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Recent content by t1_1895

  1. T

    Don't marry career women? Furor over Forbes article

    Well I'm married to a carrer woman. She makes enough dough to hire a cleaning lady & many of our meals are prepared in advance by a chef. Warm it up & eat a great supper - my job is to open the bottle of wine & do the dishes... It's a great deal 'cause I don't feel like cooking either after my...
  2. T

    Why do nice guys cheat?

    Finished reading most of the posts (sorry, some are just toooo long !) .... speaking for myself, I hobby because there is no emotional involvement. I pick up the phone make an appointment et voila ! I'm naked in bed with a pretty girl who will work very hard to please me.:D How great is that...
  3. T

    Speeding ticket: Can I invalidate a ticket if the time is not indicated clearly?

    Sure you can contest the ticket. It all depends on your tolerance to risk ... How much is the fine ? How much income will you loose spending the day at the courthouse ? Do you risk loosing your drivers license because these are your last demerit points ? How was the speed trap set-up? One...
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