12. S

    The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.

    Ta réponse au point 1 est entièrement éronnée. Il va falloir que tu explique ton argument avec des études scientifique récentes, car je peux te dire que la médecine n'est pas de ton coté. Le risque à la santé d'attrapper la covid vs recevoir le vaccin est incomparable. La pillule de viagra que...
  13. S

    The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.

    Many interesting philosophical and ethical points have been raised in this thread, but many if not most fail to fully understand the epidemiological situation we find ourselves in. 1. The vaccines are the only way out of this pandemic. 2. The covid vaccines are some of the greatest...
  14. S

    The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.

    As gallantca explained, with the arrival of delta the idea of defeating the virus has been abandoned. The vaccinated can still catch it, transmit it, in rare cases get very sick from it and, in extremely rare cases, die from it. There is also the potential issue of waning immunity over time vs...
  15. S

    The vaccine passport (QR code), a new debate.

    I can assure you that many vaccines are effective enough to prevent infection. It primes your body to detect the foreign pathogen asap, so if your body can clear it before it can establish itself then you do not get infected. That was the case before delta, the vaccines were astoundingly...
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