Hey sexy !!
How have you been ??
I missed you !!!
It is been a little while since i got a new review here on Merb, here is one recent from Terb :
New reviews !!
Here is my main ads for more pics/infos/links for reviews:

How have you been ??
I missed you !!!
Here is my schedule for the next month:
*In Montréal between March 5th and March the 18th
*In Toronto 19/20/21/22/23rd
*In Montréal the 24th between 3pm and 6pm
***OFF from March 25th to the 2nd***
*In Montréal April 3rd/4th
***OFF 5/6/7/8/9/10th
Prebooking is highly recommended !
Kiss kiss lovers xoxox
See you soon !!
It is been a little while since i got a new review here on Merb, here is one recent from Terb :
New reviews !!
Here is my main ads for more pics/infos/links for reviews:

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